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Everything posted by yuG

  1. yuG

    Two NICs?

    Hey, anyone know if RC1 can support two NICs? This is in a dual cpu machine FYI, the cards work fine when they are by themselves, but stick both of them in and system freezes at the start-up screen. Any help appreciated, thanks. yuG
  2. yuG

    Two NICs?

    Thanks, I found out that the problem was that my last pci slot i.e. the one shared with the isa slot is bad, bleh. It works like a dream now. yuG
  3. yuG

    win2k RC1 and dhcp servers

    Hi, does anyone know of any problems that exist with RC1 and DHCP servers, because i currently am unable to get an ip from my isp, i'm on cable. I have to manually enter all the info. I've heard that dhcp doesn't work with non-microsft servers, true or not? Thanks.
  4. yuG

    win2k RC1 and dhcp servers

    Yah, I was just wondering if it was just me experiencing this problem, but thank lord no reboot after changing all my network stuff. Thanks for the replies.
  5. yuG

    Problems with DHCP and RC1?

    Hi, does anyone know of any problems that exist with RC1 and DHCP servers, because i currently am unable to get an ip from my isp, i'm on cable. I have to manually enter all the info. I've heard that dhcp doesn't work with non-microsft servers, true or not? Thanks.