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ThC 129

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Everything posted by ThC 129

  1. IMO that is still not an excuse for them not to have drivers for it, i mean people use this for business too and to not have drivers after an OS has been out for a year and already has a service pack for it is just plain crap. You should put a petition together of all the people that want drivers developed faster than just being 'planned on' and send it to them and see if they respond. If not i would just tell everyone to tell everyone they know not to buy their products. /end rant
  2. ThC 129

    ASUS V7700 vs ASUS P3V4X

    are you running the VIA patch on 2k? Also i know this is w*rez but look for a copy of Win2k SP2 if you can find it and try that.
  3. ThC 129

    Lazy Game Programmers.

    yeah they posted a date for DNF 'When its done' is what they are saying and havent changed it yet.
  4. ThC 129

    Lazy Game Programmers.

    if you want to start talking about games that have taken forever to come out i can name one right now. Duke Nukem Forever. This game went from being on the Quake 2 engine to being on the Unreal engine and has been in development for how long now sheesh ever since Quake 2 came out. Of course though sometimes people get too overinvolved with FPS and ping times too even enjoy the game. That is one of the reasons i don't play CS much anymore is because most of the people playing are so concerned about FPS and ping times that they have GF 2 GTS+ (plus as in gf2 ultra,ect) and have to have the low pings just so they can get the 20 kills a level or whatever and arent concerned about having a good time playing with their friends. Also i know nobody means to insult anyone here so I dont take offense to what people say, i just remember that people like to defend their cause one way or another so their replies might come across as harsh (this isnt directed toward anyone so please dont take it that way) but just take what people say and listen to em and keep the topic going.
  5. ThC 129

    Oh my God, they killed Napster - you bastards

    i dont like napster because half the music i get off it is from people that just want people to leech their files and dont bother naming the files right (i listen to Techno music and i listen to mostly live sets) so i waste my time downloading a file that isnt even right. The thing i like about napster is that it is a scapegoat for RIAA so the people that use IRC don't have to worry about RIAA trying to shut our chans down. Dont get me wrong im not against file sharing i just dont like napster because i find it to be too dumbed down and buggy. So ive used and will continue to use IRC. But if you like napster i suggest winMX much like napster but it has resume and will connect to Npaster plus other networks at the same time allowing you to search more networks.
  6. ThC 129

    Anyone try the 12.00 DET drivers?

    check the GeForce FAQ or the control alt delete. http://www.geforcefaq.com or http://www.the-cad.com Im using det 12's and they work better in XP than the 11.01's because they have working power support and they play media files without rebooting.
  7. ThC 129

    Detonator Driver Update Procedure

    the problem that you are explaining is due to a bad .inf file or that it is looking for the disks of the files. Also it has been mentioned that most of the time if you skip that file and just go on it should still work.
  8. ThC 129

    Where is a good online place to play

    i would say mplayer.com but they are owned by gamespy now too. What games are you playing??
  9. ThC 129

    Lazy Game Programmers.

    i think everyone has a good point. Yes game programmers can improve the poly counts on the engines some (someone mentioned the need not to draw the WHOLE truck 10 miles away) and yes it is a ***** to program (i dont program games but ive worked on Total Conversion mods for many in the coding end, but that is much different because i didnt do any API programming). So you see it is important to support older hardware but sometimes this older hardware just doesnt have the memory bandwith to support the high-res textures and the high poly counts. The problem really doesnt lie with the games much more the limits of the video cards the game is played on. This gets into the theory of overdrawing surfaces which is what you see when you get into complex engines such as Tribes 2, look at all the space on those external levels then think about how much the objects you dont see are drawn this will effect memory bandwith, and brings me into the Kyro II chipset. Im not going into detail but in theory and on paper this looks to be the best value gamers card because of the fact that its cheap and produces the same framerates as a GF2 GTS or Pro for a lot less money, and it does this by removing the surfaces you dont see saving the memory bandwith. So in the end you can only tweak a game engine so much but it all comes down to rendering and memory bandwith in the card.
  10. ThC 129

    Oh my God, they killed Napster - you bastards

    aww man i was about to do a jig and the happy dance because that retarded program is finally dead.
  11. ThC 129

    Duallie owners in here: Proggie to set affinity

    it sets the affinity level of the processor like he said. So you right click on the program and select one or two processors or which processor to use it on. It just eliminates going into the task manager and doing it from there.
  12. ThC 129

    Problems with BufferOver Flow error.

    not much help but i do remember hearing that photoshop and win2k dont get along. You said you have the latest patches for both Win2k (including app compat updates) and photoshop? I would look around the adobe site some and see what i cant dig up there either.
  13. ThC 129

    What do I need to do to overclock Geforce 2 mx?

    get nvmax from www.nvmax.com that will do it for ya.
  14. ThC 129

    Making a bootable cd for W2K

    you need to get the boot.bin files explained in the FAQ then do it that way.
  15. ThC 129

    Whistler Registration

    if your copy is legit then you have no reason not to activate it. If its not then well i cant help you there because we dont tolerate w.arez on here.
  16. ThC 129

    Windows XP limits mp3?!?!

    the point is that windows has had the limited FHG codec in it so hes right on that part. Wheater or not WMP has encode/decode support in it is of no concern to me because well WMP sucks the big one and always has.
  17. ThC 129

    NEWBIE so dont kill me :) Win2K and games ?

    http://www.ntcompatible.com/article1.shtml that will help some but there isnt really any 'trick' to get games to run good just have the latest drivers and patches and stuff.
  18. ThC 129

    Unreal Tournament and nothin but GPF's, please help

    I dont recommend to my customers anything other than ABIT or ASUS boards. I would wait until some better DDR chipsets come out too.
  19. ThC 129

    Lazy Game Programmers.

    most of these CANT be reached without the massive game engines they use. A perfect example is Tribes 2, this game would run worse than **** on your system because of the massive requirements used by it. Could Dynamix made the engine less intensive yes they couldve, but if they did you wouldnt be able to have such expansive enviornments the SUPER FINE detail the vehicles and the bases and the items have. There is NO WAY that such games as this, or upcoming titles like Doom 3 could even come close to achieving graphics levels or details like they have without massive engines or hihg polygon counts. Face it a TNT2 is a 3rd generation video card and a K6-III 450 just doesnt have the power to hold its own now. I have a PII400 and a Geforce 2 MX and I know there isnt much i can do to make it better besides upgrading my mobo and processor. So im getting a Athlon 1.33/266 and new motherboard so i can play these games that demand the power of systems like that.
  20. ThC 129

    Sry, but where can I download Whistler beta?

    i heard herehas a fast mirror up
  21. ThC 129

    The Nvidia Quadro2 Pro

    it is possible to mod your GF2 into a quadro, look around for the articles on it.
  22. ThC 129

    GEFORCE 3 WHEN!!!!!!

    if i had the means i would get a GF3 even though its way ahead of its time i would love to see the HRAA of this card. I would not pay the money for a P4 though since 1. the whole architecture of the processor is going to change and 2. RDRAM ughhh no thank you
  23. ThC 129

    Norton Ghost

    if you can get ahold of drive image 4 pro it will let you image your drives to CD-R/W
  24. ThC 129

    Live! cards vs Santacruz

    i have no problems with my SC in winXP. The only problem ive seen is that Tribes 2 won't enable 3d sound but i figure that is because Win XP is a beta OS.
  25. ThC 129

    More uninstall options

    for those people that do not already know this tweak you can uninstall a lot of **** by editing your sysoc.inf and changing the things that say HIDE to nothing so if its like blahblah,HIDE,blahblah just change it to blahblah,,blahblah I do this and it is nice because i get rid of crap like msn explorer messanger all the games, indexing service and stuff like that.