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Everything posted by Nemith

  1. Nemith

    Voodoo3 under Windows2000 build# 2128

    Don't get me wrong with my post. (Which came out more harsh than I though) The Windows 2000 comminity would be lost with out SHS and so would I. I was just mearly saying that in my work place such a technical sheet would be laughed apon. I am also sorry for not totally reading the other posts on this subject where SHS explains his disability. Sorry for the problems. On the last note -------------------- Has anyone got the Voodoo3 2000 to work!?! I have having major problems (had to re-install)
  2. Nemith

    Voodoo3 under Windows2000 build# 2128

    I am sorry. I do speak english and I also read english. But whatever that was in the readme.txt was not english. I seemed to based off of english but derived into short hand. Well not to be hypocrit I also use short words and acronyms but only when sending e-mail and icq messages to friends. Not for a technical sheet. I had to read the page a couple times just to understand it!!! I belive if you publish a technical paper such as this one it should be done correctly. Nemith