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Everything posted by euankirkhope

  1. boot.ini ntldr ntdetect.com and bootpart from www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm type bootpart winnt boot:c: might work might not! Of course a winnt emergency bootdisk, could be quite handy. Select repair bootsector.
  2. euankirkhope

    New video card to compete with ATI & Nvidia

    apparently the kyro took a down right kicking with Mercedes Benz truck racing, and some other game. But anyway, looks like excellent future technology. I look forward to hearing about the Kyro 3.
  3. euankirkhope

    Firewall and security

    OK i'd just stick with the wingate firewall, and after testing the network, at www.grc.com, you can add a firewall later. My network reports as stealth for all ports (this means that the server doesn't respond to outside requests, rather than saying, "no sorry I'm closed")
  4. euankirkhope

    Firewall and security

    I have wingate too. With the new beta 4.3 something, there is now NAT for win2000. You can't use a firewall with NAT on the server in addition to the existing internal firewall. You have to install the firewall (like zonealarm)on each client. If you don't enable NAT, and just use the standard ICS, with the wingate internet client monitor, then you can have zonealarm on the server. Basically the firewall blocks the NAT.
  5. I get that with wingate too. The message in my case is caused because IE times out before the server has established a dial up connection (even though with ISDN it's about 2 seconds). The message doesn't occur if there is already a connection established. IE tries once and once only apparently. I rate this nusiance second only to typing in an address, after starting up IE, and the default "home" page deleting your typing. :rage: :killMS: There must be a reg setting that sets the timeout or something. PS is IE6 still on the web?
  6. euankirkhope

    Win2000 install: Unable to install boot loader.

    Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by karna: Interesting name you got there. </font> What you mean? Is it rude in some other language? There's a space between Euan and Kirkhope!
  7. euankirkhope

    Best Method of Resetting a Win2k system over Network?

    thanks i'll look into it!
  8. euankirkhope

    Win2000 install: Unable to install boot loader.

    I don't understand the question. What are you trying to do? You can't install the bootloader by formatting the drive, or running SYS? The setup program will format the drive if you want it to. Note that there can only be 1 primary partition in MS systems, and also that the first partition must be an MS filesystem (IE no linux at the start of the drive). Just put the win2000 cd in the drive, and it will boot from the bios, as long as cdrom is set to the first boot device in the bios. You can also run the setup program from dos, run /i386/winnt.exe off the CD from DOS. Or you can run winnt32 from within windows using autorun. As WinMe is newer than win2000 it may not work, but should. If win2000 installs properly, but gives an error saying that the bootloader is not installed correctly, or winme just boots as normal, then get bootpart from www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm and use it to install the bootloader manually. USAGE: bootpart winnt boot:c:
  9. euankirkhope

    Geforce 3

    Last Officially supported drivers from ATI were September, Beta drivers 1 week ago + new Multimedia Suite V7.1. Nvidia aren't much better with "official" drivers, how many leaked beta drivers have there been 30? 40+? Yet they're only on Detonator 3! ATI's radeon drivers when from version 3063 to 7072 with no leaks, plus they have to provide Tech support and International languauge support in the drivers. Nvidia do none of this. With Winmark2001 it says the radeon doesn't support PixelShaders, Yet the DX8SDK demos work perfectly, it a conspiracy, I tell u! Overall the drivers aren't that bad. It just isn't too good at doing geforce optimised code, look at many of the Tranzmit demos.
  10. euankirkhope

    Urgent help needed!

    disconnect the mouse.
  11. euankirkhope

    does anyone have a gigabyte motherboard

    the sensor is probably knackered, My first gigabyte had a faulty CPU fan speed indicator, it was always at 0. Its just one of those things that doesn't merit rejecting a PCB for.
  12. euankirkhope

    Rounded Scsi cables??? - Where to buy?

    just scrunch them up and either tape them together, ot use cable ties. But apart from that don't split the ribbon cable into individual strands, becuase the ground wires are important, and must be kept in between the signal wires to stop cross-talk.
  13. euankirkhope

    Old SCSI card

    I just installed an old Adaptec 1542 non PnP. I reserved IRQ 11 in the bios, and it works perfectly. When you install the card, you have to do it manually, IE it isn't detected. You have to select SCSI and RAID controllers, and then adaptec... The next part is important. Enter the IO range, I've got mine at 130-133, and set the DMA (5). These should come from the jumper/switches on the PCB. If the settings are not correct, the device will not be activated, and thus windows will use the IRQ for something else!
  14. euankirkhope

    PC 133 on PC 100 motherboard?

    I bought dirt cheap (new) 256MB pc133 stick yesterday, when I put it in my althon, with the original pc100 128MB, the pc at bios post would count the first 128MB fast, slowdown for the next 128MB, then speed up again for the last 128Mb. Then when I tried to boot up win2k it continually crashed BSOD. Then after a while a stop error appeared and said my mobo was ACPI incompatible!. With winme, the pc would boot up. As soon as I pressed enter to logon the PC would either reset, or a wininet.dll error appeared and explorer died. Beos would work fine for a few minuites then reset. I tried the 256MB by its self, but it didn't count the memory properly, different every time. Tried mixing the order, no go. On a good note though it is working perfectly in my brothers dell PC. So he can play with 384MB until I take it back. ------------------ System Spec: Athlon 800 Gigabyte GA-7IXE F4 128Mb SSi PC100 Radeon 64Mb DDR (oem and proud of it) Hauppauge Wintv Model 406 Realtek 8029 LAN (cnx to ISDN server) Creative ES1371 PCI64v Creative SBlive Value Creative 48mx CDROM Memorex TriMaxx200(DVD/CDR/CDRW/CD, 4,6,4,24) Segate SS330630A 30Gb 7200 ATA4 LS120
  15. euankirkhope

    Setting different DMA mode in Windows 2000

  16. euankirkhope

    DMA not working in Win2K /w MVP3 Chipset

    The other post had a link to Busmaster drivers for win2000. Here's the link http://www.soltek.com.tw/downloads/drivers/580_3011.exe It works.
  17. euankirkhope

    new hdd...

    I ***ume you have: a. moved the old harddrive to another location/cable? b. have removed it. c. have copied the data from old one to new one? If a >> put the old one back to primary master (or where ever it was) If b >> same as a If c >> same as a, the boot sector is gone. make a bootdisk. if the bootpartition FAT or fat32 then get bootpart from www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm and boot to dos then repair the bootsector. If the partition is NTFS, either use your emergency repair disk and win2000 CDROM setup and pick repair, or use an NT bootdisk and use bootpart from within win2000. Also try disabling UDMA66, and check UDMA100 is not set in the harddrive's bios.
  18. euankirkhope

    Packaging a computer monitor for a train ride.

    You'd be lucky if you can even get it in the train door!
  19. euankirkhope


    My radeon is brilliant. No probs. Check out www.rage3d.com forums to see what everyone is moaning about.
  20. euankirkhope

    need boot sector help rapid!!

    There are two options. Boot partition is NOT NTFS goto www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm and download bootpart. run bootpart from dos (or winnt) not 9x use /? switch for instructions but I think you do bootpart winnt rewriteroot:c: If the partition is NTFS. your pretty much up Sh** creak without the EBD. I would try installing win2k on another partiton this will then write a common bootloader in the primary location (where it was before). Then the other installation should be back in the menu. If for some chance the original installation is not listed use the bootpart from within winnt to add it to the bootmanager: bootpart winnt WindowsNTsBackagain bootimge.nt
  21. euankirkhope

    DMA not working in Win2K /w MVP3 Chipset

    I've got the exact same problem, except the cdrom is on the other channnel. As its been a while since I messed with MVP3's, is it just me or has the Via busmaster for Win2k gone missing from the 4-in-1? The Bios says its UDMA2, but win2k says PIO. some of the other threads look promising though. I'm using an MVP3 Lex mainboard BN566 at the mo.
  22. euankirkhope

    How to enable bass and treble..

    Its Greyed out.
  23. using System Memory for textures doesn't really work in win2k. Get a 64Mb card like me! ------------------ System Spec: Athlon 800 Gigabyte GA-7IXE F4 128Mb SSi PC100 Radeon 64Mb DDR (oem and proud of it) Hauppauge Wintv Model 406 Realtek 8029 LAN (cnx to ISDN server) Creative ES1371 PCI64v Creative SBlive Value Creative 48mx CDROM Memorex TriMaxx200(DVD/CDR/CDRW/CD, 4,6,4,24) Segate SS330630A 30Gb 7200 ATA4 LS120
  24. euankirkhope

    Motherboard options

    There is something bad about all boards. I'd recommend my setup, no probs ------------------ System Spec: Athlon 800 Gigabyte GA-7IXE F4 128Mb SSi PC100 Radeon 64Mb DDR (oem and proud of it) Hauppauge Wintv Model 406 Realtek 8029 LAN (cnx to ISDN server) Creative ES1371 PCI64v Creative SBlive Value Creative 48mx CDROM Memorex TriMaxx200(DVD/CDR/CDRW/CD, 4,6,4,24) Segate SS330630A 30Gb 7200 ATA4 LS120