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Everything posted by etexter

  1. etexter

    GeForce Pro doesn't like Windows 2000....

    Have you tried using the latest VIA 4in1 drivers from http://www.viatech.com ? There was a fix in the latest agp driver for the Det 6.18 drivers and the chipset your motherboard is on. Hope that helps.
  2. etexter

    All my PCI and AGP cards share the same IRQ!

    Yeah, I did a little more research as well. Once Win2k boots up with a fully complain ACPI motherboard, it'll use the IRQ steering feature to assign all the pci cards the same value (Usually 9). It ignores whatever you set in the BIOS which is kinda funny, but I haven't actually had any problems either. Everything is great.
  3. etexter

    All my PCI and AGP cards share the same IRQ!

    I think it's something funky with the Intel 815E chipset. When I poweron, I can see all my irqs are different, but when I actually get into Win2K Pro. It tells me they are all on IRQ9 which is bogus according to the bios post. I haven't figured out what is screwy in Win2k yet.
  4. etexter

    Good TV Card?

    I'm pretty unhappy in general with the Studio DC10Plus I have now. The software support is horrid and I wouldn't hold my breath for good Win2K Software. I'm going to check out the ATI cards and see how that works. The ATI AllInWonder Radeon is coming out end of August. That supports direct capture to mpeg-2 (dvd quality).
  5. etexter

    LiveWare 3 for Win2k and VIA

    I have a Pro133A Chipset and I have no problems at all with my SB Live Value on Win2K with the Liveware 3 drivers.
  6. etexter

    DIABLO II Crashing/Slugging Fix Here

    It's also dependent if you have a 64meg card or a 32meg card. Using the same drivers/machine setup moving from a 32 to a 64 meg card causes it to not startup in Direct3d mode whereas in DirectDraw it works just dandy.
  7. etexter

    Might & Magic 8

    I had no problems with MM8. I finished the game under Win2k. What kind of issues are you getting?
  8. etexter

    System Shock 2

    I've been unable to get the install to actually work in System Shock 2. It comes back and tells you Windows NT is not supported. I tried installing on a 98 machine and bringing over the install and about 4 or 5 registry keys and importing them into W2K, but that didn't seem to work either. I tried running setwin95.cmd on the shock2.exe after that as well just to see and that just made it shock2.exe crash out. Any suggestions on actually making it work?
  9. etexter


    I have one at home and I'll give it a try today.
  10. I've had no luck actually doing the install with "-Igntforce". My install still comes back and says it doesn't support NT. There is a problem witht he CD Check software they use and a patch is suppose to be coming out to fix that. I didn't see a date when though.