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Richard J. Nelson

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Everything posted by Richard J. Nelson

  1. Richard J. Nelson

    Where 2 get parallel zip drivers?

    All that you need to do to install a Zip drive out of Win 2000 RC1, is to make a change in the registry choose Run and type regedit, find the Hive Key. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services\Parallel\Parameters Value: ParEnableLegacyZip REG_DWORD:0x1, the default value is 0x0. Change the value and exit regedit. Make sure the Zip drive is plugged in and turned on. Uninstall any Iomega software you have installed. Restart the machine so it sees the Registry changes. The drive should show up. Now get on Iomega's site and download the latest NT 4.0 software for the drive. All you have to do is install them. The files that you need are (winnt_iom133.english),(copynt.exe),(backup.exe), and (findity2k.exe). Everything should work just fine if you follow these steps. Rick ------------------
  2. Richard J. Nelson

    Win 2000 and HP ScanJet 5pse SCSI

    Has anyone figuired out how to get this scanner to work out of Win 2000 RC1. It shows up as hardware here, but there is no way to control it, everytime I try to use it, it says that it's being accessed by another program, and the scanner can't be found. Has anyone had any luck with the thing, and if you did, how did you get it to work, with complete instructions. Thanks, Rick