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About wime

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  1. wime

    AGP support

    hi people i'm running a geforce on w2k final with 3.56GL working drivers. my question is : why AGP support is not avaiable when doing dxdiag ? tahnks wime
  2. wime

    Creative GeForce - don't work :(

    thank you guyz it seems working now ) i changed my scsi ISA adapter (comes with Zip100 internal), and i replaced it with a newer PCI Tekram DC-315U, to control my new Teac CD-R, and the Zip..... and it's work. I don't understand why, because the device manager doesn't report any conflict with my previos card. Thanks again for your answers ) wime (ps. my instalation was always clean, not an upgrade for nt)
  3. hi i have still the same problem with my Creative GeForce. I have installed a 2170 instead of 2128, and used the Nvidia reference drivers 3.53 to configure my card. After reboot, when on the screen i expect to see my w2k desktop, my screen becomes black and..... thats all ! Crashed ! (same problem with 3.56 drivers) I ca only run w2k with VGA or Safe mode. Please help me, i have no idea of the problem (dual cele 500 on Abit bp6, 128Mo Ram, 13.5 HD, iiyama 17",sb live player 1024, cdrom 40x, isa scsi adapter 1502 for Zip100, floppy...) wime "waiting for your lights"
  4. wime

    Creative GeForce on w2k ???

    thanks ...but it's not a refreshing rate. My Iiyama 702HT supports up to 1600x1200. i'll try with a newer release, 2170 or RC3 when it will be out... About Detonator's 3.56, it'strange they don't support AGP ?!? Most recent video cards works on AGP so.. wime
  5. those drivers doesn't work with my Creative GeForce 256... i can only "use" w2k, in vga or safe mode ( wime
  6. wime

    Creative GeForce on w2k ???

    My problem : I tried to install my new Creative Annihilator GeForce 256, on a 2128 release of Win 2000. On my computer, it doesn't work with any drivers (Detonator 3.53 or 3.56). Installation don't make a problems, but after rebooting, and after the Win 2000 starting screen, when i'm expecting to see my desktop, my screen becomes black, and my keboard doesn't answer. I have to do a hard reset. Do you know if anyone have the same problems ? Bart ps : my config is dual celeron 500 on a Abit BP6 128Mo of ram, 13.5Go IBM HD, SB Live player 1024... see you