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About Confuzed

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  1. Confuzed

    V3 2000, EQ, and 2128

    want to hear something really wierd... if you dont use any of the driver fixes out there and just use the 2170 built in drivers it actually runs eq most of the time... but... when ever you zone, or change resolution it freezes... well most of the time.. i managed to zone once without a crash... im not sure if its a hardware or driver prob... im leaning towards a hardware prob due to the fact that it does work sometimes... i only have 64mb ram and my processor is oc'd from 366 to 550... but i thought id let you guys know that the drivers that come w/ build 2170 seem to work ok
  2. Confuzed

    Is there _ANY_ direct3d support?

    oh yeah.. forgot something... it also says AGP Support: not available i have an AGP Card, obviously, the riva128 came in AGP only, i think
  3. Confuzed

    Is there _ANY_ direct3d support?

    Ok seeing as how everyone keeps saying that if you cant find out how to get D3d working in w2k you shouldnt be running a beta then i guess i should revert back to win95.. but one last try to get a straight answer... I have a Celeron 366 oc'd to 550 on a Abit BP6 mobo w/ a lame 64mb ram... a viper 330 (riva 128zx) video card and a sb64 gold sound card. I'm runnign build 2170 and have the full retail DX7 running on it. everything seems to work just fine. When i run dXdiag the "Direct3d Acceleration:" under the DirectX Features on the display tab allways says "not available". I can run the Direct 3d Test all day long... but w/o the direct acceleration most of my games wont run. So tell me, thought i spend about 1/2 an hour a day reading this site do i have "True Direct3d Support" or am i limited to software support for direct3d only. And if i only have the software end of it how do i get my damn d3d accelerator to accelerate my shi#, I WANT TO PLAY EVERQUEST ;-)
  4. all i can say is that build 2000 is pretty old... you may try and locate something a little more recent.. 2128 and 2170 both worked ok for me, but im not running that driver so i cant say for sure.
  5. Confuzed

    Quick easy question!

    boot disk eh... well i tried to format a floppy here in nt and put system files on it just last night... but to my suprise there is no way that i found to make a floppy bootable in w2k. find a friend who is still running win 9x and have him make you a boot disk by right clicking on the drive in my computer and selecting format... in the format program select the drive and check the box that says "copy system files"
  6. Confuzed

    :suffers from EQ withdraw ;-)

    i get a message when it trys to run the game... "no 3d device found" or some such thing... im sure the game looks before it trys to run... so it's looking for a 3d accelerator that supports direct 3d...
  7. Confuzed

    :suffers from EQ withdraw ;-)

    what makes you say voodoo 3, are there actual beta drivers out there... or have you had the best success w/ it... i'd perfer to get a tnt or tnt2 card... have you seen eq work on one of those... thats really the only game i want to run... besides i can get a tnt card pretty cheap from a friend.. voodoo 3 users dont seem to want to sell to badly
  8. Confuzed

    Hardware Recommendations!

    Im running a celeron 366 overclocked to 550 on a Abit BE6 Mobo w/ 64MB of ram(waiting for it to drop again... have faith, it will) a diamond viper 330 AGP Riva 128 video card and a SB64 Gold Sound card... It appears that the diamond viper 330 card is keeping me from playing Everquest(my "drug", and the only thing my wife and i do together... well almost) I would like to continue to run W2k only on my system (considering to install W98 i'd have to reformat) but i must have my EQ, so if i were to go buy a new video card what should i buy to get the best support for gaming in w2k
  9. Confuzed

    Win2k -Rc2 build 2167 --

    Im not a "beta tester" as microsoft likes to call the people who accually pay to run their bugged software ($60 in material and shipping costs... yeah right, it's mostly profit, and your supposed to find their bugs and report em for free... hmm) anyway to my point... i would like to know where one can get the latest builds as they become available, do any of you have a high speed FTP that i may be able to retrieve them from?
  10. Confuzed

    :suffers from EQ withdraw ;-)

    You must have miss understood me... i am running the Diamond Viper 330 AGP... a RIVA 128 card... not a TNT. Any suggestions for a solution... also what is the best supported 3d video card out right now... if i have to get a new video card i will!
  11. Confuzed

    :suffers from EQ withdraw ;-)

    if anyone has any idea of any way for me to get Everquest Working under Win2k i would be greatful. I am running 2128 w/ DX7( installed) on a Celeron 366 OC to 550, 64 mb ram w/ a Diamond Viper 330 AGP for video and a SB 64 Gold for sound. I get a message saying: "No 3D device found" or something like that... and DXDiags says that Direct3d Acceleration is disabled. Thanx all Confuzed /ooc The first person to get it running on my system gets 10pp (Guess you'd have to play to get it)