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Jerry -

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Everything posted by Jerry -

  1. Jerry -

    Dell is just faking support

    The drivers went in fine, work. The software went in fine, works. Opened up UT and turned on the hardware sound option and the sound was fine, not choppy or so crappy I had to turn the speakers off, and you usualy have to manipulate the speaker balance to hear a differnece in the speakers. Dell: Go back to building software and DON'T try the computers business.
  2. Jerry -

    is USB supported in W2k?

    He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake.
  3. Jerry -

    cant get full screen mode in UT

    There are diamond drivers for windows2000?? ok. Install the reference nvidia 3_76 and it should work fine.
  4. Jerry -

    Sorry, another stupid UT/W2k/nvidia question :)

    Yeah, even I get about 20fps in quake3 and ut at 1024x768x32 with my tnt1 in win2k. Do you have alot of stuff open that would be eating up the memory?
  5. Jerry -

    You guys won't like this at all :(

    Bugs? Bugs? What bugs? I've been running win2k 2195 for a long time and I can't find any signifigant bug thats OS related. They must've been snorting alot of crank if they see that many bugs...
  6. Jerry -

    Windows2000Pro Desktop icons

    Right click, Arrange Icons, Turn off "by name" and or auto arrange.
  7. Jerry -

    bustmastering for IDE drives

    You have to turn dma for your cd drives on under their respective controllers, in the device manager. Don't know about data sync or dissconnect. No you should'nt be worried
  8. Jerry -

    Future of Win2k?

    Lower the price to $30, then I'd consider buying it, I refuse to pay more than $30 for any software. Till then the build 2195 I have could'nt be better.
  9. Jerry -

    Unreal Tournament

    What is your setup, what's your modem? are you running the warez version of the game? Help us out
  10. Jerry -

    TNT Video Card problem

    Being the perceptive one I am, I've noticed the man comes with 100+ posts.
  11. Jerry -

    liveware update direct sound not work

    Direct sound is not enabled in the NT4 drivers which the liveware3 for win2000 hack uses. You'll have to wait for the win2k liveware like the rest of us
  12. Jerry -

    ntfs convert

  13. What happened to the file, and why did the url get nuked?
  14. I've been having a much better time with the 3.75 drivers and my tntI. I'm getting around 25 or 30 FPS in the Q3 Time demos. And watch out cary grant I'm starting to win again. 2000user is right, win2k runs everything much smoother, and for me faster.
  15. Jerry -

    Dual Boot Q

    Not compatible meaning what? lunner's last idea should work. The install should write those registry values to the OS's drive. I have ntfs98 and I've found out that it can read/write to the win2k ntfs drives on my system, and it's the eval.. hmmm.. The only thing is that if I have the second harddrive (Which is fat32) enabled in the bios win98 won't work correctly. Otherwise it works just fine not enabled.
  16. Running final build yep. I just tried running update and diskeeperworkstation at the same time to see what would happen hehe, nothing did.. If this is'nt illegal maybe someone can post this file of fargo's somewhere?
  17. Nope dosfreak, the "Internal Error 2351 f2154_Readme.txt, data.cab" message returns
  18. Jerry -

    Looking for old cheap voodoo2 card

  19. Jerry -


    Win98 should be on the C drive. I'm not sure if it works otherwise. Open your boot.ini file on the C: drive and look for something like: x:\="Microsoft Windoze 98, under [Operating Systems] Change the x to whatever drive letter win98 is on.
  20. Jerry -

    acpi - PLEEEEEASE help!!!

    I don't have an apm tab in my power options but the system always shuts itself off automatically, standby, hibernates, the whole nine yards. I have Acpi enabled on an Asus p2b for the record. If you did'nt have acpi enabled in the bios when you installed it is'nt worth the trouble if you just want the puter to shut itself off. You'll have to switch the driver under Computer in the device manager to (ACPI) PC most likely, and probaly reinstall all of your system devices (Video, NIC) etc.. If you still want to do it, my advice is be carefull. [This message has been edited by Jerry - (edited 03 February 2000).]
  21. Jerry -

    Win2k installs. Sigh.

    The login problem happened to me when I foolishly Fdisked my MBR. One way to get it back is to just let the win2k installation files extract and reboot without installing, at least I managed it. This is how I have my boot.ini setup: [boot Loader] Timeout=10 Default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT50 [Operating Systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINNT50= Whereas win2k is on the first logical partition on the first drive, and formatted ntfs. Hope that helps.
  22. Jerry -

    RivaTNT - Win2000 - Unreal Tour problem

    Well if you are running the win2k tnt drivers don't plan on or ask why you can't get your games to work. Grab the 3.75 drivers and UT should work
  23. I agree, save yourself the headaches and fists through the monitor, use sygate.
  24. Jerry -

    How to check memory in NT?

    Run>Taskmgr Or WindowsNT Diagnostics in the administrative tools folder.
  25. Jerry -

    TweakUI & "show version on desktop"

    Hmmm, I just tried that and it did'nt show anything. I as well am with 2195 RTM. I suppose you could try "Restore factory settings" Is that a clue?