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Everything posted by Stain_Maker

  1. I have been trying unsuccessfully to get Q3A to run with R_SMP 1 under W2K and have been failing miserably. Even time it seems to load, then I get a gray screen with the cursor being an hour glass. I've installed the latest V3 drivers and Q3 point release with no help. Last night I even reloaded W2k and I'm still getting the same problem. I read and re-read the installation instructions for the video drivers and think I'm doing it correctly. I even lowered the processor speed back down to 366Mhx to see if that was the problem. Still no help. Anyone have any ideas???? BP6 366->550Mhz V3 3000 MX300 AHA2940 PX-R820T
  2. Stain_Maker

    RC3+V3 3k + Q3Demo = Not working

    Has anyone figured out a hack to get Q3demo to run under RC3 with a V3???? The hack that worked with 2128 appears not to work with 2183. Thanks
  3. Stain_Maker

    RC3+V3 3k + Q3Demo = Not working

    Turns out my problem stemmed from me screwing the pooch during the driver re-install. After I pointed W2K to the folder with the hacked drivers, I didn't check the little box that said use a diff driver tahn the one W2K was recommending. What I'm assuming happened next was W2K installing the original driver that I had just deleted. Everything works fine now. Thanks for the help.
  4. Stain_Maker

    RC3+V3 3k + Q3Demo = Not working

    Initially (right after installing 2183) I was getting the "unable to load opengl_subsystem" error, so I then tried what had worked in the past, which was the hacked drivers. When I try to run Q3 now the game loads up to the point where the screen flashes/goes black then it drop back to the desktop with a 1" by 1" error box. In the Quake 3 console, the last command it tried to execute was: Calling LoadLibrary (H:\winnt\system32\3dfxvgl.dll' ): I've checked and double checked that the file is there and is called VGL not OGL. Also, I d/l'ed the V3win2k drivers from your page, installed them and am still getting the same error. Am I missing something???