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About Costo

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  1. I've been trying to run GameSpy (2.10 -> 2.16) shareware on Win2000 for 3 months. I know it's indicated as working in this site, but it never did for me. Always the same problem : when refreshing the servers list, it queries all the servers, those respond correctly, but none is displayed in the list, and the dialog box that says "refreshing server list" stalls at 99% or 100%. The stop button can still be pushed, but it doesn't respond. After 3 or 4 clicks, it doesn't move anymore, and the dialog stays on screen for a long time. It disapears after 1 minute of so, but the server list is either empty or not up to date. (it works perfectly under Win98 SE and NT 4, though) Can someone help ?
  2. Costo

    Quake 3 Test

    I never had any problem running Q3Test (all versions) under Win2K RC1 and RC2. I use the beta Win2K 1.88 Reference drivers from nVidia for my TnT2U (Creative Labs)