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Everything posted by Vermyn

  1. Vermyn

    Reconnecting Drives at BootUp - Weird Behavior

    This happened to me too, quite often... but the problem went away after installing XP SP1. *shrug* --Alexander
  2. Vermyn

    USB keyboard loves my Event Log

    Glad it worked... it was a cosmetic error really, but annoying. Nothing I had more than a red X in my event log. --Vermyndax
  3. Vermyn

    USB keyboard loves my Event Log

    The i8042prt port mentioned in your event viewer is the PS/2 keyboard port. Windows mentions this timeout at boot because it is configured in the registry to look for the keyboard at the PS/2 port first on every boot (every Windows machine is configured this way by default). Since you have a USB keyboard, it's not going to find a keyboard on the PS/2 port and log the error. You can tell Windows to stop looking at the PS/2 port on every boot by changing a registry key. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;Q262798& If you're on the latest WIn2000 service pack, you can add a "Headless" registry value in the key to disable the startup check. I have to do this to servers very often... groan... --Vermyndax
  4. Okie, I've been having major problems here ever since WinXP SP1 and I'll just say before I get started... yes, I reformatted and the issues keep coming back. Using Catalyst v2.3 drivers for my Radeon 8500 Using latest drivers for Hauppauge WinTV Go PCI and latest WinTV2000. Using WinXP SP1. Issues I have: When using Catalyst v2.3 on Radeon, Hauppauge's WinTV2000 BSOD's with KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED in their driver file (H<whatever>.sys ... too lazy to look it up and type it). When using Catalyst v2.2 on Radeon, Hauppauge's WinTV2000 does not BSOD... but channels will not change. When playing CDs in Windows Media Player, sound stutters and visualizations freeze briefly. Yes, I tried using error correction and this happens on both CD drives I have. I am using Asus P4B533-E BIOS release 1009, also. I dunno what to make of this problem - it's amazing! If any of you have this mix, let me know if you're having the same trouble, please. Thanks!
  5. Okie, actually, I've solved the Windows Media Player problem. Turns out when I installed SP1 or something else (who knows what), it kicked my CD-ROM drives into digital playback mode. That's a no-no for systems that can't handle it (although I have a p4-2.26ghz, I'm not sure why it cannot handle this!)... changing it back to analog fixed the problem. I have a soundblaster live! value, so I think that's my digital playback problems. But the WinTV problem goes on... --Alexander
  6. Bought it... I know about SP1's penchant for piracy --Alexander
  7. IRQ not less or equal - this error is an incompatible device with Win2k/WinXP. What legacy hardware do you have? Also check into a BIOS upgrade for your motherboard. If you have old hardware and pulled it all, then start looking on the motherboard. IRQ not less or equal is not indicative of memory failure. If the memory address is the same every time, I'd wager that it's a motherboard problem (incompatible BIOS or incompatible/failed internal hardware). --Alexander
  8. Vermyn

    encrypted folder big problem

    If, on the off chance, the computer belongs to a domain with an encryption recovery agent specified (i.e. the administrator account) you can use that account to recover the files. If it's just a home computer with a local policy specified to allow the administrator account (if there is one!) to be the ERA, then you can use that login and may be able to recover the files. Otherwise, it is as stated before... over.
  9. Vermyn

    BE6-II with PIII 1GHz NO GO

    I had this same problem not too long ago... check: 1. Make sure the slotket is seated pretty well 2. Make sure you're not mixing RAM... mixing RAM turned out to be a death blow for this motherboard with a p3-1ghz CPU 3. Try the CPU in another board to make sure the CPU is okie.
  10. Vermyn

    MY scanner and game controller won't work, why?

    Sorry guy, time to upgrade. Dexxa's 4800 scanner doesn't even have Windows 2000 support. There are drivers for the scanner located here: http://www.driverzone.com/drivers/dexxa However, if you install any of these, it's HIGHLY LIKELY your Windows XP will NOT boot. In other words, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND AGAINST loading any of those drivers. Run down to WalMart and put down $49.95 on a new scanner, man. As for the Sidewinder... support for Microsoft's joysticks and gaming controllers are built into Windows XP... but they must be set up in control panel. --Vermyn
  11. Well, first thing's first... This board doesn't support PC2700 DDR RAM... it's PC1600/2100 only... see specifications at: http://usa.asus.com/mb/socket478/p4b533-e/specification.htm Secondly, this was a problem pertaining to Nvidia cards at one time... try up[censored] to newest Detonator drivers and all Windows Updates (there is at least one Windows Update that corrects a similar issue to this). --Vermyn
  12. Why not let them bake on their own for a while, then install a demo copy of Exchange and let them see how it works, then take it off after it expires? That's Microsoft's favorite trick. --Alexander
  13. Heheh I thought you said unreliable wasn't the word for it? In all seriousness... Exchange 2000 is a pretty good messaging solution. It has a few rocky places, but Microsoft's support of the platform is excellent. --Alexander
  14. Previously, an MS Postoffice or the net folders feature accomodated this. Net folders was extremely unreliable, however, and was removed. In some small LANs, I set up a PST folder on a computer and added the PST to everyone's profile to connect across a share. This works sometimes, but every now and then a record-locking error would pop up. Ultimately, there is no good solution in Office XP except to get an MS Exchange Server or revert back to Office 2000 and use net folders... --Alexander
  15. Actually, I don't even know how you can purchase the MUI packs through Microsoft other than going to a Microsoft Certified Partner... perhaps if you had a friend that worked at a company who was a partner...
  16. Windows XP has modularized language support for the entire OS (if you're using pro, that is... home edition, forget it). Microsoft has introduced MUI packs for Windows XP that allow you to convert the whole OS into a different language on the fly. You have to obtain these MUI packs from a Microsoft Certified Partner and they will only install on Pro, not Home Edition. If you wish to be able to read web pages in other languages and write in other languages, go to control panel/date and regional options and add the languages you wish to use there. This lets you read/write in those languages using various IME's... but to change the menus and dialog boxes, you have to use the MUI pack for the language you want to use. --Alexander http://www.weslow.net
  17. There are several protocols that may apply to your problem. Specifically, Windows Media uses MMS. Protocol def is as follows: port 1755 TCP Inbound (secondary) port 1755 UDP Receive port 1755 TCP outbound (secondary) port 1755 UDP Send Don't forget to check your Windows Media proxy settings against this. If you're using ISA Server 2000 as your firewall, let me know - as it will go beyond simple port definitions. --Alexander
  18. Vermyn

    Internet Explorer Window Size

    Hmmm... here's an idea... Make a page with links that call the following javascript. We use this on our 404 page to open a new window for users looking for old content that generates a 404 error: <SCRIPT language="javascript"> window.open("http://www.weslow.net/webskin/1/toc.asp","","copyhistory=1,location=1,toolbar=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=700,height=480"); </SCRIPT> Of course, replace with your own URL. Primarily what you would want to change is, of course, the width and height. I would set those to various resolutions and just make a page with links that called all of these one by one. --Vermyndax
  19. Vermyn

    NAT problems with web sharing!

    Then your problem is DNS. You need to set up DNS server on that server (which should be set up if you have an Active Directory created on it). Go into the DNS MMC and right-click on the server, choose properties. Click the "Forwarders" tab and put in the IP addresses of your ISP's DNS servers. What this does is make it so the DNS server on your Win2k Server will forward DNS requests for anything other than your own zone... it will forward those requests out to the ISP DNS servers to return the proper IP. Incidentally, I wouldn't recommend using ICS for this kind of setup - you should look into doing it "the right way" with Routing and Remote Access... but tackle this DNS problem first --Alexander
  20. Vermyn

    New 3dfx drivers

    I could also mirror, but @home's got that damn 125k upstream cap... maybe AT&T will lift that (cough)... --Alexander
  21. Vermyn

    New 3dfx drivers

    I've been trying to get these drivers for what... two days now? Someone please mirror them or email them to me... alexander@removethis.red-abstract.com --Alexander
  22. Anyone know how to fix Creative's infamous devldr32.exe lockup when trying to shut down or reboot? Or to keep it from loading twice in memory when one goes stale? I think this is the source of a lot of my problems (yes, using Liveware 2k fresh). --Vermyn
  23. Vermyn

    WinAmp v2.61 and new SBLiveWare

    I reported this to Nullsoft, but I was wondering if any of you were having the same problem... After loading the official LiveWare drivers from Creative (yes, I get the devldr32.exe lockup like everyone else... sucks doesn't it?)... WinAmp has started acting funky. After about 15 minutes of playing, or when the screensaver kicks in... WinAmp just locks up, all processes disappear from the task manager, and the system starts having really flaky sound support... some sounds will play, others will not. You cannot end task WinAmp because you cannot see the processes or the task list... it's all invisible. Next, what happens on my machine is the entire network crashes... Win2k starts reporting IPNATHLP errors and Internet Explorer starts getting confused. It's reaaaallly bizarre, only happens when I have WinAmp open. I can play MP3's all night on Windows Media Player without this happening. Anyone else experiencing this after loading new SBLive drivers? --Vermyndax
  24. Vermyn

    WinAmp v2.61 and new SBLiveWare

    Well, how about this... what kind of partition are you using on your disk? Basic or dynamic? (Incidentally, the performance gained by switching to dynamic is INCREDIBLE). --Vermyndax
  25. Here's an odd one for you... based on my searches of the forums, no one has seem it. Installed Win2k 2195 (the real thing baby!) last night as a fresh install... even formatted the drive to NTFS. On installation and even now in device manager, I have a problem putting in the SBLive! WDM driver... I get an error: "The data is invalid." And it refuses to install the driver. This is with the WDM driver on the 2195 CD as well as the universal INF available from the site. As a last ditch effort, I'm trying to pull down the Liveware 2000 beta, so we'll see what happens with that. I have tried to move the SBLive to a different PCI slot and made sure there were no resource conflicts. What's even more peculiar is that it was working fine under RC2 a long time ago (I went back to Win98 after a while on that one). Other relevant hardware: Creative Encore 8x (with dxr3 decoder, yes I know this doesn't work on 2000 yet) HP 9100i writer (same here) Aceex ISA 56k modem Voodoo3 All other hardware is working fine or as expected (minus the dxr3 since that doesn't have any available drivers yet, and I don't want those alpha drivers from hollywood... and minus the HP 9100i writer). No matter what I try though, I keep getting "the data is invalid" no matter what INF I try for the sblive. Oh yeah, and the event viewer does not give any clues... no message whatsoever about the error. Any ideas?