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About Nero

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  1. Nero

    Transport Tycoon Deluxe Win95 ED.

    save this as ttd.reg and add it to the registry. You should edit the HDPath to the correct loacation REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FISH Technology Group\Transport Tycoon Deluxe] "Language"=dword:00000000 "Installed"=dword:00000003 "HDPath"="e:\\spil\\ttd\\" "UpdateMode"=dword:00000001 "RetraceSync"=dword:00000000 "MousePointer"=dword:00000001 "MidiType"=dword:00000000 "FullScreen"=dword:00000000 "ForceDIBSection"=dword:00000001 "SafeMode"=dword:00000000 "DisplayModeNumber"=dword:00000000
  2. Nero

    Mixing CPU's

    In the good old days of celeron and Pentium 2 you could mix these at different speed(e.g. a pentium 2 300 MHz and a celeron 366MHz) and it worked in win2k, but how stable it is I don't know.
  3. hmmm every time i run winamp (2.50e) in win2k RC2 my computer freeze after 0-200 sec. really annoying. any suggestions(I tried to change the sound acceleration but it didn't work)? My system is: Abit BP-6 2xceleron 400@558(93 MHz FSB) sound blaster live value(non-shared IRQ, uses the drivers included in RC2) G400 Max + RR-G Oh by the way check this side out if you own a BP-6. [This message has been edited by Nero (edited 06 December 1999).]
  4. Nero

    Troubles with ASPI & Pioneer DVD 103s

    I got a 103s and it works with the aspi-layer from adaptec. If you have adaptec cd creator try to install the aspi-layer by running aspiinst -force from disk 1.
  5. Nero

    Abit BP6 USB controller and Win2k

    I faound a way to make the USB controller work: disable PNP OS support and asssign a IRQ to the USB controller in BIOS. worked for me
  6. Nero

    HPT66 on BP6 Not working for me.

    It works for me just grab the drivers at http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/bp6/bp6beta2.zip and remember to upgrade the BIOS.