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Tim Bazzinett

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Everything posted by Tim Bazzinett

  1. Tim Bazzinett

    Future of Win2k?

    A future dual between Linux and Win2K. I hate to say it, but Win2k will win. Right now, linux is too hard for the common people who just type up docs for work, surf/chat the net, and play a game or two. I like both OS's with each having it's own advantages. Games rock on the win2k and suck on linux. Linux is more of a challenge to figure out and is Free. Yes, linux is made for us by us and it is stable as all hell. I have had crashes in win2k (gasp heard from all). Linux does offer me the chance to learn a near Unix enviroment which has helped at work. But overall, Win2k will dominate, stupid people will buy WinME, a Bill Gates will harvest the money from you all. My answer: go to Singapore and get your pirated copies for $2-5 each. After you make 100 billion dollars, are you really losing money? [This message has been edited by Tim Bazzinett (edited 03 February 2000).]
  2. Tim Bazzinett

    Win2k Adv Server Problem

    at what point does it stop? Does it go all the way to the finish button on setup?
  3. Tim Bazzinett

    Your Opinions of Future Windows OS's

    Windows ME- no different than 98 for what I need it for, just a lack of drivers (rendition based vid card). Windows 2000 pro 120 day ver.- Love it to death and usually never crashes. Linux Red Hat 6.0-Had to bring this OS up for the simple fact that this NEVER crashes! Just sucks for games. My system is a dual boot win95 (This was the cleanest (9x kernel and is somewhat stable sometimes) and Win 2000 Pro. I keep the win95 for game compatibility like bleem and some older games and games that just dont work in win2k. The other system is my test box with win95 (for rendition CART racing) /windows 2000 server/and Red hat Linux 6.0. I find the linux just NEVER crashes and is a whole new experience in OS's. Helps out in Unix at work. And it is FREE! Not $999 with "license" fee's. Why is Microsoft releasing the Millenium OS? One word.... MONEY!! You should know by now that Bill Gates just cares about money and not stability in OS's. From our standpoint, windows ME is crap and should never be released. From Bill's. It is just another cool billions to line his pockets. Hell, now that I am on the suject, I recently read something that pissed me off about MS. When DR DOS was released, MS had written code into their own products so that when used on DR DOS, they would pop up with random error messages. Better products they say? Here is a great article here. Not long ago, I spent 700 dollars and much more for school to get and MCSE certification only to here a few months later, all MCSE's will be losing their certs and will have no choice but to re-certify now that win2k is out. This is like saying an auto mechanic get certified in 1998 on a '98 monte carlo, but now the 2000 models are out, he has to re-certify. There is not much difference in win2k than NT 4.0 with the exception of active directory and directX. I am using this at work, and there is nothing that I cant do that I could have done on win win40, except connecting to another server through computer management. But like I said, Bill Gates just wants his money and anyone who wants to keep his MCSE will have to play the game. So I, and many others, will be out another 400 dollars by the end of 2001. I could go on and on about how I am starting to hate MS, but that is a different subject for a different forum. Just sucks that the industry made MS the standard and not a better, more stable OS. (Of course, I would then hate that OS eventually )
  4. Tim Bazzinett

    acpi - PLEEEEEASE help!!!

    I found that using ACPI and the APM tab in power options allowed me to shut off the computer automatically.
  5. Tim Bazzinett

    Bleem + Windows 2000 (2195)

    No luck here either. Just letting you know.
  6. Tim Bazzinett

    Auto-Insert Notification

    I was snooping around the registy by typing regedit at the run prompt and I came across to this. Go to hkey_local_machine\system\controlset001\services\cdrom, there is a dword value called autorun. Mine is set to "1". I am assuming this is how to get the auto insert notification going but I wont risk trying to disable it on my machine (If it is not broken, dont break it!)
  7. Tim Bazzinett

    !!HELP!! Stop error in install!

    Here is something that is in Technet for WinNT but it sounds like it could apply to Win2k also: PSS ID Number: Q101096 Article last modified on 01-13-1999 3.1 3.51 3.51 4.0 winnt ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 3.1 - Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1 - Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0 - Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51, 4.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following STOP message appears when a critical system file or other file needed to load Windows NT is corrupted: STOP: C0000221 unknown hard error <path>\<file name> Alternatively, the error may read as follows: STOP: 0xC0000221 unknown hard error c:\winnt\system32\ntdll.dll (or other specific file/driver) This error can appear in many different formats, ranging from a blue system error screen to a dialog box. The type of format depends on how much of the operating system was loaded when the corrupted file was detected. If you receive this error message, the file listed along with the error is corrupted. You need to either obtain a new copy of the file or reinstall Windows NT. If reinstallation fails to solve the problem, then a hardware or network problem may exist. The files that are checked for integrity as Windows NT starts are: - All drivers (except those loaded by the system loader to boot the system) - All dynamic link libraries (DLLs), including USER, GDI, SHELL, KERNEL, NTDLL, CRTDLL, etc. - All DLLs loaded into the address space of the Windows NT server (video drivers, printer drivers, etc.) This error message can be caused when you install an inappropriate driver for your hardware. For example, this error would appear if you installed a MIPS driver on an X86-based computer. Hope this helps for you as it seems Greek to me . [This message has been edited by Tim Bazzinett (edited 01 February 2000).]
  8. I also think you should have shot that moron (at least maim his hand so that he cant use a computer again unless he learns to type with his nose). I know that feeling from another moron who took a network engineering class to pass the MSCE cert tests and passed the NetEssentials test. Then he calls me up and asks me how to network his two win 95 systems. [This message has been edited by Tim Bazzinett (edited 01 February 2000).]
  9. Tim Bazzinett

    Are you all idiots?

    Mr "TD", what is the purpose of these message boards in your opinion? To me, it has always been a place for someone, who may not be as computer literate, can seek help if they have some question on how to do something with their computer. And it has been a place where I can help solve someone else's computer troubles. Sure, there might be a lot of posts from people who are having problems from the Riva cards, but that is why they write here. If you do know some information that would help them in their troubles, you should write back. Not call them idiots. But that is based on your maturity level obviously.
  10. Tim Bazzinett

    S3 Savage 4

    I headed over to sdn.fgn.com for an answer to your question about hardware acceleration. I use a savage 4 at work with release 2195 and I cannot get d3d to work either. I went to that sight about a week ago and there was some news post about still not having direct3d or metal support. Drivers still need to be created to support the card to the fullest.
  11. Tim Bazzinett

    Nascar 3 problems with sound on mx300

    The sounds are cutting out and the skids and crew chief sounds come out of the left speaker only. And when I close the program out, there is no longer any sound in win2k 2195. I am using the drivers that are installed by default and the game is setup to use 16 bit sound. [This message has been edited by Tim Bazzinett (edited 15 January 2000).]
  12. Tim Bazzinett

    Pondering if I should upgrade my cpu...

    You might be able to run the 400 at 600, but a safer bet is to run the 366 at 550 which is much more attainable than a 400 at 600. I also run a 300A at 450 and have no problems running win2k professional, but more power would be nice to have (and a GEforce256 DDR!). You havent been able to get your 300A to 450? I'm sure you have tried already. Well, you must have gotten one on the bad ones. [This message has been edited by Tim Bazzinett (edited 21 January 2000).]
  13. Tim Bazzinett

    Voodoo D3D Drivers??

    3dfx are withholding them till feb 17. Then they will officially release the drivers. I cant wait till then either, but I guess I have to. But till then, my TNT will just have to do.
  14. Tim Bazzinett

    My TNT Observations, Care to comment?

    I have a CL TNT 1 card that was giving me problems with RC2, mostly horrible coloring in unreal and UT. I was also unable to use and 3.6x drivers. Now that I finally got the build 2195, I use the 3.66 and the opengl from 3.53. I now longer have any problems with the games mentioned above. Full screen and beautiful graphics. I still find that a lot of games still dont run at all, but I think it is more of a case of the games written for DOS/win95. Since you did post something on win9x, here is what I use. There was a 2.17 driver unofficial release that just smoked all the others. I use this and the frame rates are great for old win95. [This message has been edited by Tim Bazzinett (edited 20 January 2000).]
  15. Tim Bazzinett

    Direct 3d support for V2 when????

    From what I understand, 3dfx has some deal with Microsoft not to release drivers for win2000 until feb 17th, the same day as the release of win2k
  16. Tim Bazzinett

    Connect Win2K to Netapp Server

    Same thing here. Using Windows 95, I can connect to a linux share via samba and can browse it using network neighborhood. And I can browse the windows 95 machine from Linux without problems too. But when I try from win2k, I cannot connect and to shares and the linux machine cannot connect to the win2k shares. Could this be another act of aggression from bill gates to manipulate the code for smb so that only windows can connect? (but if you find the way to connect the shares, lemme know)
  17. Tim Bazzinett


    Foxman98, you have a vey good point. I hear a lot of workers at the job I just left saying that they are looking forward to win2k pro on thier machines. Most of them have never worked on an NT workstation and only use 98/95 for use of email and MS Word. I want to see how many forget the password for the admistrators account on the first install and wonder why they cant get into their machines. As a network admin, I cant count how many times I have reset passwords for users that changed their passwords prior to going on vacation. Most of them will never understand event viewer messages or the functions of computer manager. Smitty, did you use ADAM to handle your divorce to get all that money? LOL [This message has been edited by Tim Bazzinett (edited 16 January 2000).]
  18. Tim Bazzinett

    Where is my User Manager for Domains???

    With server versions, at work, we just go to the winnt\system32 and find usrman.exe and drag it to the start menu where we want it and that gives us a little bit more flexible use of managing computers. The same can be done for server manager.
  19. Tim Bazzinett

    ** AGP enabled in 3.69 ** (Yeehah)

    The trouble I have is when I have IE up and running then I open up a quake3 session and close out, I no longer have a system tray, or the buttons up at the right, nor can I scroll the page. Wierd huh? Well, nvidia will just have to go back to the drawing board.
  20. Tim Bazzinett


    If you control-alt-delete, you should see a menu with a task manager button. Open that up and you should see the middle tab of processes. Then open that up and there should be a button for set affinity. That is only there if the operating system finds more than one processor in your system.
  21. Tim Bazzinett

    !Riva-Tnt Problem!

    Well, to make someone else's day seem less painful, here is something that will make you laugh (and unfortunately not WITH me). Since I only have RC2 2128, I have found out from others (eskreme) that I can not use the 3.6x drivers. So I tried to fix this by taking the inf file from 3.53 and taking the new files from 3.66 and naming them as the old file names from 3.53 and I tried to use them with the old 3.53 .inf. Dumb move! Well, Opengl would no longer work and d3d was horrible with the old "no clipping mode" from Doom was how Unreal Tournament would look. Nothing worked. Well, I even tried installing the original 3.53 drivers and that still nothing worked. So I had to get rid of window 2k and re-install it all over again. But like everyone says, it is still a beta OS and Beta drivers. [This message has been edited by Tim Bazzinett (edited 13 January 2000).]
  22. I was able to get 2128 build from Technet plus, but I would like to upgrade to 2195. Anyone remember the URL to the ftp site that you could download it from? Thanks in advance!
  23. Tim Bazzinett

    looking to upgrade to 2195, where do I start?

    your web page link contain a "," instead of a "." after the www. I was able to get a link to the ftp site at Microsoft, but looks like I am out of a password. Well, I will just wait for the feb 17th as I am assuming that it will be a huge download even if I could get to it and I am bandwidth challenged (31200 kbs).
  24. Tim Bazzinett

    Voodoo2 and Direct3D

    I remember reading that MS and 3dfx have some sort of contract not to release direct3d drivers for the V2 until feb 17. I have a v2 also, which makes me in the same boat as you. So I too will be waiting until then.
  25. Tim Bazzinett

    Enabling Soft Power-Down for Win 2k

    I read a post on the applications board that read if you enable APM in the controlpanel/power options, this will work. I had the same problem until I read this and now I can shutdown the old win98 way.