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About Lurid

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  1. Lurid

    Abit BP6 USB controller and Win2k

    I have since found out that there is no fix for this problem as we need a new driver from Abit for the USB to work on Win2k, for everyone else that says it works for them I think they must be joking or they have versions later then my 2031 Beta 3 and have different drivers for it (which I highly doubt).
  2. Lurid

    Abit BP6 USB controller and Win2k

    I have the exact same prob, I have an Abit BP6 and am using the same version of Win2000, I have enabled the IRQ in the Bios like everyone suggested but it doesn't help, 2000 says it needs to free resources can anyone give me some help on this ????. (btw i'am not using any HPT66 hdd's)