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About yakko7178

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  1. yakko7178

    Sound Blaster Live Sowftware and Drivers for Win2k

    Creative has a schedule for when Win2k drivers should be available at http://www.americas.creative.com/win2k.html. SB Live! drivers are supposed to be out this month.
  2. yakko7178

    CDR software in win2k?

    Quote: Originally posted by Palos: Well, I guess he should be fired anyways for purchasing Win2K Adv.Server without checking for backward compatibility ! I never said it was adv. server. I just said it was Win2k Server.
  3. yakko7178

    Access to NT share from DOS

    Actually, i searched the Microsoft knowledgebase and found what i was doing wrong...it was just a matter of making sure all the ini files were configured correctly
  4. yakko7178

    Access to NT share from DOS

    Can anyone help me with this? I have a computer with a 3Com 3c905tx NIC and I need to boot from a floppy and connect to an NT4 server. I have used the network client administrator, (and i have the right NIC drivers from a floppy i made from Ghost 6.0). but i keep getting the error (using IPX) "5733 incorrect binding". Thanks for any help! Jeremy Dennis
  5. yakko7178

    CDR software in win2k?

    ah...unfortunatly it's 3.5c. Maybe i can talk my boss into an upgrade
  6. yakko7178

    CDR software in win2k?

    Quote: Originally posted by Palos: Well, choose one: 2 - Fire the IT manager, cos only a dumbass would buy a piece of software for a company without doing research beforehand to see if it's compatible with W2K. Well, i'd love to, but this is the software we got with the drive (BEFORE 2k came out). I'm probably gonna go down to Win98 or NT4 on that machine. thanks anyway!
  7. yakko7178

    CDR software in win2k?

    Hi, I'm running Win2k Server on a computer here at work (trying to get it to work as a backup for our NT4 PDC, but that's another story). This computer has a SCSI CDR drive that's worked great under NT4 Server, but EZ CD Creator won't install under 2000. Does anyone know a fix for this? (please don't tell me to get X CDR software or X is better unless it's freeware, EZ CD Creator is what my company paid for, so it's what i've gotta use) thanks! Jeremy Dennis
  8. yakko7178

    Voodoo3 3500 success!

    When I first installed RC2, I had 640x480 16 colors. I did the above (Using the 3000 drivers, I do not know if there are 3500 NT drivers) and now I'm running 1024x768 16 bit color. I tried to play StarCraft today, and the graphics are jumpy...I guess I still need to fix some stuff, but at least I have more than 16 colors Yakko
  9. yakko7178

    Voodoo3 3500 success!

    I searched for the v3wn4.exe file like the instructions said, but I tried just extracting the archive and having win2k search for a driver in that folder, and it found the driver for the 2000/3000. I installed it, and it seems to work! I haven't seen any problems. Yakko