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Everything posted by Hugo

  1. Hugo

    Abit BP6 USB controller and Win2k

    What is the difference between 1.4 and 1.1, i.e. why is 1.4 better? Thanks. [This message has been edited by Hugo (edited September 23, 1999).]
  2. Hugo


    I know this has been talked about a lot, but I can't even get Windows 2000 to install on my Western Digital ATA/66 HD. It starts out fine, but then after loading up the new drivers from betanews.com for the ATA66 controller it chugs a few more seconds then as it says Windows 2000 starting I get an error to the effect of "can't access boot device..." Has anyone gotten this combination to work: Abit BP6 (dual celeron) Western Digital ATA66 18 GB HD Windows 2000 (build 2128) Thanks for any replies. I have tried the latest beta BIOS from the firingsquad.com, but it didn't change anything. I don't know if the flashing of the BIOS took or not as my BIOS date didn't change, still 06/08/99. Thanks again
  3. Here's my setup: 4 GB SCSI drive that has a 3.8 GB NTFS partition with RC2 on it and a 200 MB FAT partion. 18 GB ATA drive (FAT32). Everytime I try to install win98se on the 18 BG drive it gives me an error that I need a MS-DOS boot partition. How do I create this? Thanks a ton.
  4. Hugo

    HPT66 on BP6 Not working for me.

    I boot to a SCSI drive with my WD ATA66 as the next drive. RC2 boots, but it takes a loooonnng time, it sits there for about 3 min, but once it boots it seems fine. I am using the latest beta BIOS from firing squad and the latest drivers from betanews for the HTP366.
  5. Hugo

    Forcing D3D in UT

    Right now the demo only supports Glide, next week (after the release of DX7) they are going to release a DX/OpenGL version.
  6. Can anyone please tell me what are some ATA66 Hard drives that actually work with Windows 2000 and an Abit BP6? I have a Western Digital and it'll only work in ATA33 mode. Can anyone post what drives they have that work with this combo. Thanks!
  7. Hugo

    Abit BP6 USB controller and Win2k

    I have build 2128, BP6 with dual celeron 550s and no problems to speak of. So maybe the later builds will fix your problem. [This message has been edited by Hugo (edited September 19, 1999).]
  8. Hugo

    Duel Celeron Blue screens

    Here's my current setup, it seems similiar to yours: Abit BP6 with dual celeron (currently at 561 each) MX 300 Soundcard 3com 905B NIC TNT2 Ultra I've been running a UTdemo server all night and no crashes or blue screen. ALso I ran a MATLAB benchmark in a loop for a while and no bluescreens either. I still think that cooling that BX chipset will offer up some benifits. I haven't done anything special with my RC2 setup either.
  9. Hugo

    Anyone tried RC2 and a TNT2 for gaming?

    Is nVidia suppose to release some Windows 2000 drivers soon? I haven't heard anything, does anyone know something? I suppose with DX7 coming out soon they'll release some new drivers, hopefully those will fix all this Win2k stuff. (fingers crossed).
  10. Hugo

    Duel Celeron Blue screens

    I agree, I threw on a BGA cooler from Tennmax (www.tennmax.com) and it has made my system incredibley stable. I'd give it a shot, it's not too expensive either. The one from tennmax is nice, small, and cool......haha.
  11. Hugo

    Anyone tried RC2 and a TNT2 for gaming?

    Thanks for the reply, how about OpenGl games. Have you tried things like Q3test and TRIBES (in opengl)? Under 2114 nothing would work for me. Thanks again.