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Everything posted by felix

  1. Yahoo use a great spam filtering system. Although my "Junk Mail" box on my yahoo account is always full, I would be unlucky to get one unsolicited message a month to my inbox. Hotmail has got much better too since they implemented their new anti-spam stuff recently.
  2. AS for ad blocking, the combination of the Google Toolbar and a feature packed host file deal with most popups and banners on the web. Now if only I could convince my ISP to load the addresses in my host file into their DNS everyone would be happy.
  3. felix

    How To Secure A Hard Drive

    That error message 5 posts above only seems to occur when changing the password in "Manage>>Local Users & Groups". If you use the "users" applet on the control panel (as suggested) you don't seem to have this problem. Perhaps MS used the local system account to add a quiet decrypt key to the data so when you change the password, the data is decrypted using the local system account rather than the user account. This then points to the usual idea advocated by APK, Clutch and the like that once someone has physical access to your system, you can put your head between your knees.
  4. ....from Slashdot Posted by timothy on Monday September 15, @09:23PM from the gotcha dept. DragonHawk writes "As of a little while ago (it is around 7:45 PM US Eastern on Mon 15 Sep 2003 as I write this), VeriSign added a wildcard A record to the .COM and .NET TLD DNS zones. The IP address returned is, which reverses to sitefinder.verisign.com. What that means in plain English is that most mis-typed domain names that would formerly have resulted in a helpful error message now results in a VeriSign advertising opportunity. For example, if my domain name was 'somecompany.com,' and somebody typed 'soemcompany.com' by mistake, they would get VeriSign's advertising." Read on below for some more information. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/09...d=98&tid=99 I have already emailed my ISP and asked them to investigate the IP address quoted in this article with a view to blackbanning it.
  5. felix

    Still using Windows 9x? Which one?

    Osborne 486 DX2/66mHz running win95a for DOS games. SB16, 420mb hard disk, 16mb RAM. Runs my favourite Flight Sim ever - Wings of Glory. Also my favourite RTS - Horde.
  6. felix

    Worst FPS/Action Gaming Moments

    I hated that Blue-suit git. After I finished the game I played with the cheat codes to see if I could waste him. I think his model is designed with "noclip" set to on as in any mod of the game, he cannot be touched or damaged. Some more: South Park Racer Redneck Rampage ....and Starcraft first edition computer zergling rush.
  7. felix

    Best FPS/Action Gaming Moments

    I'd like to add: Playing the role of Joe Marine coming face to face with an Alien for the first time with only half a clip and 2 flares in the dark, with all the lights in your house off and you being the only one home. Your first swoop down the courtyard with a team of allies on de_dust and being overwhelmed by a terrorist force when you could only afford a 9mm and a helmet. To extend point 16, finding the first greasel in a vent shaft in some MJ12 facility.
  8. felix

    TV-out no longer works, NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti4200

    Good news is that there's a new version of TV-Tool out (8.2) that supports all GeForce4 cards included. Basically the bloke who writes this software has been encouraging GF4 owners to write/sign a petition to release the datasheets on those cards TV chips however they didn't. The below explains. From the site: If you guess that nVidia has changed its mind because of the petition then you are wrong. From this side the feedback is still zero. Nevertheless it seems that a solution could be found how to integrate the support of the TV encoder used on GF4-MX and GF-FXs cards into TVTool. So far TVTool works on low hardware level and accesses the TV and VGA chips directly. This possibility is ruled out for the MV chip because of missing datasheets. In contrast to the other TV chips the nVidia driver offers relatively good support for this chip including an overscan (fullscreen) option. This fact will be used by the next TVTool version which will access the TV chip via the graphics card driver. "Why is TVTool necessary then at all?" That´s simple: Because it makes the configuration significant easier, more comfortable and much faster. Instead of clicking through various submenus, one mouse click is sufficient to start movie playback on the TV (including the sound configuration etc.) via the TVTool conext menu option for example. Home of TV-Tool Also, I'm not associated with this product other than being a very satisfied customer.
  9. felix


    My main ISP based address - zero per day (any day) My yahoo address - approx 60 per day but all are filtered into the "Bulk Mail" folder so I don't see them. My hotmail address - maybe 1 or 2 per day. Via windows messenger service, about 2 per month. Yahoo spam filtering is excellent and whilst you can't see it in action, Hotmail must have very similar abilities. Another favourite of mine was when posting to UseNet, I would put a whole bunch of "abuse@wxyz.com" into my .sig so that filter bots would hopefully catch them. Obviously they won't catch the professionals who filter such out, but even if it could get one address shut down, it would have been worth it.
  10. felix

    Best ad/pop-up blocker?

    I like LMHosts entries. They are free, consume no resources to run and can be easily added to everytime a bastard pop-up gets through. Do a search for "hosts" on this site and there should be a couple of posts with the good listings in them
  11. If you haven't already seen this, see it now. If it has already been posted, sorry about the re-post. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/?url=/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-026.asp Buffer Overrun In RPC Interface Could Allow Code Execution (823980) Originally posted: July 16, 2003 Revised: July 21, 2003 Summary Who should read this bulletin: Users running Microsoft ® Windows ® Impact of vulnerability: Run code of attacker’s choice Maximum Severity Rating: Critical Recommendation: Systems administrators should apply the patch immediately End User Bulletin: An end user version of this bulletin is available at: http://www.microsoft.com/security/security_bulletins/ms03-026.asp. Affected Software: Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Services Edition Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003 Not Affected Software: Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
  12. I got my notification from "Mark Minasi's Windows Networking Tech Page Issue #35 July 2003" received yesterday. He seems fairly excited about it so I thought I'd tone it down a little and pass it on. His "Mastering Windows ........." series of books are very thorough so I figure if he's getting excited it's for a good reason. Anyway, it's a 1mb patch from MS, so what harm can it do to install it?
  13. felix

    Interest Rate Cut

    Congrats to all my US friends who have house or car loans, with the interest rate cut, you can spend heaps more on technology (well maybe not that much really) but it should make life a little easier.
  14. felix

    TV-out no longer works, NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti4200

    Ah, another fan of the TVTool. Second best use of my credit card ever. Best use was my black leather jacket. Free upgrades all for one single purchase - now that's customer service.
  15. felix

    X-Men ² ROCKED!

    I guess they had to end it that way for the soft-minded public who had no idea about the comic book. They must have needed to pose questions in order to get people excited about X cubed.
  16. felix

    Check out the google logo

    Alec, You wouldn't by chance feel kind-hearted enough to share such a list? Ta, F
  17. http://www.dumeter.com
  18. felix

    How much space does 2k take up?

    2k - approx 2048 bytes - approx 16384 bits Sorry, had to do that. As for Win2k, I usually allow about 800mb, + 1gb swapfile.
  19. felix

    UT 2003 feels like Quake 3.....I think NOT!

    Of all the FPS I have played through uni and after in either multi-player or single with bots, the bots in the original Unreal were f..king nasty mofo biaches. Only Quake1 reaper bots could touch them in sheer flesh-tearing capabilities. Speaking of Quake1, when ID released the source code one of my code-monkey mates got hold of it and re-wrote the nail-gun ammo (nails obviously) into wasp mentality with environmental detection (ie they didn't ever hit walls). When we played that game there was nothing better than unloading 300 rounds of nails into the air and watching them seek out and swarm towards an opponent, watching as they shredded the head, neck and torso of a hapless foe. After that success, he then went on and made the rockets foe-seeking (again with environmental awareness). If you remember the speed and reload of Quake1 rockets, you will know that the first person to get the rocket laucher then owned the level. Those were the days.
  20. felix

    Playing DVD's with Windows 2003 server

    Now I'm going to go with the next most obvious. Remember that W2K3 is brand spanking. Are you sure that the current video drivers are: a) written to support this kind of thing in this new version of a server OS supposed to be used on "this" OS Has your manufacturer release drivers tagged with "Designed for Windows 2003"? If not, things most likely won't work as required. Especially for any hardware post 18 months as I recall the level of legacy has been reduced. (I may be wrong). Just because the default drivers can display 16 or 32 bit colour at the desktop doesn't mean they'll do DirectX as expected. Check for 2003 versions of your drivers and don't rely on the 2k/XP ones working. Just to humour us, fill in the blanks: Processor(make/speed): RAM: MBoard: HDD: CD/DVD: Video: Sound: AOV(any other variety): This stuff will help. I once had a FlyVideo'98 TV Tuner in my rig and when I had it overclocked past 75mHz FSB the FV98 couldn't handle it and would not allow me to play back any Video files, even in games. Took me 3 formats and 4 sets of drivers to work it out. I was really pissed by that time.
  21. felix

    Playing DVD's with Windows 2003 server

    Insufficient data. Please supply specs, drivers, PowerDVD version, other software that may interfere.
  22. Quote: *wanders up to the student support desk* "Er excuse me, I just noticed that some of your workstations over there in the corner appear to boot up with a black screen rather than the default blue one... Nice trick care to tell me how it's done?" Um well er I'll have to ask my supervisor. If you need to do photocopying you can go into room 1.303. The public access lab is in 1.403 but you'll need to swipe your student card.
  23. felix

    HELP: Can I run Win98se on that ???

    If you buy a digital KVM switch, you can safely switch between machines whilst they are both running as the switch maintains the current between all ports and devices.
  24. felix

    Winamp and Nero

    I don't quite get what you mean. Are you referring to a data backup CD, or an mp3 CD that will play in a conventional CD player that can read mp3? If you mean a data backup CD, just drag any files you want from the Nero Explorer into the CD list. If you want to make an mp3 CD for CD players, please consult your CD player manual. Then build the CD as required in Nero.
  25. felix

    Post a pic of your desk

    Here's my desk in my cubiffce. See if you can give me a list of interesting stuff you can see that is unusual.