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Everything posted by Greggy

  1. Greggy

    WIN2k(rc 2128) Quake3 and SMP

    I am running dual 366 Celerons at 566MHz (103 FSB) on the Epox KP6-BS, 256Mb SDRAM and Sound Blaster PCI 128 etc. Quake 3 SMP (R_SMP set to 1 & restart Q3) NT4 (SP6) - Runs with no problems at all for days on end. Win 2000 RC2 - Game hangs instantly. but... Win 2000 RC2 (R_SMP at default value of 0) Quake 3 runs, but still crashes after a few minutes. Other games show similar behaviour. This happens even at default CPU speed, I even tried two Celeron 400's that have never been overclocked and I know are reliable. I just think Windows 2000 has a little while to go yet before it will be the OS we all want it to be. Until then its NT4 all the way.
  2. Greggy

    New NVidia reference drivers for RC2

    Tried new nvidia drivers on RC2, D3D works but is buggy in certain games (Odd colours/textures in Unreal, UT failed D3D completely) and OpenGL games (all of them) now 'hang' after a few minutes. Gone back to version 2.0.0 (5.0.1996.200) but of course no D3D support.