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Stool Pigeon

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Everything posted by Stool Pigeon

  1. Stool Pigeon

    MS Sidewinder Force Feedback

    I noticed that the MS FF joystick has been added to the works in Win2k list on the this site. How did you get it to work? What driver did you use? What build of Win2k? Any and all information would be greatly appreciated as I have not been able to get it to work on build 2072.
  2. Stool Pigeon

    CD Changer under RC2

    I am running RC1 build 2072 and have the SCSI version of the Nakamichi 5 disc changer. W2K has assigned drive letters to all 5 discs. I hope this didn't get broke in RC2 otherwise I will have to stick to RC1.
  3. Stool Pigeon

    MS Sidewinder Force Feedback

    Thanks, I will give it a try next week and see what happens.
  4. Stool Pigeon

    MS Sidewinder Force Feedback

    Well I have a SB Live also. What drivers are you using? I just let Win2k find the sound card and load what it thought were the appropriate drivers. I did add the game port though, I added "Standard Game Port". Perhaps this is where I messed up. What game port did you add?
  5. Stool Pigeon

    gamma and refresh rate

    I am running W2K build 2072 with a V3 card. The OGL is running per the instructions on this site. Now does anyone know how to adjust the refresh rate or gamma for OGL games like quake? The display applet has a gamma adjustment, but it only affects glide or the desktop, D3D is greyed out.
  6. Stool Pigeon

    Bad new's every one with Windows2000 RC2

    What build are you running?
  7. Stool Pigeon

    Force feedback devices?

    I am running build 2072 and there appears to be NO support for the MS Sidewinder Pro Force Feedback. How did you get yours to work?