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Everything posted by JRS

  1. Occasionally I get total screen corruption(unusable) using Media Player on 2000 Pro while playing AVI/MPG files off the *cough* Disney news group on 2000. I've seen it happen on both my home and work PC, which ironically are both using Voodoo3 cards. Anyone else seen this? Apparently the machine isn't totally locked up because I can go through the keystrokes to shut down and it will shut down clean.
  2. JRS

    Problem wtih refresh rate?

    Dxdiag refresh rates also set the refresh in GL games (q3) just fine, no need to hack anything. [This message has been edited by JRS (edited 07 March 2000).]
  3. JRS

    easycd 4 making coasters

    I recently did a clean install of w2k when the official voodoo3 drivers came out. Before I reloaded w2k, easycd 4 worked perfect and I was able to write music cd's fine under windows 2000. I've tried up[censored] aspi, etc. but the recording process just dies (my cd tray won't even eject) after writing one or two tracks. To make it weirder, CDRwin works fine on this same PC. I'm using a Plexwriter 8/2/20 and an Adaptec 2940 UW controller if that helps any. TIA
  4. JRS

    UT / TNT2U / W2KRC2

    I get an instant UT crash when I try to run fullscreen with this D3DDRV.DLL driver.
  5. I found a tab in Dxdiag that allows you to set refresh rates for D3D games, apparently it works because UT seemed to work fine except for some visual glitches which were already there.