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ThC 129

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Everything posted by ThC 129

  1. ThC 129

    formating CD-RW's with DirectCD

    make sure you have the latest UDF reader installed you can get it at www.roxio.com I had a similar problem with some CDs i burned using DCD 5 and they wouldnt read under win xp until i updated my UDF layer to the latest version.
  2. ThC 129

    Att: All Nv GTS owners using windowsXP!!!!!!!!!!

    the only way to change the refresh rate is to change it manually in the registry or to have a copy of the nvrefresh settings from 2k available in a .reg file.
  3. no Windows 2000 will not be dropped from support bases because windows XP is based upon the same technology as 2k is so therefore all 2k drivers well not all but most 2k drivers work in XP.
  4. ThC 129

    XP themes??

    the latest leaked is 2446. And no there arent any themes available yet besides the defualt ones. Once the OS goes RC and stardock releases that nifty program for XP you will see more.
  5. ThC 129

    OfficeXP RTM'd

    yeah i agree the releasing group did do a poo poo job they tar'd them then zipped them then ACE'd them. Hello?? We still living in the modem days or is there a such thing as broadband and ISO distrobution...sigh kids today they never learn.
  6. ThC 129

    Anyone get Umax1220P Scanner working with XP?

    DONT MENTION THAT NAME IN THIS FORUM GRRR. Umax is the absolute biggest POS company i have ever seen. I had to replace 2 PSUs and motherboards in client's boxes that were on UMAX boards. As for the scanner if NT4 or Win2k drivers don't work try 9x drivers if those don't work then your SOL.
  7. ThC 129

    Zone Alarm and XP?

    well on everything i used minus the post beta-1 builds it didnt work. Thx for the info i will throw BID back on later =)
  8. ThC 129

    Att: All Nv GTS owners using windowsXP!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks for the info man. I will throw the 10.xx dets on my system once i get 2446 on =)
  9. ThC 129

    NT compatible WebCamera

    as for the 1st question im not sure 2nd question: NT4 has little if any support for USB and any support for it is going to be crap. 3rd: PnP in NT4 is like plug and pray sometimes it might be detected if your lucky but i doubt it.
  10. lol, this is funny. I run XP and ME (only to play Tiger Woods 2k1 the ONLY thing i run ME for f*cking EA) and I find XP to be a shi*ton faster than ME and a LOT faster than 2k. Not to mention the better D3d and OpenGL support 2446 has but since you aren't beta testers just w*rez fags that do nothing but get OSes to play around with them so you can make movies of your friend whacking off instead of testing the OS for compatibility issues, looking for bugs, and other things BETA TESTERS are supposed to do not sit here and whine about how this OS isnt as good as that one when you got the f-in thing for free anyway.
  11. ThC 129

    Auto-Run !

    right click on the CD-rom and hit properties this will bring up the autorun dialog. Or use TweakUI.
  12. ThC 129

    Zone Alarm and XP?

    oh i havent tried that. Ive only tried BID and ZoneAlarm. So i guess I was wrong @Gaurd works fine with XP.
  13. i run 2428 and am in the process of an update to 2446 the only problem i have with 2428 is the lack of complete if any java functionality in it and thats about it no real major complaints about the OS at all a few complaints about not having everything work but this is a beta OS.
  14. ThC 129

    Zone Alarm and XP?

    no firewalls will work with XP at this moment unless it is the one built in to whistler.
  15. ThC 129

    Will XP replace 2000?

    i ran personal 2256 a long time ago there wasnt a difference between the builds at the time minus SMP support.
  16. ThC 129

    Rainbow Six?

    rogue spear is faster than r6 from what ive played of it. Its also A LOT easier to tell your team mates from the enemies in multiplayer. When i played R6 it looked just like 4 green guys and i couldnt tell who was who.
  17. it runs good on 128 but i would recommend more than that i would say at least 256 to optimize performance. Hell might as well buy RAM now while it is cheap.
  18. ThC 129

    I need a driver restoration program:

    you can get a program to ghost your HDs that way you have an image of your drive in case it screws up
  19. ThC 129

    Best CD-Ripper for 2k??

    the best thing for ripping CDs is Winamp. It will rip them to wave but if you want the best encoding then use winamp to rip to wave or use musicmatch jukebox to encode this link will show you just how bad some programs are at ripping Mp3s. http://privatewww.es***.ac.uk/~djmrob/mp3decoders/ the 3 letters bleeped after the es are S E X
  20. ThC 129

    need aspi manager for whistler

    trying to find working links to ASPI managers is like looking for zeraw sometimes i mean you can't even download one off of roxio/adaptec's site.
  21. ThC 129

    Windows xp desltop please help!!!

    this cant be done in 2428 give it a rest christ and is it that annoying to see the small white print in the bottom of the screen i find it cool actually because then people look at that and say 'cool'.
  22. ThC 129

    winxp 2428 bug

    no its not a tactic to stop from listening to pirated music. It is probably a driver issue or something...i listen to winamp and leave it running 24/7 not playing media all that time but i have never seen this problem you describe.
  23. ThC 129

    MSconfig in xp

    its in the HKLM section im pretty sure. I was gonna post this same problem a few days ago when i tried out msconfig then i remembered to check the registry
  24. ThC 129

    Yellow Lines everywhere with Leadtek Geforce

    yeah i had this same problem when i was overclocking my GF2 MX, it would be stable for a while then yellow lines would pop up everyplace. I solved it by putting the card back to specs but i dont know if overclocking it your problem since you didnt say the card was overclocked.
  25. ThC 129

    Problems with Soundblaster Live Platinum 5.1

    you have the latest BIOS right i read something to the effect that the promise controller was having IRQ problems with one of the PCI slots.