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Everything posted by Seldzar

  1. Seldzar

    dual processors help???

    You don't need to format nor do you need to hit F5. First if you go to device manager and get the properties of what's installed under Computer. Then click the driver tab and selct update driver. In here select display a list and select show all hardware of this device class. Under standard computers you can select MPS Multiprocessor PC. Then reboot. If you do a clean install and win2k doesn't detect that you have duel cpus there is definately something wrong. Check your bios and update it as mentioned above. [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 26 November 1999).]
  2. Seldzar

    Interstate '81 problems?

    Can't say I've played Interstate '81 but I do have interstate '82 and it works fine.
  3. http://seldzar.dhs.org Under the files section the liveware driver file.
  4. Seldzar

    RC3+V3 3k + Q3Demo = Not working

    Lucid, your drivers are not installed you are using the default ones. Reinstall the voodoo3 files from http://seldzar.dhs.org
  5. Seldzar

    win2k rc3 2183 voodoo3

    I just installed win2k and installed my drivers from http://seldzar.dhs.org Most games work good. If you look under compatability on the page above you will find a lsit of games i've played
  6. Seldzar

    RC3+V3 3k + Q3Demo = Not working

    What color depth is your desktop set to? Can't say i know why it's doing that. Boot into safe mode remove all voodoo3.sys and dll files and inf files and delete the 3dfxvgl and use the latest one from the latest win9x drivers. I'll update my v3win2k drivers. As well as the rest of the page. =)
  7. Seldzar

    win2k rc3 2183 voodoo3

    What problems are you having? My voodoo3 works perfectly and has worked perfectly in all builds since RC2.
  8. Seldzar

    RC3+V3 3k + Q3Demo = Not working

    Hey don't know what your doing wrong but i'm using RC3 and voodoo3000 with my drivers ( http://seldzar.dhs.org )and q3 in 1024x768 is a sweet 37-40fps in both timesdemos. The game is fine. What happens when you try and play the game?
  9. Seldzar

    Win2k better at o/c'ing than 98??????

    Hmmmm sounds odd.....I had my pc boot into 98 at 550(100x5.5@ 2.1 volts) but win2k would not boot it would blue screen on me right at boot up or partway through bootup. I really haven't screwed with it that much but 528 is solid for me. Be happy with the fact that it works good in win2k =) screw win98. [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 21 November 1999).]
  10. http://seldzar.dhs.org Under the files section they are there as well as the 3.56 drivers.
  11. Seldzar


    Nero works flawlessly in win2k. All you had to do was replace the offending file with the proper win2k verion from driver.cab on your win2k drive. [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 21 November 1999).]
  12. Seldzar

    Anyone getting Mortyr to work properly?

    After upgrading to one build(I can't remember which one) my mouse started to act funky in most FPS games(exactly as you describe). Go to your device manager and get the properties of your mouse and then click the advanced settings tab. First increase your sample rate to 100 =) then change the input buffer length to 200 or so. It seems to smooth everything out for me. [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 19 November 1999).]
  13. Seldzar

    Hmmmm cant get this to go....HELP PLS

    heheh thats funny. Now now I'm only not nice to people who either a) deserve it buy posting stupid sh*t or Not thinking at all or doing a little work on their own to solve their problem and rely on everyone else to do their work. I put up with it everyday at work no need for it here =) Now you have a very vaild reason for making a change and for free F**K pass one over here! =)
  14. Seldzar

    Hmmmm cant get this to go....HELP PLS

    Trouble filled? I can't believe you got rid of the voodoo3! This card is the most compatable card you can find with win2k. However the latest drivers for nvida aren't too bad. what were your voodoo3 issues?
  15. ummmmmmm No and no and no =) There will be no Direct3D support for voodoo2 until you get offical 3dfx drivers after win2k is out. No Dx7 won't give you d3d support(btw dx7 with the *older* files is now included in 2176, may have been in 2167 or 2151 as well, I'm not sure) and no you can't use voodoo3 Direct3D drivers. Hence they are called Voodoo3 drivers not Voodoo2 drivers. Those 2 cards are VERY different.
  16. Seldzar

    DMA in 2000

    Go into device manager and double click on primary ide or secondary ide channel under ide ATA/ATAPI controllers and select advanced settings. It's all there. Enjoy!
  17. Seldzar

    No games to play in Win2k. Help!!!

    Guarunteed it's the downloaded games, I have some of the same problems when I know the original game with the cd check will work. Oh well no loss. BUY the game =) [This message has been edited by Seldzar (edited 13 November 1999).]
  18. Seldzar

    Norton AV 2000 NT & 2176

    OK, heres the deal. I upgraded from rc2 to 2151 to 2167 to 2176 and norton was installed and worked fine from rc2. So I formatted and installed 2176 and now when auto protect tries to start it gives the error "NavEx15.Sysy device driver could not be loaded. Error status was 0xc0000221" followed by "Could not initialize NAVAP device" then "Unable to get drive status" Thinking I pooched something in the original format I formatted again and still the same results. This plain sucks. Perhaps RC3 will fix this issue but till then AGH!
  19. Seldzar

    Norton AV 2000 NT & 2176

    Update!! After rebooting with auto protect turned off and messing in the registry to have autoprotect look in the new definition folder not the old one(where it was trying to load the file and gettng the error)that didn't do anything. So copied all the files from the latest virus def folder to the original virus def folder and BOOM autoprotect turned on again =) Too much work! what the hell went wrong? who knows! But it works now so who cares and I know how to fix it next time
  20. Seldzar

    Voodoo Banshee trouble

    grab the banshee drivers from here http://seldzar.dhs.org I don't know if they are the same as the ones from beta OS but it's worth a shot.
  21. Seldzar

    Is there _ANY_ direct3d support?

    how true!
  22. Seldzar

    Scanners & Win2000

    Perhaps you should acutally check the MS compatability lsit for a scanner that is supported. http://seldzar.dhs.org clicl on compatability and then click on the HCL link.
  23. Seldzar

    Age of Empires 2 not working under W2K

    Well you can grab the latest drivers from my page right here http://seldzar.dhs.org That may help.
  24. Is your v770 Ultra a tnt2? yesssssssssssssssss then when it says tnt2 that means yes it will work for your tnt2.
  25. Seldzar


    Yeah Pharaoh works great but alas no sound whats so ever. I find it ridiculous that there's no sound but hey I my part and *****ed over on the pharaoh forum. =)