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About Draken

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  1. Draken

    New Nvidia Drivers 3.65

    So.. I DL'ed the win2k-geforce-365.zip file and wonders.. is it GEFORCE only? Checked the readme and it says all is supported, but I'm not sure I can trust it. Anyone tested it with a tnt2? Do you need RC3? (I still got RC2, since I'm to lazy to upgrade ) [This message has been edited by Draken (edited 12 December 1999).]
  2. Draken

    Quake 1

    Never had the GL problem... It doesn't mean anything if W2K RC2 Doesn't think glquake or winquake is win32 applications. So.. it's NOT about GL.. winquake doesn't work either.. W2K just says it's not a valid WIN32 application. Well.. wtf should I do about it? Since quakeworld does work (GL too) it seems that there is something special about glquake and winquake... but what? PLEASE HELP ME! I still want to play around with Q1 sometimes.
  3. Draken

    Quake 1

    When I try to run winquake or glquake it says it's not a valid win32 application. Dos quake doesn't work either. Quakeworld do work. Both software and GL. But I want regular quake! Winquake or GLquake! Anyone knows whats wrong?