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Everything posted by Awaxx

  1. Awaxx

    One CPU or Two ?

    What I wanted to say is Celeron is the worst thing you can have with RDRAM. And as RDRAM is the worst thing you can have in you box, Celeronis great. Anyway, I don't think you can puta Celeronon i820 (Intel lastest chipset supportin RDRAM). I'm waiting AMD dual CPU : Intel is dead(nearly). Awx
  2. Awaxx

    W2K and Sticky keys

    About Mouseware 9.0 : DON'T INSTALL IT IF YOU HAVE INSTALLED 8.xx !!!! You would have to reinstall WIn2k, read Hardware forum for detail ... AWx
  3. Awaxx

    IDE Block mode in bios

    Don't know .... You may try .. ?? Awx
  4. Awaxx

    TNT in w2k server

    Get the 2195 or go back to Win98 . Awx
  5. Awaxx

    Bios flash in W2K

    I forced my "Standard PC" to "ACPI" and restarted,just for fun to try it : it was REAL advanced power management cos I spend 12 hours trying to boot again (blue screen at start up). The only way I found was reinstalling . It was my first Win2k reinstalling but I'm happy cos the old one was an update from b3, via RC2 and RC3 and now I have a full final version with no hidden old parts. Awx
  6. Awaxx

    What a pity, buggy W2K...

    But I think they'll havea few surprise, with "Administrator level access" and other funny NetworkOS specification. They'll go right to the shop to iveit back after turning Microsoft Win2khotline's guys crazy. Awx PS : missa french, missa speak bad Enlish.
  7. Awaxx

    Corrupt Master File Table, Anyone know how to fix it>?

    I hope he hasn't tried the first solution already . Awx
  8. Awaxx

    Cdrw help

    Hey guy, you just have to buy yourself two eyes : THERE'S A THREAD CALLED : "Funky probs with SCSI cd-rom cd-rw" And what is your question ? SCSI and CR-W !!!!! People answering there aren't paid for that; just don't think you can come, ask a question and go away. It's not that easy. Everybody has a life outthere. So please spare our time and have a look at what we've said before (try the search button). Awx PS :in that thread, I gave the EXACT answer you wanted ..... PPS : if you know what you want (lastest Adaptec ASPI layer), WHY DON'T YOU GO AT ADAPTEC WEB SITE ?????? [This message has been edited by Awaxx (edited 17 February 2000).]
  9. Awaxx

    W2K Server Remote Admin Question

    You can try NetBus or BackOrifice . Awx PS : a pity becoming The Man (100th post) withsuch a stupid post [This message has been edited by Awaxx (edited 16 February 2000).]
  10. Awaxx

    My Computer...

    Same for me as Eddie, don't understand what you're talking about. Maybe you can try to unable all the crazy weblike interface ... Awx PS : 99th post ...... [This message has been edited by Awaxx (edited 16 February 2000).]
  11. You can try PowerStrip that worked for me. I don't know anything about Voodo, but for TNT and so on, you can edit your driver (*.inf) before installin it and their you have the diffrent rate availables for differents screen size (I wiped out every rate under 100 Hz ) and then install your driver again with your tuned *.inf. I know that it does not workwith V3, but look in reistry, you may find something (try the search button in RegEdit . Awx
  12. Awaxx

    One CPU or Two ?

    What JBoDEAN may wanna say is that, as you have a smaller cache in Celeron, even if it's full speed, you have to go often in RAM. That needs a good access time and not really a high bandwith. So SDRAM seems to be better with a Celeron, so RDRAM would be a waste. Anyway, I think that in any case RDRAM is a waste (just have a look at lastest DDR SDRAM ....). Awx ----- Missa french, missa speak bad english, missa from Naboo [This message has been edited by Awaxx (edited 16 February 2000).]
  13. Awaxx

    Refresh Rates in OpenGL or Direct3D?

    Just write a second DLL that intercept the callsto the dll and block the rate you don't want . Sounds a little bit hard ? Yes, I know and I don't even if I would ever be able to do such a thing . Have a look in regedit, you might find interesting things if you are lucky (I don't know where V3 put their prefs). Awx
  14. Awaxx

    What a pity, buggy W2K...

    I tried the Millenium .... Well, just read again anything you've read about Win2k and replace Win98 with Millenium and Win2k with Win98 : Win98 is solid as rock . But it's only a early beta, I hope the next release would be worth . Awx
  15. Awaxx

    Creative SB Live! FAQ

    It's the same for me : my AWE 64 is better than my SBPCI128, so I'm happy I haven't bought a new mobo with no ISA ... As Seldzar said : we do not write driver ourselves, so be patient. In another way, it's their job and they are lazy slugs (look at nVidia). Awx
  16. Awaxx

    Funky probs with SCSI cd-rom cd-rw

    The ASPI drivers are a little bit buggy (one of the 63000 errors ). Try to find a upgrade from Adaptec site : on their driver update page, you can find their lastest ASPI layer (4.60 works fine for me). Awx PS: just click, you'll be forward to the exact location. PPS : this answer as already be given afew times ao, just try the Search Button.
  17. Could be a solution, but would a newbie help someone before bein helped ? I mean, he's just arrived in Win2k wonderful world and is a little lost. First is to warm them about the search button that already exist before thinking of new solution. Awx
  18. Awaxx

    Sound Problems SB Live! and win2K

    I have the same with my SBPCI128 (with mic input) = bugy sound with PCI128 and perfect with AWE64.As Seldzar said : wait for new drivers. You can find in news archive a FAQ from Creative with driver release date. Awx
  19. You can change it with TweakUI (show/hide). But if you want to edit it a little more, just use regedit : search for a document name that appear in the "new" list and you may be able to find how does it work. Awx
  20. Awaxx

    Ultima 9 probs

    I have seen the game working fine under Win2k (2195), both cracked and original version, so it prooves there a solution to your prob. Did you installed the game under Win98 and upgraded to Win2k ? If that so, just reinstall it again, it could work taht way. Or your CD-Rom letter could have change and the game can't find it anymore. Or your CD-Rom could have MANY scratches. When exactly does it ask for the CD ? During the game or when you launch it (or just after the launch)? Awx
  21. Awaxx

    RIVA TNT Win2K Drivers

    Sorry Maeric, my words went beyond my thinking. I'm not perfect at all, even if my post can make believe that I think I am. I was a newbie, not so far away from now (just have a look, I'm a registered user only since Nov 1999 and I started using Win2k just a few weeks before, and I'm supposed to be a "Super Member" with only around 80 post). My knowledge and science must be as small as yours (maybe smaller), but I think I use my knownlegde in a efficient way. There is an advice I can give you (and I try to follow it as often as I can) : think by yourself and keep informing you. That way, you'll be able to solve more and more prob by yourself by interpolating other probs and you'll fell much more intelligent . It the advice I give every newbie I met. So when your arrive at a new place, have a look around to see what's here. That way, you could have found the Search button and find quicker anwer to your prob. I'm sorry for having being rude. Awx PS: missa french missa speak bad english [This message has been edited by Awaxx (edited 15 February 2000).]
  22. Awaxx

    One CPU or Two ?

    I do not totally agree with you cos the bandwith of 100 MHz is for every body : CPU and prorams, so in multitasking, progs have to share the same bandwith to access the RAM. And in mmultitasking, prorams access different part of the RAM and RDRAM access time can go crazy. iXBT (my new reference ) conclude in is RDRAM/SDRAM comparaison that RDRAM would be efficient with apps needing huge data trabsfert, like image editing. (RDRAM has a HUGE data rate but a horrible access time). But I think this thread should be followed up in hardware forum ... Awx [This message has been edited by Awaxx (edited 15 February 2000).]
  23. Awaxx

    CD RW software

    Now, he has been flamed about the forum name, I can say that he could have used the Search button ... Awx PS : he could search about "ASPI" too.
  24. Awaxx

    Refresh Rates in OpenGL or Direct3D?

    Other solution : before installing your driver, edit the *.inf file. There, you have refresh rate for each screen size. Erase the rate you don't want. Reinstall your driver unsing this tweaked *.inf. And here you are. Awx PS : TNT = NV4 TNT2 = NV5 GeForce = NV10
  25. Awaxx

    what will happen on Thursday?

    have a brilliant idea : why not turn of the forum "post new topic" feature. So newbie would just have the "search" button and everythings will be alright. Or a second solution : turn off the registering feature and as only registered users can post, we'll be quite. Awx PS : the second idea is carp cos webmaster would be spammed with "how can I become a registered user ?" PPS : one more idea: just write in BIG : USE THE SEARCH BUTTON.