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About Mal

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  1. Mal


    Can some one give me a quick rundown on setting up a vpn in w2k server? Thanks Mal
  2. Mal

    Entry Point Not Found

    Hi, I am getting a Entry Point Not Found error when i try to install any thing... Any Ideas? Thanks Mal
  3. Mal

    Liveware 2000 beta for Win2k HERE

    Thanks Shrink :->
  4. Mal

    Upgrading Build Versions

    afraid so... just update them to the old ones after the install is complete Mal
  5. Mal

    Upgrading Build Versions

    all settings are the same...except the drivers are updated
  6. Mal

    Voodoo3 in 2151

    Hi, Anyone get both d3d and Glide working in 2151 and Does anyone know when/if the TV out will work? Thanks Mal
  7. Mal

    Game Port On SBLive Value

    Can't seem to get my gameport to install on build 2151 any ideas?
  8. Mal

    New Build 2151 is out!

    Whats the site address... do you need a logon? Thanks Mal
  9. Thanks Guys got it finally working... Mal
  10. Hi, I am trying to share my files on my comp(win2k) with another computer(win98) on a home network... I can acces their files but they cannot access mine... when we try to access mine we get as prompt for IPC password...?... I tried ever password I could think of... any ideas Thanks Mal
  11. Mal

    Voodoo3 tv out

    Anyone know how to get the tv/out on the v3 to work in win2k rc2? Thanks Mal
  12. Mal

    Lexmark winwriter 150c

    is it possible to print using a Lexmark winwriter 150c in win2k.... i know its not supported... is their generic driverfs for just text? Thanks
  13. Mal

    Forcing D3D in UT

    Thanks Hugo
  14. Mal

    Forcing D3D in UT

    Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to force UT to use d3d. It only detects glide. (I have a V3) But other games do recognize D3D compatibility. Thanks Mal