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Posts posted by Wuff

  1. You should try to rename your mail-directory which is usually in

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Identities\{81E3E29E-9AFA-4FB2-8F0B-B077F7FD7CDF}\Outlook Express


    If OE starts after that without any problems then your mail-dir is corrupt. It's a standard-problem under winnt 4.0 with an avm isdn-controller. exactly the same behaviour.


    Hope it helps you.

  2. Try to reinstall W2K in order to reinstall OE. There's no way to do it another way. I've upgraded my w2k version since RC1 up to 2183 without any reinstallation crap and everything's working fine.

  3. I don't think that coreutil have cracked w2k. There's no cracker listed in the NFO and if they managed to crack it they would have written it in the nfo. They should be proud of it. So there are only 2 different versions of 2193.1 one with time-bomb and one without.

  4. There's one thing you shoudn't forget. RC3 will only be accessable by a few 15,000 selected betatesters. So not every beta-tester will have access to the directory with their login and password.


    And a happy birthday.



    [This message has been edited by Wuff (edited 17 November 1999).]

  5. Try installing the newest Aspi-Layer from Adaptec which is build 1021 of 09/10/99.


    Download it:



    In addition you should download the Aspi-Check and run it. It tells you if everything is properly installed and if it's the right version.




    I installed it yesterday after having massive problems and many broken cdrs. Now everything works fine. I installed Nero without any dll-deletion or something and it just works fine.


    Hope you have the same luck as I.





    P.S.: I have a Traxdata 2260+ CDRW IDE, W2K Build 2176.

  6. I have similar problems with the Logitech Quickcam Express. I installed the drivers in build 2151. After a looooong time it finished the installation and told me that everything's fine. I restarted and connected it to the USB-port. Windows found the Cam and asks for drivers although the drivers are installed. I said ok. Now I have the tiny little cam sitting on my monitor and doing nothing... any ideas ?

  7. The first thing you should do is to remove the wnaspi driver... This driver in the first place is to add support for IDE-Drivers. The latest ASPI Drivers for your SCSI-CD-Writer have been installed with Adaptec Easy CD Creator 4.0 !

    Then everything should work fine.


    But if you installed other writer-software and removed them then you have the same problem as I have. Everything worked fine but after I removed Nero, WinOnCD and CD Wizard I cannot burn any CD with win2k. Reinstalling them doesn't help. So I installed Win98SE and now I'm burning with it.

  8. well... if you don't know the administrator-password it doesn't matter as long as you are logged in with a user which has admin-rights. Just go to control-panel Users&Passwords and set a new password.

  9. The problem with the 3dfx drivers is not with microsoft but with 3dfx. They are unable to write stable drivers for win2k at the moment which doesn't make the complete OS instable !


    If 3dfx will fix those problems Microsoft will include the drivers as always.

  10. I have a similar problem. With my MGA Marvel G200 and a Diamond Monster 3D II w/ 12 MB.

    Homeworld starts but when I wanna start the game itself the loading-screen appears and the PC freezes.

  11. It works fine on my system, too.

    Celeron 400, 256MB Ram, Win2k RC2, Diamond Monster II with 3dfx reference drivers. It took some time to get them installed but it works.
