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ThC 129

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Everything posted by ThC 129

  1. ThC 129

    Please help me with starsiege tribes and w2k!!

    try that or try looking at different v3 drivers. Other than the simple explination of it being a driver problem there isnt much else i can help with.
  2. ThC 129

    What would happen if I replace my shell32.dll?

    im not 100% sure on this but i dont think you can because of different API calls in the dlls. Hell if you want to try though e-mail me and i will send you my shell32.dll
  3. ThC 129

    Will XP replace 2000?

    the codenames whistler and blackcomb are named after the 2 ski resorts outside of seattle washington.
  4. ThC 129

    Whistler Beta lets MS technician connect

    the point is that it is a beta OS and they have full rights to do that since it is not a full release software certain privacy issues don't take effect here.
  5. ThC 129

    Why wast your money

    yeah i dont understand these people that have to have the latest and greatest HW. Like the people that rushed out and got a P4 when it has been published everyplace that if you buy a p4 now you are pretty much f-ed in the long run because of how they are redisgning the chip and the chipset. Why did they get the P4?? Well either because it said Pentium or because its the latest and greatest. I mean who would want to buy a chip based on a slower ram architecture not to mention one that is about 5x as much as DIMM RAM, and when that chip won't work on any motherboards but the current P4 boards. Which are crap.
  6. ThC 129

    EZ CD 5 Platnum

    yeah i tried that it didnt work. Just starts the installer then just dies
  7. ThC 129

    should i conver to NTFS?

    lol deadcats your right there is no cents sign =) its only an ascii character. We need to e-mail ISO and tell them to put a cents key on our keyboards
  8. ThC 129

    Not detecting hard drive

    umm brain fart...oh now i remember. When win2k setup loads and it asks to press f6 for any SCSI or raid cards press that and make sure you have w2k drivers on a floppy and point the setup to that and you should be golden
  9. ThC 129

    Please help me with starsiege tribes and w2k!!

    sounds like a problem with the glide drivers to me. Tribes work(s)(ed) fine for me in 2k so the problem lies with your glide drivers for your V3 not the game itself. Ive played it using a V2 and a GF 2 MX so i know it isnt the game.
  10. ThC 129

    SP2? This year???

    Sp2 is in RC now so it should be out within the next week or 2. No later than the end of the month i anticipate.
  11. ThC 129

    Lost my icons

    yeah ive heard of a similar problem with people getting only 16-bit color icons. This might be a way to fix the problem but make sure you backup your explorer.exe before doing this. Search this forum for a hack to get icons to display in 32 bit color and that might help your problem.
  12. ThC 129

    Will XP replace 2000?

    XP is directed more at a home user and a business that hasnt upgraded to 2k yet atmosphere. It has been said XP is just a minor upgrade to 2k where blackcomb will be major. So unless a business is running nt4 servers and workstations the reason for upgrading to XP is negligable.
  13. ThC 129

    EZ CD 5 Platnum

    no im working on it, i might get a copy of installshield and make my own installer =)
  14. ThC 129

    My ideas for XP

    As for removing any program you want it is able to be done you just have to change a file around some. you take sysoc.inf and you edit it so that anything that says hide is delete so if it looks like this Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2"> AccessUtil=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,accessor.inf,HIDE,7 </font> Change it to this Quote: <font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2"> AccessUtil=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,accessor.inf,,7 </font>
  15. ThC 129

    2428 & 3Dfx Voodoo 2 1000

    yeah whistler will install the drivers but then the card won't initialise or anything. At least the last time i had my v2 in my box that is what happened.
  16. i never said it was as fast as 9x games IN THE CURRENT STATE, not only will it be faster by time the OS is released but it will be better. I dont care one way or another if you use XP or not Im just saying that due to many current limitations with the current 9x architecture you will only end up hurting yourself running 9x. Also I completely agree with jdulmage your EULA is valid for only your workstation and 1 other box usually a laptop. Do people abuse this yes, is this a gay tactic to get more money sure as hell it is but one way or another i will find a crack for it and continue to use XP until Blackcomb comes out then i will use that. XP is a lot faster than 2k and once it is more refined it will only be better. Bottom line is if you don't like it don't use it and quit *****ing.
  17. The .net approach MS and many other companies are looking at right now is in very infant stages and wouldnt be a viable option in the next 2-5 years. As for everyone being on the internet yes in order for the world to communicate effectively you must have some broad means of communication that is effective and reliable thus the internet. As for 9x/ME always being faster than an NT OS that is pure crap because 9x is based on an OLD 16-bit architecture that was obsolete over 3 years ago. As for not being able to select what components you want to install that is because the install program right now is much like NT and it is expected to be run script based without any user input so you know what is going on the OS and don't have programs like movie maker and WMP7 installed. As for benchmarks and speed why are you benchmarking a beta OS?? Not even an RC OS nonetheless but a beta one with drivers written for windows 2000 on it. In my opinion WindowsXP and the whole NT line are like the Pro's and Windows 98/ME are like the Single or Double A farm team. Im not an avid gameplayer because i dont have the cash to get a GF2 ultra and a Pentium 3 800 @ whatever you overclock it to. But from what games ive played i notice no difference from when i was using 2k or 9x minus a few quirks with playing a game built for a different os they run fine.
  18. ThC 129

    ECDC 5 vs. ECDC 4.03a ?

    yes no yes
  19. ThC 129

    Intellimouse explorer weird problem

    yeah it is usually due to lack of cleaning, even though intellieye mice really dont have to be cleaned they should still be cleaned once and a while. Also try screwing with the pointer accelration options in it too.
  20. ThC 129

    Need some advice on a system

    i recommend looking at [H]ardOCP for motherboards they recommend since they are the kings of overclocking. IMO I will only buy motherboards from ASUS and ABIT because they have the best features and i have never had a problem with their stability.
  21. ThC 129

    Curious if windows XP will be worth to upgrade to

    it has been mentioned several times that this activation is meant to deture casual copying of software so businesses wont just install one copy over a network and you wont get johhny sharing it with the whole neighborhood. As for the w*arez side of this it is already known and half admitted that there will be cracks and hacks and they can't stop it.
  22. ThC 129

    Windows 2428 call home

    honehome == For those who are worried about the information sent to Microsoft from Whistler, try this... regsvr32.exe -u <drive>:\<windowsinstalldirectory>\system32\regwizc.dll
  23. After reading some of the articles on the GF 3 it seems to be by all standards the jump in video architecture that win95 was to operating system architecture. So what do you the forum readers have to say?? God's Send or Just another piece of crap to get for $400
  24. ThC 129

    Winoncd 3.8 and EZ creator 5

    I think i still might have one for EZCD 5 i will look for it when i get home.
  25. I have a PII 400 and 256 megs of RAM. I find whistler to be the best operating system ive ever used. Why simply put it has everything i want in an OS Speed, Stability, Compatiability, Easy Administration. It is the perfect Workstation Operating system. It is designed to help the average user learn how to manipulate the things they want (screen size desktop ect) without trashing their OS. It is also made so people can find things easier and is designed to have a tighter multi-media integration from MediaPlayer to Built in CD Burning. Yes whistler is not going to run on systems with 128megs or less of RAM because of the intense GUI and multimedia requirements, all that based on top of the NT Architecture won't make it run very smooth unless you have a midrange to high end box. As for gaming whistler is designed for it with DX 8 integrated into it and games like FreeCell and Minesweeper and Spades in it where do you get off saying it sucks for gaming! Hell I even scored a 1million in pinball last night When whistler comes out i will be jumping to get my hands on a copy IIS 6, IE 6 Mediaplayer 8, built in CD-R Burning, Skinable, Speedier than 2k. IMO I find whistler to be a very good step in the right direction of a more internet and multimedia integrated OS.