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Everything posted by MarksmanX

  1. In Device manager does it say DVD/CD-ROM drive? Don't need to pull your hair out because you can't watch the Matrix We are T-minus 12 days and counting till the big bang. I think you can wait a little longer for Creative to release the W2K drivers for the DVD drive. You think I ENJOY listening to my Sound Blaster Live with only 2 speakers active? I think you can wait alittle bit longer hehe ------------------ Dual Intel Pentium II 450 384 MEGS of PC-100 RAM Sound Blaster Live! Promise DMA/66 Controller GeForce 256 DDR IBM Deskstar 34GXP 27.3GB DMA 66 Western Digital 20.5GB DMA 66 Intellimouse Explorer (USB) Roland Sound Canvis SC-55 3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card
  2. MarksmanX

    A good dual PIII mobo ...

    Quote: Originally posted by Awaxx: Hey, you, multiproc frek, what advice could U give me to buy a dual-Slot1 card : brand, model, ... ? I wanna buy a dual PIII500E, and overclock them so if the board is a good at it, it would be better. A friend of mine has a A-Trend 6280 : works fine but CPU positions prevent full efficient air cooling. Awx This one looks good Plus I have this motherboard and can't complain at all! No problems so far http://www.tyan.com/products/html/s1832dl.html ------------------ Dual Intel Pentium II 450 384 MEGS of PC-100 RAM Sound Blaster Live! Promise DMA/66 Controller GeForce 256 DDR IBM Deskstar 34GXP 27.3GB DMA 66 Western Digital 20.5GB DMA 66 Intellimouse Explorer (USB) Roland Sound Canvis SC-55 3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card
  3. MarksmanX

    Whats the best Video Card for gaming in Win2k

    Oops I got my "is" and "it's" mixed up
  4. MarksmanX

    Whats the best Video Card for gaming in Win2k

    I must admit I did do some 3dfx bashing in my post. But I have to turn you away from the dark side! I was a proud owner of a Voodoo 1 and Voodoo 2 and at this time the Riva 128 was out. I didn’t pay much attention to it because it lacked the bare essential FPS to maintain a good frame rate. Then enter the Riva TNT2; this was the card that was close to Voodoo 2 speeds (only 3 frames less than a Voodoo 2 in my time demos scores). Sure it was not faster than the Voodoo 2 but it has something that the Voodoo 2 lacked. That is visual quality. When my friend purchased a new computer he bought a TNT2 for 2D/3D needs. When I first saw Quake II on the TNT2, I was so amazed how good it looked. The models looked more detailed the whole game seemed new. No more blurry textures or those annoying banding lines. I made the switch to the TNT2 Ultra last summer and never regretted it since! I was happy to get rid of my Voodoo 2 The Voodoo 3 is pretty much a FAST Voodoo 2. No 32-bit color same blurry models and those annoying bandings on the screen. 3dfx made this statement when the TNT2 was out “ We do not need 32-bit colors in games. ” What fools Now in 2000 it’s “ We need 32-bit color, but no hardware T&L DAMN IT WE DON’T NEED IT! “ I don’t know what is 3dfx problem. But, hardware T&L is great because it saves you precious CPU time and thus adding more life to your system. I average 72 FPS in Demo001 in Quake III with 1024 x 768 everything maxed except that I have mine at 16-bit color instead of 32-bit color because I don’t like 52 FPS demo scores I have a SMP system if you’re wondering how I can do this. The new Voodoo 5 6000 does 1.33 Gigapixels per second. That is pretty impressive, but you need an external power source to power that baby! Plus it comes with 4 VSA-100 processors. If you know anything about processors and heat this sucker will make your case a portable oven to keep you warm on those cold winter nights and make some tombstone pizzas when just can’t leave when you’re in a heated death match Bottom line is if you want the best for OpenGL and Direct 3D games get the GeForce DDR. If you play Glide based games ( This is a dying API. That’s why 3dfx made is open source. ) then 3dfx based cards it for you! Oh and for the Bitboys Glaze3D, I’ll believe it when I see it
  5. Did you get the Win DVD with your Creative 5X DVD? I got that with my Creative GeForce and it runs well in Windows 2000. My old Power DVD program did not play DVDs in Windows 2000. What program are you using?
  6. MarksmanX

    Will STB ever going to release new drivers????

    Did you try the reference drivers?
  7. The old builds could not play DVD media well. What build is your Windows 2000?
  8. MarksmanX

    Whats the best Video Card for gaming in Win2k

    Egads Hugo! That is pretty good at that resolution. I am not a big UT So I stick with Quake and I am pretty happy with my GeForce Oh and don't get 3DFX card now because the technology is very OOOOOLLLLLD. Start looking around for a GeForce, it's money well spent I have not run into a game that isn't running choppy at all in 1024 x 768 If I jack up the resolution my refresh is at 85Hz and I don't like that I like 100+Hz for some odd reason. Don't know why I hate 85Hz.
  9. MarksmanX

    Whats the best Video Card for gaming in Win2k

    What game are you planning to play? For Quake based games get the GeForce DDR. For Unreal Tournament a 3DFX based card is best. Depends on what game you play the most
  10. MarksmanX

    UT comments at the moment..

    Ooops forgot the most important part P.S. What is the flood protection stuff? I think most of us are mature enough not to do that ------------------ Dual Intel Pentium II 450 384 MEGS of PC-100 RAM Sound Blaster Live! Promise DMA/66 Controller GeForce 256 DDR IBM Deskstar 34GXP 27.3GB DMA 66 Western Digital 20.5GB DMA 66 Intellimouse Explorer (USB) Roland Sound Canvis SC-55 3COM 3CR990-TX-97 with 3XP Processor 10/100 PCI Network Interface Card
  11. MarksmanX

    UT comments at the moment..

    Quote: Originally posted by peaje: What it piss me off was all the time this game took to LOAD! WAOOOOOOOOO!!! even for loading the levels!!! Both computers did the same! I know that UT doesnt support SMP but MAN!! i get tired of waiting for this game to load. The first UNREAL took forever to load... this one is almost the same. Q3 has lots of graphics but it doesnt take that long to load. This is a perfect example of not having sufficient system memory for Unreal Tournament. I know the box says 64MB of RAM recommend, but that is not the case. It really needs 200 MEGS of RAM to operate efficiently. I recently purchased a 256 MB PC-100 DIMM and added it to my 128 MB of PC-100 RAM for a total of 384 MB of PC-100 RAM I have edited the UnrealTournament.ini. I edited the cachesizemegs to 200 and Unreal Tournament FLYS in OpenGL at 1024 x 768 in 32-bit color. When you execute unreal tournament there is a delay of 7 seconds before proceeding into the game. Once the game starts the levels load in 5 seconds. By 5 seconds I mean 1……2……3…...4….…5 Not 1…2..3…4..5 I am a Quaker and all I play is Quake Unreal Tournament was purchased because I thought Quake 3 would be out around late Christmas. That wasn’t the case so I was stuck with this game for a few weeks. Didn’t touch it since because of how long it too to execute with my 128 MEGS of RAM. Just add more RAM and you will be all set. Plus Windows 2000 LOVES RAM I say a system with 512 is all SET for any game My com_hunkmegs for Quake III is 200 and I am always the first to be at the map a good 8 seconds before everyone start popping it
  12. MarksmanX

    MS Sidewinder GamePad

    Brain_net, if you have winzip right click on the executable and tell winzip to uncompress it
  13. Who is the manufacturer of your DVD drive?
  14. MarksmanX

    driver hack??

    I used to have a 3COM 905B and got this 3XP processor thingy I think the NT 4.0 drivers should function with Windows 2000. Most of my old NT 4.0 drivers are currently working without any problems. I would recommend going to http://www.3com.com for the latest drivers though
  15. MarksmanX

    Mouse issues w/ UT & Win2k

    This is a direct input problem in DirectX. Microsoft has corrected this problem by releasing an updated DirectX (7.0a).
  16. MarksmanX

    Soldier of Fortune demo

    It's just a demo They will have it fixed when it's gold and will be Windows 2000 compliant
  17. MarksmanX

    FF8 Freezing up on tutorials

    Nope I have had no problems with it Make sure you get updated drivers. With the 3.75 it runs VERY well and the battles look really good
  18. MarksmanX

    NTFS for windows 2000

    Do you have the CD? Did you check that it is bootable so you can do a fresh install? First what you have to do it remove all the partions from your drive. Once that is gone FAT32 it just to be safe Then boot off the cd and let Windows 2000 format the drive to NTFS. It will do it automatically if you say " make my primary drive NTFS " or something like that.
  19. MarksmanX

    NTFS for windows 2000

    I am assuming we are talking about Windows 2000 No you cannot convert a FAT32 partition without losing the data that is already on the FAT32 partition drive. Backup you FAT32 data into one of you backup drives. Then format that partition to NTFS. Before you do this, tell me what you are trying to do? Are you planning to make all your partitions into NTFS? Remember once you go NTFS Windows 98 will not boot in a NTFS drive.
  20. MarksmanX

    Soldier of Fortune demo

    Quake I and Quake II run VERY well But I did have a problem back in the RC3 days with Quake III arena in SMP mode. I could not get that to work correctly. The problem was that the game did execute in SMP mode, but after after the level was completed and had to reload the next level the game kept locking up. Then I read that the 3.68 NT 4.0 Detonator drivers work in SMP mode in Windows 2000. I tried it and yes it did work in SMP mode. No more lock ups I wanted to leave it at that and didn't want to tamper with it anymore. Then the big day arrived when SoF was released. I quickly downloaded it and clicked on the SoF icon. Then to my surprise it was a stuttering and skipping. I had to press CTRL+ALT+DEL to get to the taskbar and terminate the program. At this point I really wanted to play it on Windows 2000. So I tempted with fate and downloaded the 3.75 drivers. I then uninstalled the old NT 4.0 drivers rebooted and updated the drivers to 3.75, then rebooted. Then I crossed my fingers and clicked on the SoF icon again. It executed very well and I could actually see the activision logo with the soldiers running in the back ground of the Activision logo. I am very pleased with it so far and I am not going to update to anythingelse till Nvidia released official Windows 2000 drivers I am sticking with 3.75! Plus my SMP works 100% now in Quake III and I don't want to tamper with this AT ALL! I am pretty much a Quaker. All my games are Quake Engin based games. I did buy Unreal Tournament. Why you ask? I don't know I got into the hype and might find a game that might be a good competitor to Quake III. Boy was I wrong! ;)To this date the only OpenGL game that I have a difficult time is SoF demo. You're not alone most Windows 2000 users still cannot run the Demo. I guess you could try what I did by installing the 3.68 NT 4.0 Detonator driver then uninstalling it and then installing 3.75 to see if that works You did not tell me your system specs maybe I could find something
  21. MarksmanX

    NTFS for windows 2000

    Wow! I think there is noway you can do that. You have to remove the partion and then format it the whole drive in NTFS. Sorry
  22. MarksmanX

    Soldier of Fortune demo

    Sorry I am an idiot Build 2195 and I got the drivers from http://seldzar.dhs.org/ here is a direct link to the drivers. http://home.istar.ca/%7Ejha_tam/win2k_3_75.zip
  23. MarksmanX

    Soldier of Fortune demo

    I actually did many things. I installed the 3.68 NT 4.0 Detonator drivers. That didn’t work! Then I uninstalled it with the add/remove program. Clicked on the Nvidia NT 4.0 driver and remove them. Then it rebooted and then I updated the drivers to 3.75, reboot. After that SoF executed. I tell you these beta drivers are nothing but a pure headache. But if you got the patience you will eventually get it I don’t know if this will help, but make sure you MPS is at 1.4 not 1.1. On the Intel forum people said Windows 2000 doesn’t like MPS 1.1 for some reason. System Specs: Dual Intel Pentium II 450 384 MEGS of PC-100 RAM Sound Blaster Live! Promise DMA/66 Controller GeForce 256 DDR IBM Deskstar 34GXP 27.3GB DMA 66 Western Digital 20.5GB DMA 66 Intellimouse Explorer Roland Sound Canvis SC-55
  24. MarksmanX

    Win2k + Millenium G200 + Quake 3 Arena

    Yes I had this problem on my Pentium II 400 at work. The G200 isn't fast enough to handle Q3 well. When I poped in my TNT2 it run very well. I am almost positive these beta driver are not fully optimized for Windows 2000 at this moment. Matrox is GREAT company but they take their time in the OpenGL ICD department. The best company to invest in is Nvidia. I always see new " leaked " drivers here and there and some do help and some just make things worse But they do listen to their customers and release decent drivers once a month or if it's a bug fix within a week from discovering the bug. 3dfx is a good company but lack in the OpenGL ICD department and insist on mini GL, which is the bare essentials to run the OpenGL based games. When I made the switch to Nvidia I have never regreated it. Matrox was good back in the days and same with 3dfx. Nvidia really picked up after the TNT2 came out and have heard nothing but positive things. If you have to get a new card make sure it's a TNT2 Ultra or the GeForce line for Quake III.
  25. MarksmanX

    Soldier of Fortune demo

    Sorry about that Yes SOF is running fine when I updated to 3.75. I must admit you are really missing something if you can't play the demo. I was so amazed by this "dated" engin. The graphics are mind blowing and the reality of how the victim goes into shock before death is a very nice touch. I definately don't recommend little kids playing this game. It has a very REAL eliment to it. If possible, dual boot to 98 and play it This game is a must buy on my list