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Everything posted by Ekstreme

  1. Ekstreme

    3.66 driver here

    Ok, all these Q3 tweaks area all well and good, but you have to be able to get into the game to do them (unless hacking the q3 config file) I think my problem is way more than just a game tweak, something is a miss majorly Please read my older post in this thread regards problem and system specs.
  2. Ekstreme

    3.66 driver here

    cknyc if you have any info that can help, I'm all ears man ICQ me or whatver!
  3. Ekstreme

    Win2000 Und Voodoo 2 mit D3D -Treiber gesucht!

    Squeeze me?? Wrong group?
  4. Ekstreme

    3.66 driver here

    well, everything else appears to run normal. it's any kind of video driver adjustment that throws it out of whack. when I install half-life, that kills it too I couldn't tell you and event errors, it's all working now, but I can easily change that
  5. Ekstreme

    3.66 driver here

    Well, as far as I know, everything else is fine! is there any bios setting I should be looking for??
  6. Ekstreme

    3.66 driver here

    OK, here is the deal.... System: PIII 450 120 MB Ram DV 770 32mb NOT ultra SB PCI 64 Win2k 2195 Pro Final Nothing overclocked Whenever I try a driver update for the video card, Quake3 S**Ts itself. The game loads up, but the screen jerks. Updates about every 5 seconds. it does this through the intro screen, the setup and the game. The only way to get it back to working is to format the drive and start install over again! This shouldn't be the case EACH time a driver update comes out. PLEASE someone save my sanity!! AM I doing something drasticly wrong here????? Yes, SMP is set to 0, I just checked that. [This message has been edited by Ekstreme (edited 07 January 2000).]
  7. Ekstreme

    3.66 driver here

    Well, I tried em, and i hate em Couldn't get em to run Q3, so they suck in my book 3.65 it is
  8. I went out and bought Quake 3, it seems for nothing! I have tried all the tnt drivers available, and have tried the nvoglnt.dll swapping stuff. The only even slight success I get is from the straight 3.65 drivers. The game loads, then it jerks, every 5 seconds the screen refreshes. This is BEFORE the game even starts. Took me almost 20 mins to change settings the try and get into a game, which I'm sure you can imagine is unplayable! The funny thing is, all the Q3 test's worked great, it seems only since I installed 2195.3 that I'm getting problems with this and other hardware ASUS PSB-F PIII 450 128 RAM DV 770 32 DRIVER: WHAT ******* drivers
  9. Ekstreme

    3.66 driver here

    **** *** ****** **** ****** *** *** *****!!! Every ****** time one of these driver updates come out, I have to format to get the bloody thing to work!!! NOTHING else works!!! well at least to get friggen Q3 to work I gotta format!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIIITT see ya all in a few hours!
  10. Ekstreme

    3.66 driver here

    I can't get the above link to work. If you're having the smae probs, try these..... Page Link http://www.3dwin2000.de/Downloads/downloads.shtml Direct download http://members.xoom.com/PitGS/Public/Grafik/GeForce/Win2k_3.66.zip
  11. Ekstreme

    Small networking boggle.....

    OK, this is the setup... 98se networked to 2000 2195.3 internet connection sharing is enabled and all working like a charm; sort of. the only problem is IRC. The 98 machine can receive DCC sends but cannot send. Can anyone please help me configure it so that DCC sends will be permitted through ICS? Thanks all
  12. Ekstreme

    Optic Pro 4800 in W2K

    read my last post, it may be relavent... http://cgi-bin.spaceports.com/~compatib/ubb/Forum6/HTML/000756.html
  13. Ekstreme

    Removing Win2k from one's system

    1.Format your existing 2k partition 2.boot off a boot disk, run fdisk /mbr 3.boot NT4 setup and enter repair util. 4.repair the MBR shoudl be OK
  14. Ekstreme

    problems problems Win2k+games :(

    it's all drivers man, just hold back untill after mid Feb, then you'll probably have so many driver you won't know what to do with them all! I imagine there will be MANY updates very frequently once they are releases. [This message has been edited by Ekstreme (edited 06 January 2000).]
  15. Ekstreme

    Agfa Scanner1212p

    I don't have your scanner at all, but I might be able to help you get it going. I tried installing a Genius scanner using the isntall CD, which stuffed everyhting up, trying to install all sorts of ****ty programs etc etc etc. The fix I found, was to go and download JUST the drivers from the manufacturer, not sure if they were NT or 98 but I installed these. Once the twain32 driver was installed, I could select it and import it into photoshop paint shop etc etc. The scanner still does not show up in hardware manager, but it works. BTW. I found that it would not install if the printer was attatched to the scanner, and you have to enable extra LPT port functions in your bios Hope I helped
  16. Ekstreme

    Anyone found a fix for keys sticking?

    I'm using 2195 non eval and the mouse probs seems to be eliminated in most cases. HOWEVER... Rogue Spear is a shocker. Can't play Multiplayer too well as I have a habit of shooting my team mates in the back of the head suddenly, or unknowingly running into rooms full of terrorists. Quite a laugh the first one or 2 times, but after that, MAN it pisses you right off Q3 and UT all seem fine, it's just RS on my PISSED list atm!
  17. Ekstreme

    3.66 Drivers

    Hurry Hurry, we await eagerly!
  18. Ekstreme

    AGP Support: Not Available! Eh?

    mr_ripper goto seldzar.dhs.org and get the tnt drivers from there AGp will still not show, but the rest will
  19. Ekstreme

    Cant play Half-Life in Win2k ?!!

    go downlaod the update from sierra
  20. Ekstreme

    Yo listen up TNT Users!

    Custom TNT Driver to Play Games Wednesday, 02:18pm CDT Warning: the following driver is custom-made and may cause unexpected results. The driver is a combination of nVidia's 3.53 drivers and 3.65 drivers. The results were amazing for a couple of people running 3D games such as Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament. However, I can not guarantee anything. Therefore, please use the following driver at your own risk. (The test system was on Windows 2000 Professional with Diamond's Viper 550.) http://www.betaos.com/ http://www.betaos.com/drivers/Tempvid.zip Haven't tried yet, about to install them soon!
  21. Ekstreme

    Sound problems !

    First thing to do, is go back through the forum and search for how to get your darned card working. THEN come back here and ask Q's
  22. Ekstreme

    I know this is getting tired, but...... Q3.....

    Well, I formatted this SL*T and redid my entire partitioning structure while I was in the mood. First thing I did was install 3.65 drivers and then Quake3. I can now play!!!!!!!!!! Still have no idea why it suddenly stops working, but it made me pissed off enough to send good old Diamond Multimedia and nVidia and nicely worded email to get their SH*T together and stop jerking us around! I'm going to reinstall everythign I use one by one, reboot after reboot and find the evil seed. Stay Tuned.......
  23. Ekstreme

    Networking between win2000 and win98?

    Disable TCP/IP netbios helper under services and only have the protocols you need. Any extra will increase access time greatly!
  24. Ekstreme

    I know this is getting tired, but...... Q3.....

    Seldzar...... *sm00ch*
  25. Ekstreme

    Falcon 4 in win2k HOW!!!!

    well, I can't get it to work either!! I can get into the game, can start a mission, but as soon as the mission is over, BOOM the screen goes black and that's it! game over any ideas?