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About APV

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  1. APV

    Win2k and Age Empires II

    one more thing, if it only happens while you are playing in the zone. it has something to do with sync error, check mircosoft support site.
  2. APV

    Win2k and Age Empires II

    try the tech support forum at matrox.com, i saw someone with G400 has same problem check to see the solution that they offer work for you.
  3. APV

    Rogue Spear 16 or 32 desktop

    thanks, actually i am looking for if it will affect ping in multi game
  4. APV

    Rogue Spear 16 or 32 desktop

    This is a bit off topic but i am wondering should i set desktop color depth to 16bit or 32bit for this game and is there any differenc? TIA
  5. APV

    Win2k and Age Empires II

    no problem here with former TNT2 and now G400. expect your geforce have no problem too since it uses same driver as TNT2. Are you overclocking? I used to have same problem with my old Celeron 266 when overclock to 4x112, but problem gone when it is at 4x103.
  6. APV

    Be honest now!!!

    I didn't paid for mine, Bill gave it to me.
  7. APV

    Can you id this error

    no, didnot apply anything. it happens simply after i check my irq settings in control panel.
  8. APV

    Please help

    Hi, Today after I goto admin tools and look at things, (didn't change any settings) my event log under application log i got an error everytime i boot, source is Perfnet and error message is unable to open the server service, server performance data will not be returned. Error code returned is in DWORD 0. any idea what this is? I am using Retail W2K Pro, haven't find anything different after this error but it appear everytime i reboot.
  9. APV

    Can you id this error

    Hi, Today after I goto admin tools and look at things, (didn't change any settings) my event log under application log i got an error everytime i boot, source is Perfnet and error message is unable to open the server service, server performance data will not be returned. Error code returned is in DWORD 0. any idea what this is? I am using Retail W2K Pro, haven't find anything different after this error but it appear everytime i reboot.
  10. APV

    TNT 2 and refresh rate

    Hi, I am using NT 4.0 SP5, TNT2 set to 1024x768 at 85mhz, but whenever I play Quake 3 test, the refresh rate goes down to 60mhz, Q3T also set at 1024x768, it didn't matter at 640x480 refresh rate still at 60, any way i can set refresh rate in game?