I am running dual 366 Celerons at 566MHz (103 FSB) on the Epox KP6-BS, 256Mb SDRAM and Sound Blaster PCI 128 etc.
Quake 3 SMP (R_SMP set to 1 & restart Q3)
NT4 (SP6) - Runs with no problems at all for days on end.
Win 2000 RC2 - Game hangs instantly.
Win 2000 RC2 (R_SMP at default value of 0) Quake 3 runs, but still crashes after a few minutes. Other games show similar behaviour. This happens even at default CPU speed, I even tried two Celeron 400's that have never been overclocked and I know are reliable. I just think Windows 2000 has a little while to go yet before it will be the OS we all want it to be. Until then its NT4 all the way.