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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. Ronin

    W2K in Georgia.

    The version number is 2195
  2. Ronin

    W2K in Georgia.

    Nope, This is the real thing, has the hologram cd (that is the best thing about W2K) The cd is so cool looking, and the little sticker with the Product ID# that you are supposed to place on your pc. I just noticed today that there are 2 other stores selling the same thing.
  3. Hey, I'm not getting any gamma control in Quake 3. I'm running a CL geforce the retail version of W2K and the lastest drivers. When Q3 starts the game is very dark and I can't change the gamma, I can move the slider but nothing happens. Any ideas on what is wrong and how I can fix it? ...
  4. Ronin

    Are you all idiots?

    According to Seldzar, I'm a ****in Idiot. hehe ...
  5. Just curious? Anyone know what the retail build # is for W2K? Is it 2195? Thanks ...
  6. Ronin

    What build is the retail version of W2K

    What if you have to put in a cd-key, would that be a timebomb version? ...
  7. Ronin


    Just wondering if anyone has any inside info on when we will see some real drivers for the Geforce and SB Live cards. Not hacked ones but the real deal. ...
  8. Ronin

    What build is the retail version of W2K

    Thanks for the Info....
  9. Ronin

    Let's face it

    I've installed W2K about ten times now, everytime I install it I do so because there is a new fix or new drivers that will allow me to play games better. But I have come full circle. Windows 2000 will never be a gamers os. There are just to many problems that will prevent it from every being that. MS as we can all see is not interested in us so I guess we will have to just either use 98 or Millenium when it is released. Just my opinion, What do you think? ...
  10. Ronin

    Let's face it

    I've installed W2K about ten times now, everytime I install it I do so because there is a new fix or new drivers that will allow me to play games better. But I have come full circle. Windows 2000 will never be a gamers os. There are just to many problems that will prevent it from every being that. MS as we can all see is not interested in us so I guess we will have to just either use 98 or Millenium when it is released. Just my opinion, What do you think? ...
  11. Ronin

    Let's face it

    Hey, Sorry for everything, I never said that the people here where did not know what they where talking about. But when a person just voices his opinion and get slammed, it just makes no sence at all. All I was doing when I started this thread was telling everyone what I thought, not asking for advise on installing anything or telling people not to buy it, just telling people what I think. And I guess this is just not the place for that. Why is it that every other word from you is **** this and you ****ing people this and you dumb ass this and **** you and on and on? Just remember I never asked for help on W2K, all I did was voice my opinion. And I get treated like that, tell me without using profanity how I deserve the treatment you have given me. And also tell me how I'm wrong in saying that at this point W2K is not for gaming and that when it is released it may not be either. Let's look at this, you think that the majority of the people out there who play games are going to go buy W2K just because it's play a few games but is much more stable. No only the hardcore gamers will and that's only about 10% There are alot of people that visit this board that don't know **** but are afraid now, just because you might rip there head off if they say something you don't like. Remember that most people are not as smart as you are.(me included) And remember how much of a dumb ass you and all of us where when we first started using computers. If people like me never posted threads like this then it would not be any fun. Merry Christmas ...
  12. Ronin

    Let's face it

    Another thing, I HATE 98, like we all do. But it's the ONLY OS like I said that plays all the games. And supports all the Hardware. I can't wait for W2K to see if it truly is what we all hope it will be. ...
  13. Ronin

    Let's face it

    Seldzar? Your quote. You games arent going to all work what-so-F**King-ever untill Nvidia or 3dfx and all hardware companies etc... release proper drivers and game deveopers issues patches(if needed) The drivers support in win2k FINAL is about this " " much more than whatever build your running now....so if it's not supported right now...tough sh*t buddy, wait till your manufacturer puts out some drivers or check the HCL. Also on the 17th EVERYONE is not gonna instantly make new drivers available, yes there will be some but not everything. And if your so god damn happy with using 98 for your gaming then go do it and stop annoying everyone here with uninformed posts and pointing to articles abot how win2k is not good for this and that. I'll show you 10 articles about how great it is for every bad one you put up. Not to mention they are all using Rc1 or Rc2 and maybe perhaps Rc3. But in the meantime. GIVE IT A BREAK! Unless of course you can see the future? I'm aware of that you Idiot!!! All I was saying was that I hope on the 17th when it's released that Nvidia and Creative Labs and the other companys have drivers available. I don't quite understand what your problem is. If I want to complain then this is the best place. If you have a problem with that then I guess you should look elsewhere for the forums that people are just so happy with the current software world. Why are you such an angry person? ...
  14. Ronin

    Let's face it

    God I hope W2K plays all my games, I have a Dual PIII 600 System just sitting here waiting to be abused. I can't wait till Feb 17th for the release. I'm hoping like everyone here that all the drivers are released for the hardware I have. ...
  15. Ronin

    Let's face it

    Great article on Gamespot about Windows 2000, not really being a gamers OS. Can I stir things up or what? Windows 98 is still the OS if you WANT TO PLAY ANY AND ALL GAMES. ...
  16. Ronin

    Let's face it

    Direct Quote from a review Cnet.com did on the final release of W2K. But hey what do they know. Read the whole review at http://www.cnet.com "Windows 2000 isn't for everyone, however. If you want a new OS for gaming or surfing the Net, you'll be better off with Windows Millennium, the Windows 98 replacement due out the second half of next year. And even if Windows 2000 is up your alley, you still have to wait a couple of months to get your hands on a copy. If Microsoft doesn't run into any snags, the boxed version of Windows 2000 will hit store shelves and start shipping with PCs on February 17, 2000, two months later than Microsoft had originally promised."
  17. Ronin

    Let's face it

    Well, W2K has gone GOLD!! I'll bet that there are no drivers included for us SB live owners or drivers (that work) for the TNT 2 or Geforce. I'm going to be waiting with baited arms to see when all the vendors release drivers for W2K. I know we won't see it untill Feb so this should give everyone plenty of time to build there drivers. It's funny that it's not going to be released untill Feb, I wonder if that has anything to do with everyone getting driver issues taken care of. Because MS could care less about us gamers. I hope it turns out to be a great OS because GOD knows we all hate 98. ...
  18. Ronin

    Let's face it

    Question? Why would MS release W2K and then six months later release Windows Millenium? It makes no sence, I know that the future is with the NT kernel but why release 2 seperate operating systems so close to each other. Hell none of this will matter in 5 years anyway. Linux will be just as strong as MS
  19. Ronin

    Let's face it

    Forget I even posted a message. You know there always has to be one guy who gets so worked up over someone just posting a message. I was just posting to vent my frustration over W2K and what happens? I get some guy giving me the defintion of what Beta means. Man I just had a revelation, W2k will be everything that all of us HOPE it will be. ya when monkeys fly out of my ass. ...
  20. Ronin

    Let's face it

    I've installed the drivers for my video card, but I have not tried the SB fix. You are right though there is really no reason to buy it. You know the thing that really bugs me is all the talk before the Geforce came out, and Nvidia saying they would have available for download W2K driver. Well I have not seen any yet. I just don't understand why CL and Nivida and all the hardware vendors can not release drivers for us to download. It's are problem if they screw are systems up, let us make the choice. But we are at there mercy. ...
  21. Ronin

    Let's face it

    W2K has been in beta for awhile now, why have none of the major 3D vendors released any drivers. Also CL has not released any drivers. I mean why do we have to run hacked drivers on an OS that has been in beta for so long and that will be released in the next few months. It just makes no sence. I like W2K but it's a pain in the ass to get things working. Oh my systems is as follows. Dual PIII 600 SuperMicro P6DBU (ALL Scsi) 256 Pc133 Ram CL Geforce Plextor UltraWide 40x Cdrom Yamaha 6x4x16X Sony 6x DVD 18 gig Cheetah U2W 18 gig Quantum Atlas III CL SB Live X-Gamer CL Digital 5.1 speaker system I would consider my system to be high end and the 2 major components of my system (Video and Sound) are not supported by MS. They are supported but sound only gives you 2 speakers and video only 2D, without using some haked drivers or having to follow some 30 page instructions on how to get your SB live card to work. Why is that? After all W2K has been in beta for a long time now and we have not seen a beta release of drivers from either of them. Quake 3 sucks because the gamma slider does not work al all. That is not id's fault that is because DX7 and the video drivers are not right. My 3Com ISDN card only works at 64K ( I have ISDN because I can't get cable or ASDL yet and that sucks I know) That is not 3Coms fault that would MS. I think everyone that thinks W2K is going to be a gamers OS is just dreaming. Windows Millenium will be a reworked version of 98 that's all. I don't think we wil ever see W2K be a gamers OS as much as 98 or Millenium and that is because MS has a different road that they want W2K to take. I'm worng (I can hear everyone say that) but everything that I have read and seen just tells me that W2K is not for the hardcore gamer. ...
  22. Anyone who is running a build of W2K and Quake3 couls you tell me if the gamma slider in the system\video settings is working under W2K. The last time I installed W2K and tried the beta version of Q3 the gamma slider was not working does anyone know if the full version is working now or is there a way to increase the gamma in the game. Thanks, ...
  23. Anyone who is running a build of W2K and Quake3 could you tell me if the gamma slider in the system\video settings is working under W2K. The last time I installed W2K and tried the beta version of Q3 the gamma slider was not working does anyone know if the full version is working now or is there a way to increase the gamma in the game. Thanks, ...
  24. Is it worth the trouble to use 2 CPU's under W2K or NT 4.0 I would like some info from anyone that knows the advantages of them. Thanks,
  25. I'm not having any trouble. I just want to find out some info on running Dual CPUs under either W2K or NT 4.0 I have 2 PIII 600's and a Supermicro P6DBU MB and just want to know if it's worth the trouble.