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Posts posted by phil4

  1. I got Glide working to some extent:


    Rollcage, GLQuake and Sportscar GT work fine.


    GTA2 and Driver don't, both set to use glide as well.




    Personally the gameability of W2K is the main selling point to me. The reason till now that I've stuck with win95 & 98 is that they play games. The stability of NT4 was always apealing, but not enough to get me away from my games.


    this latest RC from MS for me doesn't have enough functionality where I want (games) for me to think about using it almost all the time...yet smile.gif


    BTW: from reading the 3dfx message board, 3dfx still haven't released a plain vanilla DX7 driver for voodoo2, let along a w2k version.... lazy people smile.gif

  2. Excuse me if this has been asked a zillion times, I'm just new to this w2k beta game.


    I've joined the trial program thingy, and have installed win 2k RC2 (pro version). I've got a voodoo2, and was looking to try the funky new gaming support in w2k.


    However it seems there aren't any d3d drivers for my graphics card (A creative labs voodoo2), or Glide drivers.


    I've downloaded the glide for NT4, and the modified .inf, and will give that a go.


    I was wondering however how soon we can expect (even beta) D3D drivers to appear from 3dfx, does anyone have any info on this ?
