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ThC 129

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Everything posted by ThC 129

  1. ThC 129

    SMP problems

    8) You never change a Major system component without a reformat. If you change your mobo or processor you should AWLAYS reformat.
  2. ThC 129

    What are the best Detonators for a TNT2?

    you can get all of the released nvidia drivers from www.m3dzone.com
  3. ThC 129

    Hollywood Magic Office XP fix

    you i wouldve agreed with you too SHS i couldve sworn that was a Live! problem. Sapiens26 please make sure you report this problem to SigmaDesigns and your fix maybe they can fix it in the next revision of drivers.
  4. ThC 129

    Conexant USB Modem

    i would say to copy your TCPip.sys from Advanced Server into 2k. If that doesnt work then it is the USB drivers. My friend had a USB cd-burner and it worked like crap until i took it out of the external box and made it internal.
  5. ThC 129

    Sound Blaster Live! Value Digital problem in NT5...

    4 things either A. Buy a new soundcard since CL wont release a decent driver version B. Adjust your PCI latency so that it doesnt get as much power C. Try fooling with the acceleration features D. use the default NT 5 WDM drivers these won't give you EAX support but hey its better than the popping and cracking. IMO "A" is the best solution. I ditched my SB Live! for a SantaCruz and i threw my live! in my friends box the other day and i couldnt believe how bad it sounded i mean i had been using W2k since before it was RTM'd and i always used the LW3hack before LW 3 was released and i never noticed just how bad it sounded until i got my SantaCruz.
  6. ThC 129

    need help for double boot

    umm dude, FAT 32 isnt even close to being better than NTFS 5 or 5.1, but if he is running 9x and doesnt have a copy of NTFS for 9x then you need to use FAT32 if you want to be able to access both partions from both OSes then use FAT
  7. ThC 129

    games seem choppy, any suggestions?

    also look into getting the VIA patch and the AMD patch for windows 2k. You can probably get them from M$ or the hardware vendors site
  8. ThC 129

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    see on my lower end system PIII450@504/256ram whistler runs better than 2k does at least it seems faster. When i get my T-bird 1.33/266 this week i probably wont notice the difference in boot times and things like that but, the thing i like the most about Whistler besides the UI is some of the power features they have put in like integrated burning, and how you have the option to show icon's in groups (like all your .txt files in a group your .bat files in a another or sort by name,date, ect), and Driver rollback is nice too. As for USB 2.0 support I agree with the point in not supporting it because as of right now it isnt finalised or really that standardised so no reason putting in support for something they might have to totally revamp later. I do have to admit that since i started using Whistler that 2k has become better but i just like the way whistler works there is so much stuff in it that i find to help me get to places easier or do things easier. Im a power user that likes the ability to do things easier and deploy things easier that way it makes my job easier. Even though the UI looks childish don't let XP fool you it is VERY powerful its just made so that instead of taking 5 steps to do things it takes 2 or 3. I urge anyone that can to get a copy of XP and try it out, at worst if you dont like it you can kill it off.
  9. ThC 129

    NT, 2000, 2000Pro, Whistler! What's what?

    yeah i fully understand the differences between the kernals. I like the 9x analogy hehe, its pretty much true, that you get a lot more GPFs (general protection faults) in 9x because of the fact that each program doesnt get its own seperate memory space to run in and that the kernal in 9x doesnt get its own protected memory space so when Billy the ICQ program throws sand in Sally the IE program's eyes she goes screaming around the 9x playground bumping into everything and disrupting as many process as she can in her death throwes. Where in 2k if Billy is being disruptive the 2k kernal just says 'Get The Hell out of here!!' and throws him out of the circle and everything else gets along fine.
  10. ThC 129

    Me beats Win2k in 3dmark

    yeah its always the night before you have a paper due that your HD crashes or the day your going to a LAN party your vid card dies, Or when you cant even press the show desktop item in your quicklaunch bar without explorer crashing (oh wait sorry that last one was just me *****ing to myself about this POS box here at school with Win98 on it). Yeah its always the important times when stuff breaks. ;(
  11. ThC 129

    XP Validation

    good point i never looked at it that way, and seeing as most users will use it legally (IE no cracked version), that could very well happen or at least make it happen. I never liked activation to begin with but with the point you made makes me really hate it now.
  12. ThC 129

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    Oh no I didnt mean you did. I even put in parenthasis that I didnt mean it like you did, just some people not you but a lot of people do come across as just saying that as for furnishing you a copy ICQ me or e-mail me and i will see what i can do for ya.
  13. ThC 129

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    Ive been using XP since the 1st pre-beta build came out and I have never had a better computing experience. And to call me a "dumb home user" (not saying you did but most people put XP users in this catagory) is wrong, Ive been using Computers since DOS 6.2 and Windows 3.1, and currently am seeking a degree in MIS and run my own computer bizz on the side. That being said I find that XP is by far the best windows to date, I have never found a better OS to use and has all the multimedia enchancments XP has. As for it being 'dumbed down' XP is very powerful you just need to look beyond the surface, features like IIS 6, IE 6, improved application compatablity, driver rollback, easier to upgrade drivers and things like that. As for activation that is g*y. Otherwise i find it to be the best windows yet.
  14. ThC 129

    New SBLIVE drivers...

    yeah if you have an AWARD BIOS, then go to PCI and Power Properties i think it is. And it should be in there, if its not in there its going to be in Chipset properties. I dont know what to change the latency to probably down i would think but this is going to effect all PCI devices, I know the default is 32 or something to that effect so change it down to something lower than that i cant give you an exact number because i havent heard of anything other than that. Make sure you look in your Mobo manual about the PCI latency, Frontside bus and Freq Multiplier because if your latency is too high you can fry your cards.
  15. ThC 129

    New SBLIVE drivers...

    PCI latency is the factor. Since the newer CPUs use more power the PCI bus isnt getting the power the Live! needs this is what causes the popping/cracking/whatnot. Ive heard that adjusting the PCI latency helps some but Im not sure you can try and see. That is one of the reasons I ditched my Live! card is because of crap drivers and the amount of power it hogs on the PCI bus. I got a SantaCruz now and I like it a lot more than my Live!
  16. ThC 129

    Me beats Win2k in 3dmark

    Joosman that sig is disgusting BUT i didnt come here to say stuff about peoples sigs. Ive seen MANY 3dmark 2k and 3dmark 2k1 benchmarks and in 3dM2k Win2k always comes out lagging behind ME, but in 3dmark 2k1 they show up pretty evenly. Also the drivers you are using on both systems are VERY old, the 6.50 and 6.18's were distributed before Nov of 2k. I suggest you get the 12's or if you want WHQL certified then the 7.58's are good though i like the 12's the best because they have support for GF 3 and the new GeForce 2 MX cards which mean they are more stable (hopefully sometimes they arent) and have better optimizations for CPU instruction sets and stuff like that. But they are stable for some people un for others thus the reason they arent WHQL. Either way i would rather just keep an install of 2k on my system (XP in my case but still) and play the games using a HIGH priority setting on 2k rather than the normal on ME. Besides a difference isnt that noticable unless you have a Radon then there is a big drop because ATIs drivers are the bottom of the barrel.
  17. ThC 129

    NT, 2000, 2000Pro, Whistler! What's what?

    yeah im using Win98SE on a machine here at school and have already had 2 lockups in the course of an hour. Looks like i will have to format and put SE back on again for the 3rd or 4th time in like 3 months. That is whats nice about 2k, you can load it up with a bunch of crap (most of the programs on this machine are from a bunch of diff people using it and putting their crap on) and when a program f's up in 2k you can just open taskmanager and kill them. In 98 its pretty much pressing cntrl-alt-del and trying to kill the process not being able to getting a BSOD and then rebooting losing the crap you were working on.
  18. ThC 129

    Oh my God, they killed Napster - you bastards

    Yeah Gatecrasher always puts out some great mixes. Another good series is the Trance Nation series by Ministry Of Sound, or DJ Tiesto's Magik series is another good one. The of course you can start getting into live DJs and thats a different story...
  19. Just wondering if 2k is finally up to spec to 9x in terms of FPS and 3dmarks, ive heard it is not but i would like to see just by how much. Anyone know where some links to comparasions are?? Not like im going back to a 9x OS after using whistler this long i just couldnt.
  20. ThC 129

    Oh my God, they killed Napster - you bastards

    If you think all techno is just mindless beats with no lyrics and repeatative crap then you havent listened to good Trance/Jungle/House/ect... most of the most popular DJs in the world spin music with a lot of lyrics and a lot of ambience with great highs and lows. Most american Techno is nothing but pure crap. If the attraction of Dance music wasnt there then most of Europe would not listen to it. From the UK to Germany to Denmark they have HUGE festivals drawing over thousands of people devoted to dance music. Look at it this way if all I listened to for rock was oh say i dont know some god awful band or 2 and I was just like rock music sucks, its nothing but off key vocalists and drummers that can't keep a beat mixed with a guitars and bass lines that can't keep a harmonic rhythm then wouldnt you say that is biast if i only listened to a small fraction of the music out there and judged by that?? So before you go saying that "techno" music sucks be familiar with the whole scope of the genra before ***|u|m(e)ing things. In the end you are entitled to your own opinion anyway.
  21. ThC 129

    Lazy Game Programmers.

    yeah that way they dont have to miss a deadline because there isnt one LOL
  22. ThC 129

    Beta 2 and Nero 5.5

    Nero 5.5 is out?? I didnt seem to find it on the Ahead site for download.
  23. ThC 129

    Whistler-Still no CDRWs,no IPX/SPX

    if the CDs were written with DirectCD you need to get the latest UDF reader from Roxio (http://www.roxio.com) and then it will show the files on the CD. I had the same problem with CDs i burned using DirectCD 5. If you want e-mail or ICQ me and i can send you a copy of a UDF reader that will work in whistler.
  24. ThC 129

    Does Madden 2001 Run In Windows XP?

    you cna check the app compatability kit in whistler but other than that i dont think it will run because EA sports is a bunch of c*** lickers
  25. ThC 129

    Autconnect to the Internet/ADSL on startup?

    you could try a script to do that for you. Just check the help files and see if its in there on how to. It shouldnt be that hard to do but then again i havent tried it so i dont know. I recently got and now am ditching ADSL because bellsouth is probably going to try and charge me $$$ to upgrade the lines in my house, so im going back to cable. No PPPoE all i need to do is logon to my box and im connected.