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Everything posted by fargo

  1. fargo

    Be honest now!!!

    Free, Betatester :-)
  2. As the topic says, now I can see my computer screen on my TV, HOWEVER it's in black n white (using composite, havn't tested with SVHS) and some other missing functionality
  3. fargo

    Someone hack the detinator drivers

    Got some TV-Out from my Diamond Viper 550 TNT too :-) black n white though but it was on the TV
  4. You need: One copy of Windows 2000 installed, preferrably 2195 but anyone should do; One file called dk52pupdate_i.exe from diskeeper.com 1) Unzip the dk52... file 2) Doubleclick on DiskeeperWorkstation.Msi 3) watch the installation and when done you have diskeeper 5.03 instead of the crippled verision that comes with win2000
  5. Glad to be able to help, just paying back for all the help I've got from this forum! Fargo
  6. I'll send it to shrink as soon as he is online, tested the newer update on my computer (with the earlier patch already on) and it happily uninstalled it and applied the new one so it doesn't see tha I have cheated before
  7. Sorry, you need the version from sept 30th, this one "properly" detects windows 2000 defrag as a non-update product
  8. What about: ftp://ftp5.diskeeper.com/zips/dk52pupdate_i.exe
  9. I didn't have it installed and have done it on several other computers, i don't have a 16885c.msi, just the other 2, they have removed the file that i am using from their website btw Fargo
  10. fargo

    LeadTek s8000

    Anyone got this mpeg car and tried it in windows 2000?
  11. fargo

    NTFS -> FAT32

    Converting the other way is no prob but how do you go from NTFS to FAT32?
  12. fargo

    ** AGP enabled in 3.69 ** (Yeehah)

  13. fargo

    ** AGP enabled in 3.69 ** (Yeehah)

    3.69 uscks bigtime, computer is sooooooo slow in normal operations and playing of mpg's, the computer is not usable and the slowdown comes gradually, it looked fine in the beginning, 3.68 works fine
  14. fargo

    NIC in Windows 2000

    Anyone tested Allied telesyn AT2500-TX ethernet card or micronet SP2500R/SP2500K in windows 2000?
  15. fargo

    McAfee Virusscan 4.03 **WORKING**

    http://www.mcafeeb2b.com/beta/tvdbeta/vsc/download.asp http://www.nai.com/beta/tvdbeta/vsc/download.asp
  16. fargo

    McAfee Virusscan 4.03 **WORKING**

    Use version 4.5 beta 1 instead, built in windows 2000 support
  17. Any download-links for the new 128 bit encryption for windows 2000 final for us non-americans?
  18. fargo

    MS Got a snitch??

    someone with a computername jay.... is trying to connect to your computer using the microsoft-ds protocol instead of netbios-ssn used in win9X
  19. I have 99b and I think they have disabled server access for this version of icq 2000 http://cb.icq.com/cb/alpha/v418/alpha.cb http://cb.icq.com/cb/alpha/v419/alpha.cb and so on No diff if left alone
  20. Give icq99 a couple of hours and it will work again, I have a couple of theories about this behaviour and none of them is nice, it happens when you try to use icq99 after you have tried icq 2000
  21. Anyone got ICQ2000a to work in Windows 2000? Mine just pops up a mess and the disconnects
  22. fargo

    Gravis GamePad Pro

    Gravis Gamepad PRO USB works fine in Win2k and have done so for a while (using 2195 120d now)
  23. fargo

    TNT drivers

    What about tvout then?
  24. fargo

    sblive gameportfix

    I bought a sblive value today and the gameport works fine without anthony's gameportfix for win2k. However, since i'm using win2k 2099 that could be the solution
  25. fargo

    C++ 6 WIn2K patch - where?

    if you are an official betatester it's on the beta windowsupdate