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Aaron Berry

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Everything posted by Aaron Berry

  1. Aaron Berry


    I too had problems with sound, even with the latest drivers from Diamond, and with the reference drivers from Aureal. Bummer. However, the Microsoft WHQL certified drivers work just fine: http://www.microsoft.com/hcl/default.asp Only I have no A3D, 4-speaker, <insert cool feature here> at all. (Which is, of course, the reason I got this card and not a Sound Blaster PCI)
  2. Aaron Berry

    USB support?

    Microsoft's official position is that WinNT 4.0 will not support USB (but NT5/Win2000 will). Sorry. For the PS2RATE issue, you can edit your registry as follows: *** This is VERY dangerous, be careful and make a backup FIRST *** << taken from www.jsiinc.com - please help them keep this great info/product site alive>> If you have cursor flicker with a PS2 mouse, you can increase the sampling rate by browsing to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters Edit or Add Value name SampleRate, a type REG_DWORD. The default setting is 60 and the range is 60 - 200. Higher numbers are better. Note: If you have IntelliPoint software, replace i8042prt with msi8042. <<end>> I am not affiliated with JSI Inc. in any way. P.S. there is a PS/2 rate program for NT, but as a minimalist I just edited the registry to give a rate double the Q2/HL refresh rate I use. However, I do have both the 9x/NT versions burned on a CDR so if you want it, e-mail me. [This message has been edited by Aaron Berry (edited August 31, 1999).]