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Everything posted by Mr.ScaryP4P

  1. Mr.ScaryP4P

    Voodoo3 under Windows2000 build# 2128

    I downloaded the following file Voodoo3_RC2_D3DGlide_Fix.zip from NT Game Palace. The included readme.txt reads like a retarted chimp wrote it. If you are a smart person you will NOT be able to make ANY sense of it. However, if your reading level is on par with the text file you will do just fine.
  2. Mr.ScaryP4P

    Voodoo3 under Windows2000 build# 2128

    I sincerely apologize. I really do. There really isnt ANY excuse I can offer. All I can say in my defense is it was VERY frustrating to follow the directions. Once again I sincerely apologize. I am not a mean person or the like. I am very excited about the Voodoo3 inf files for windows 2000 and I am sure ALOT of work was done to make this happen. Is there any chance that the text file will be re-written before Windows2000 is released? And yes I did get my Voodoo3 to work. BTW...On the home page here looks like someone gave some GREAT instructions on how to install a DXR2 card under Windows2000 RC2. I wonder who wrote it?
  3. Mr.ScaryP4P

    Creative Encore driver?

    1. Windows2000 RC1 WILL detect the DXR2 card and install it. <P> 2. Windows2000 RC2 Build# 2128 will NOT detect the DXR2 card. <P> 3. If you have RC2 Build# 2128, download the Windows98 WDM drivers from Creative Labs and follow the Windows98 WDM installation instructions and your DXR2 WILL work! <P> 4. If you dont install the WDM version of the drivers your DXR2 will NOT work! <P> 5. RC2 Build# 2128 on MY system DOES allow me to use the creative DVD software.