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About OneHotRS

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  1. OneHotRS

    Where is my User Manager for Domains???

    Microsoft has changed the way that resources are managed with Win2K. All administrative duties now can be accessed throught the MMC. Microsoft Managment Console. Right click 'My Computer' and select 'Manage' All admin tools are available there. Users, Groups, Services, LSA, IIS, etc. Have Fun.
  2. OneHotRS

    Windows 2000 Services issue

    You have two choices by the looks of it. The easy way and the hard way. 1.)Boot to the installation diskette and when the prompt comes up select Repair an existing Win2K installation using the Fast Repair utility. Be advised that you must do this TWICE. The first time generally just checks things out. Also, it may not repair things that were manually disabled. 2.) Or... you can use the recovery console. The recovery console will allow you to do some minor system functions, one of which is to start and configure services. It takes some reading to get familiar with how it works because it is text based, but I think that this is your best shot. Good Luck man. OneHotRS
  3. Ohhhhh. Packet Writer... Ok. I know that there were issues with using DirectCD on Win2K, however, I'm not sure if Adaptec has released updated info. You might want to check there site. Another that you could try is called "abCD" from a company called Prassi. Good Luck man
  4. Guys, I burn all my CD's in Win2K with no probs using a Creative 8x and Nero. The trick is.... Make sure that the ASPI that you have is not an upgrade. The one for download from Adaptec is an upgrade. You must have an Adaptec ASPI layer installed already to use it. They also provide ASPI checker which shows which version that you have. Current release is 4.60. Easy CD Creator installs the ASPI layer for IDE devices. SCSI devices use the layer that comes with the SCSI card. Hope this helps
  5. OneHotRS

    Let's face it

    The stirring conversation is what keeps bringing me back!! There are two issues that I think need addressing 1.)"Why release Millenium" - The word you are looking for is Marketing!! Have you seen the price difference between NT and 98? Win2K needs to be out a little while before MS can convince(force) everyone to migrate. 2.)When this sucker goes gold, I want drivers that function!! Properly and completely!! That is what beta time is for. If people are too damn impatient to wait for the driver that works, write one yourself and see what fun it is. Me? I'd rather cut them some slack and get a FINAL (STESSED WORD HERE) driver that functions as it should. Your copy of Win2K was FREE!!!! Be happy!! This is why they don't release beta software to the public. Everybodies always in a hurry. My Win2K box runs fine. Still on RC2 and happy. If it blows up, who cares, it's a beta. I'm with Seldzar, lets all get along.
  6. OneHotRS

    Riva TNT2 ULTRA + 2183 = HELL (God Please Help)

    Let's clear up a few things shall we? All bashing aside now, let's all play nice. Win2K as of RC2 as far as I know ships with TNT2 drivers that work fine for 2D. i.e. this means that the desktop should work fine with default drivers. It did on mine and several others. Next, the biggest culprit is probably in the BIOS. There is a setting in there that says "Assign IRQ to VGA: Y/N" somewhere. Each board is different. IF this is set to "NO" the TNT2 will never work. It MUST be set to "YES". If that doesn't help, let me know and maybe we can dig a little deeper. Good Luck
  7. OneHotRS

    isdn router HELP!!!!

    Most modern ISDN routers are Web configured. If you know it's IP address you can type that into your browser and it will take you to it's setup page. However, some of the older ones still require a console connection. When you connect through HyperTerm, what is your baud/data/parity/stop/flow control settings? Standard is 9600 Baud / 8 Data bits / No Parity / 1 Stop Bit / NO Flow Control. Try that.
  8. OneHotRS

    PC Anywhere 9.0 Crash

    Has anyone experienced crashing in AWHOST32.DLL when running pcAnywhere 9.0.1 as a service under Win2K? I am running build 2128 and the service dies when anyone tries to connect to it. Any insight is appreciated. OnHotRS