Just can't seem to get Win 2000,2151 to use my V770 Ultra with any games.. My V2 works just fine with Q3A and N3, but I want to use the superior 770. I'm assuming it's a OpenGL problem, because in N3 it returns: rasterBegin Fail, and with Q3A it won't even show up as a video option. I can copy over my working version from my Win98SE dir but then it won't even load, says can't open OpenGL subsystem. ??? sigh. Most of my apps seem to be working great.. I've read where you can use v2.08 of the nvidia drivers for success, but I can't seem to find them.... can someone email to me or sumpin'? TIA! I'm currently using the nVidia Reference 353 detonator drivers... My system is a P-II 450, ABIT m/b, etc.