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Everything posted by Vermyn

  1. Vermyn

    TV Tuner card question

    No experience with that card... but I can personally vouch for the Leadtek TV2000XP card. Works beautifully with MythTV and TVTime (under Gentoo, but I've had it working under other distros too). I highly recommend it, especially since you can get it from newegg.com for under $30 now!
  2. Vermyn

    I've had it with NAV 2004!

    Incidentally, I guess I should mention the virus scanner I'm using. I used to use AVP (before it was Kaspersky), but they could never get XP compatibility working properly so gave up on them. Moved to Panda Antivirus and their installer installs the program in Espanol even if you select English. About the only reliable programs I'm using now are either Norton Corporate edition (Corporate, I said!) or AVG (www.grisoft.com). Good luck!
  3. Vermyn

    I've had it with NAV 2004!

    Since you asked, I'll give you my McAfee horror story: I was in the same position as you back around 1999. I needed a virus scanner and needed it badly. I wanted to try something that had a "good name." I thought (how silly of me) that McAfee had a good name, so I downloaded VirusScan evaluation edition and loaded it up. After installing it, Windows Update ceased working. No matter what I did, I couldn't use Windows Update at all. I started having tons of BSOD crashes, application errors, everything from the ground up. It was a nightmare. So I decided it was time to uninstall McAfee. Oh man was I sorry. Uninstalling it rendered my system completely unbootable. Windows just BSOD'd on reboot or didn't load at all. I had to reformat. I was upset. I spent a lot of time on the McAfee forums trying to get them to talk, but they do not respond at all to their users.
  4. Vermyn

    I've had it with NAV 2004!

    Stay far, far, far, far away from McAfee Antivirus. Worst product ever made... it has been the height of villainy since VirusScan 4.0.
  5. Vermyn

    Visual Studio .net and Java?

    Sounds like your Java environment is screwed up...
  6. Vermyn

    Visual Studio .net and Java?

    Netbeans was actually easier for me to use than IntelliJ. IntelliJ's project structure confused me and since Netbeans was free, I couldn't really pass it up. Unfortunately nothing is as good as VS.NET for development, especially if you're still learning the languages (I'm learning Java)... but it's the next best thing for me so far.
  7. Vermyn

    Visual Studio .net and Java?

    Nope, sorry... J# is as good as it gets with Java. I would suggest Netbeans IDE (which is free with Sun's Java SDK) or IntelliJ IDEA from http://www.intellij.com.
  8. Vermyn

    Please help me with my new computer.

    Even though I don't use RAID, I have my hard drives hooked up to the Promise PDC20276 controller. A quick Google on that will show exactly what I'm talking about... RAID or not, if you have hard drives on that controller, you WILL have issues with some distributions.
  9. Vermyn

    Please help me with my new computer.

    Only problem I can see is that some Linux distributions have quirks when experiencing some of the newer motherboards with Promise or Highpoint RAID controllers. You can get it to work with some distros - some distros will take some tender loving care - others will just plain not work with them.
  10. Vermyn

    Utility to manage AD accounts?....

    Active Directory Users and Computers is in the administrative tools folder on the server itself. If you want a client version, you will want to load the adminpak.msi from the server CD. I think, though, that the 2000 server adminpak.msi is incompatible with XP though, so be careful there.
  11. Vermyn

    Utility to manage AD accounts?....

    Active Directory Users and Computers...?
  12. Vermyn

    Dual booting 98 on NTFS?

    Sorry, to make this work, you get to format the entire hard drive and start over (losing all of your data). NTFS cannot be converted to FAT32 and you cannot dynamically size it down without a partitioning tool. So, if you don't want to buy a partitioning tool, you get to start over. As the earlier guy said, install 98 first, then install Win2k in a separate partition.
  13. Vermyn

    How can I make Text Upper/Lower case in Dreamweaver?

    I'd use a stylesheet and set the CSSclass property of your text to whatever defines what should be in caps and what shouldn't. That's what I do in VS.NET, anyway - hell if I know if you can do that in Dreamweaver.
  14. When the XP machine suddenly stops connecting to the printers, try pinging the Linux server and/or the printers (if the printers themselves have IP addresses). Also check the cabling for the XP machine and make sure it's not halfway hanging out of the wall or something (no joke - this type of thing was happening at one of my customer sites for six months and it turned out the cable was slammed into the jack at an angle and stuck there). Lastly, try changing the port your XP machine's cable is plugged into on the hub or switch. Perhaps your port is going bad.
  15. Vermyn

    MS Outlook 2000 help me!

    Nope, Outlook keeps all items and folders in a PST file. Usually, it's located in: c:\documents and settings\<yourusername>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook A lot of times running a search on the hard drive will cause it to skip these directories because they are typically hidden. Go there manually with explorer and look in that directory. You will probably need to go to tools/folder options and enable viewing hidden files first.
  16. Vermyn

    Windows XP Checked/Debug version

    It's a version of Windows XP that contains all the debug code/symbols in case of problems. It runs in debug mode when booting, which slows it down a bit. Probably oughta stay away from it for normal use
  17. Vermyn

    NTFS random freezing

    He said he installed 98 and then upgraded to XP Pro, hence why I didn't think he wanted to dual boot.
  18. Vermyn

    NTFS random freezing

    Also... I heartily recommend NOT installing 98 and then upgrading to XP Pro. Boot off your WinXP CD and install it fresh. It will ask for the Win98 CD to prove that you qualify for an upgrade. Then freshly format the drive to NTFS in the WinXP installer.
  19. Vermyn

    Changing localhost IP

    Try installing the Cassini web server. It's a mini web server provided by MS for people who don't want to run IIS - and Cassini is easy to turn on or shut down. www.asp.net is the place to get it.
  20. Vermyn

    RPC is shutting down the system in 15 min.

    Someone finally released a worm that exploits the RPC vulnerability announced in July. Everyone was warned that this would happen and it did. SARC's writeup: http://www.sarc.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.blaster.worm.html The good news it's really easy to clean. I've cleaned about six machines today... someone was using it to remotely shut down computers from elsewhere on the net. They were popping up a box that told them it was going to shut them down in 1 minute... then actually counted the seconds down until it did so.
  21. Vermyn

    User stealing data

    I would enable auditing on the domain and the workstations involved. Set this in the group policy snap in, then right-click on the files you suspect of being accessed and set them up for auditing in the security tab.
  22. Vermyn

    is there such a program

    I don't know that Dynamic DNS will be a good solution for you because you're using the Linksys router. I would be willing to take a crack at writing a program for you. Email me privately and we'll discuss. I'll send you a private message with my email address.
  23. Vermyn

    is there such a program

    Is it a Linksys or something doing your routing?
  24. Vermyn

    programming in windows

    Anything .NET is a great place to start.