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About Ridge

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  1. Hi I've got a Guillemot Prophet 3D SE Geforce on a BP6 with windows 2000 final, but when I play Halflife with OpenGL mode and you make a turn during the game the screen aren't smooth (it's a kind of shoppy) While I had a Voodoo3 3000 and never had this problem before. Do you guy's have similar problems ??? I use Detonator 3.81 This also happens in win98 Ridge
  2. Ridge

    Voodoo3 2000 drivers for win2k?

    Seldar I've downloaded your latest drivers but when I want play Halflife my screen turn into red and after that my colours are in reverse !!!!!! i have RC2 with a Voodoo3 3000 Please Help Ridge
  3. Ridge

    OpenGl, Voodoo3 and Win2k?!

    Rage, just copy: 3dfxvgl.dll into your dir: Halflife and it will work. Ridge L
  4. I have the following problem: I installed win2k RC2 build 2128 on a Quantum 13,6 KA Gb and the drivers for the ATA66 controllers (HIGHPOINT) and I update the bios for the BP6 (NJ) & ATA controller (1,21) changed the boot sequence into: EXT,C,A (EXT-means UDMA66) but windows is still comming with the message: NTLDR is missing and PC won't BOOT !! (tried almost everthing) changed the BOOT.INI (which was placed on: www.bp6.com) but it wonn't work. Is there anyone who can help me solving the irritating problem ????????? Thanx in advance. Ridge
  5. Ridge

    Voodoo3 OpenGL

    If 3dfx wants to rule again they have to react quicker. NVIDIA is not sleeping you know. 3dfx knows that win2k will be released soon so they have to do their homework. they are suporting the MAC platform that is a good idea but win2k support sucks !! I want have a 3dfx card in the future also, but if they are soooo slowwwww with drivers I cannot guarantee that 3dfx will rocks my world in the near future. Greetings ridge
  6. Ridge

    Voodoo3 OpenGL

    Why's doesn't make 3dfx some drivers for windows 2000 ??? is that such a hard job ?? Greetings Ridge
  7. Ridge

    Voodoo3 OpenGL

    Cham, I did it !!!! just copy 3dfxvgl.dll in your HL dir and it works !!! Yess !! Please reply your results Ridge
  8. Ridge

    Voodoo3 OpenGL

    Hi, Is there anyone on this planet which has a Voodoo3 3000 running with win2k which support OpenGL to play Halflife in OpenGL mode. If so please tell me how you did it! Thanx Ridge