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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. Ronin

    MP3 Ripping

    What program(s) work under W2K for making MP3's Thanks, ...
  2. Ronin

    How is SBLive! under Win2k?

    Works great, just get the latest drivers.
  3. Ronin

    MP3 Ripping

    I downloaded Audiocatalyst 2.1 and works great. I have Musicmatch Jukebox 5.x that came with my SB Live card but for some reason it won't work right. Thanks, ... You can get Audiocatalyst 2.1 from: http://kickme.to/audiograbber/
  4. I have Power DVD version 2.0 - Retail, but it will not work under Windows 2000. So for the hell of it I downloaded Cyberlinks 1.5,1.6 to 2.55 patch. After installing the patch I now have Full DVD under W2K. There is a link below to download the patch. I have just finished watching the Matrix and there where no lockups of problems. I have not tried it with other versios, but if you have version 2.0 this patch will work. What I did: Installed Ver 2.0 then rebooted, installed the patch rebooted again. Ran power dvd and everything is working great. Here is the link: http://www.cyberlink.com.tw/english/download/upgrade/dvd_patch.asp
  5. Ronin

    PowerDVD vs Live!

    Don't you people get it!!! Programs that work under W9X but don't work under W2K means that the program,drivers, or hardware is not compatible with W2K. Wake up people untill a program is released or drivers are released for a application and or hardware chances are they will not work proerly under W2K ...
  6. Ronin

    Pissing in the Wind!!

    I'm so tired of the bull**** with W2K, what a joke of an operationg system. It's great for the buisness but all you gamers who try all these lame ass drivers are just asking for problems. The OS WILL NEVER BE A GAMING OS. It may play your games but you will never have the same features that you get running plain old W9X.
  7. Ronin

    Pissing in the Wind!!

    Please, I'm not saying that games don't work, **** we know some do, but the OS does not run all current games and hardware like W9X does. And like I said it never will. That is the point hardcore gamers will use the OS because they play one or two games, but mainstream users will not and that is what it's all about. Please don't write listing a 10 or so games that run that is not why I posted this thread. People need to wake up to the fact that the W2K will never run all games like W9X does. Seems like I'm the only one saying that. Everyone must be in denial or someting. I know I'm going to be cursed and called every name in the book, but why **** with an OS that does not perform like it should and was not written for playing games. Also there is the issue of hardware support which in itself is a joke when it come to Sound cards and Video cards. I'll save that for the next thread. ...
  8. Ronin

    Pissing in the Wind!!

    I'm not trashing the OS, I have W2K server running my DHCP,WEB and FTP at my office. I love the new look and the stability it brings to the buisness world. It's just not a gaming OS, it never will be, and not to mention that there are still alot of harware issues that frankly will never be resolved to work properly. I just find it funny that people visit this forum to try and resolve driver problems when clearly the drivers are not ready or they are using hacked drivers that are not for the public in the first place. ...
  9. Ronin

    the full real liveware2000 not just 15meg

    I'll wait till the morning and grab it with my T-1 at work. Hope this works. ...
  10. Ronin

    I'm Sorry

    But I guess I'm to picky. All of the fixes and bull**** that we are having to do just to have a half-ass OS are just not for me. I want all my hardware and software to work, not just half of it. Don't get me wrong W2K is great but I have just did my last install of it untill all the driver and program fixes are out. ...
  11. Is everyone having a problem with the Mixer Control and Speaker Control not working? ...
  12. Ronin

    Dell's SBLive! drivers....

    I installed the new drivers and I have no access to the mixer controls. I did an upgrade from 98. So I installed the .inf and then installed LW3 from the cd and now I get the toolbar at top but still no mixer or speaker controls. You think I'm going to need to do a clean install? That would suck
  13. Ronin

    Windows 2000 Server rocks!!

    I received our copy of W2K Server at work today and let me tell you this OS rocks. I have Linux running my companies web and ftp servers but after installing and testing W2K server I must say that MS has done a great job. I'll be switching over as soon as more testing is done. The setting up of a web server and ftp among a lot of other things are just so much better than Linux. ...
  14. Ronin

    Whats up with Nvidia(W2K Drivers)

    Ya, I think that is what they want, hell why would you have one of the those cards. I have a 128 in one of the servers at work for just regular display. Get with the program, unless you don't really want to play games like they should be. ...
  15. Ronin


    With the launch date of W2K a couple of days away, I thought it would be appropriate to pose the question to all the faithfull on when we will see OEM drivers for Nvidia and Creative Labs SB Live cards released for Windows 2000? I think that Nvidia will release drivers by the end of next week. We all know when CL will release drivers. (We hope) I guess you could call it a contest with the winner getting bragging rights. ...
  16. Ronin


    Well we all know that, all you have to do is read the FAQ.
  17. Ronin

    What a pity, buggy W2K...

    I was anti-W2K but when proper drivers are released for my SB Live and Geforce and a few others I'll be making the switch. I have it running on my Compaq Presario 1825 and it runs great. I did a clean install and all my hardware was detected, not a problem. Just be patient it will all be ok. ...
  18. Ronin

    Gamma correction for Quake 3

    Am I just blind, or is there no gamma correction under Q3 and W2K. This really sucks because the game is so dark you can't even play. I have a Geforce card. Is there a fix or what?
  19. Ronin

    Networking Issue

    Why is it when I try to access a W2K machine from a 98 machine I'm asked for a password, well if I input the admin password of the W2K machine it tells me wrong password. Ok since there is only one password for my W2K machine it should work,,, right? So I went into network settings and set up a new share and have tried everything and it does not work. I have file and print sharing setup and I can see the W2K machine on my network, but I can't access it. I can however access any other machine on my network using the W2K box. Any ideas, ...
  20. Ronin

    Nvidia 3.76 Drivers

    Nvidia needs to get off there ass and release real farkin drivers that work. ...
  21. Ronin

    Nvidia 3.76 Drivers

    I gave up on W2K untill Nvidia and Creative Labs release there drivers. The hardlocks and the auto reboots and not having monitor refresh rates under games just sucks. But W2K does work great on my Compaq 1825 laptop. ...
  22. Ronin

    DVD Software

    What DVD software works under W2K, it seems that Power DVD which I have does not. ...
  23. Ronin

    DVD Software

    What version are you using?
  24. Ronin

    W2K in Georgia.

    Hey, Picked up my copy of Win 2000 from a local computer store. It's the real thing folks. The CD is the best part. If anyone lives in the Atlanta area and would like to know where to pick it up just let me know.
  25. Ronin

    W2K in Georgia.

    Yep, What does it matter, It has the holgram cd, and the sticker for the front of your pc. It's the real thing. And the best part is it only cost $150.00 for the full version not an upgrade.