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About Bootykika

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  1. Adding via 4-in-1 drivers to Win XP makes stuff start to act funny. I've tried it both ways, both on my Epox 8k7a, and it seems to be more stable without the 4n1.
  2. Bootykika

    Detonator win2k 5.16!

    Just a quick survey.... How are the 5.16 drivers? anyone have any problems with them yet. I'm running 3.84 and am a little hesitant to get the new version.
  3. Bootykika

    How do I delete a OS partition from the Dual Boot?

    Wow Thanks!!! It worked and all is well!
  4. I was trying to re-install a copy of Win2K 2195 and I accedently typed in d:\WINNT instead of c:\WINNT. Now there's two boot-up options when I startup. How do I get rid of one of them? Please Help.
  5. Bootykika

    DirectX 7 update

    Hey I just saw this on the Microsoft Website. It says it's some sort of debug version of the Windows 2000 DirectX run time. Not sure what it does or if it'll make any difference. Check it out and tell me wussup. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?ReleaseID=20038
  6. Bootykika

    SoundBlaster Live crashes my NT4-sp5

    Ok. Here's the Dilly. I just recently purchased a Soundblaster Live MP3+ and tried installing it on my NT4 - SP5 system. Well at first, the card was not autodectected. Then when I tried installing the drives off the CD through the Multimedia window under the Control panel, my system froze. I also tried running the install program off the CD but that freezes as well. I've tried reinstalling my OS and it still freeze my NT system up w/o any service packs. I'm not runnuing a Dual processor system either. Someone please help!