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About Psycha0s

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  1. Psycha0s

    G400 and RC3?

    How's it run? How does Quake 3/UT run with the G400 beta drivers? Is there TV Out?
  2. Psycha0s

    Photoshop 5.5, RC3

    I have the full 5.5 as well. It doesn't work for me in RC3. I run the executable and nothing happens. Looking at the task manager it isn't running at all. I went back and installed 5.0 and that works fine.
  3. Psycha0s

    Quake 3/RC3/Velocity prob

    Strange problem. I can get Quake 3 to run but it looks like it's in 4 bit color or something. The game will actually start but you can't see anything because there's only a few colors. I'm running RC3 and a Velocity 100 (tried Velocity NT4 drivers, Voodoo 3 drivers, and the hacked drivers from one of the W2K sites same thing on all). Renaming files to Opengl32.dll in the Quake 3 directory didn't change it.
  4. Psycha0s

    Unreal Tourny/RC3 rockin'

    Running the retail UT with a K6-2 400, FIC 503+ MB, SB Live Value, 3DFX Velocity 100, 196 megs of RAM. No problems at all runs nice and smooth at 800x600. Have spent lots of hours over the holiday playing it on both the Internet and home LAN. Assault rocks and I get wait to upgrade to a Athlon 500/Ultra TNT2 in about a week to crank up the res/32 bit color.