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ThC 129

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Everything posted by ThC 129

  1. ThC 129

    MS CD Player

    I use a CD player called CD valet its super small and fits in the tray menu and you can access all it funcionts just by clicking it. Plus it has submit support.
  2. ThC 129

    ICQ 99b and DSL not working.. plz help!

    there could be a lot of reasons but the problem is that you didnt give us any info on your system like the network card, the windows build number the hardware that is/isnt detected. Repost with some system info and I will see if I can poll my resources and find an answer. Also try #ntcompatible on the undernet irc network
  3. ThC 129

    Install liveware and 4 speakers on Live! ?

    I have a 6 speaker setup, and all 6 work fine with live!ware installed. Plus I get the use of the mixer to adjust my treble and bass settings. Though if you dont follow the instructions to the letter then you probably wont get it to work.
  4. ThC 129

    No "Force" with MS FF Wheel, PLEASE HELP !

    I heard that you cant get ForceFeedback until new drivers for the devices comes out. Im not sure on that I just remebered hearing it someplace though.
  5. ThC 129

    Disable Auto insert notification in Win2k?

    I dont recommend taking Auto-Instert notification off. If you want to you have to goto the drive properties in the device manager and take it off. A lot of apps and things use it so thats why I said not to take it off.
  6. ThC 129

    CpuIdle results!!!!

    Yah Ive seen a lot of people have the same results
  7. ThC 129

    MS IntelliMouse Explorer Software

    The search button is still there. I dont know why it is so small
  8. ThC 129

    My TNT Observations, Care to comment?

    I have had no problems with the 3.69 drivers at all
  9. ThC 129

    3.69 drivers doesn't VERY unstable.... :/

    They work fine for me
  10. I have 2195 and DX 7a came with mine..where did you get your copy from?! I dont know about the DX installation thing because I dont have any problems with sticking keys in mine
  11. ThC 129

    Boot two OS !!!!

    I dont know what file you can edit but you can make it so you dont have an OS choice screen. You can do this by going to My Computer RIght clicking on it then hit properties. Then hit the advanced tab and push the startup and recovery options the 1st thing is a list of OSes on you computer then a checkbox saying diplay list of OSes for xx seconds then just uncheck that checkbox and you wont get the message asking you which OS to choose
  12. ThC 129

    Aol Versions 4 & 5

    You can get the program off beta central on AOL. That is at least what Ive heard.
  13. ThC 129

    1. firewalls for NT5 2. Roger's/Shaw cable users

    I have blackice defender 1.96 and it works fine in WIn2K
  14. ThC 129

    Clean Dos boot??????

    You cant goto DOS in NT, you need an old dos system disk or a win98 CD then boot off the win98 CD into DOS
  15. Try to update the page file size
  16. ThC 129

    HP 8100i and Win2k Build 2195

    I have an 8100+ and it works fine in Win2K. I have had no problems burning anything besides CDRWin being retarded but thats something else. Just open up device manager and see if it lists the drive as an HP 8100 if it doesnt than thats your problem. To update your aspi layer get the new aspi drivers then run aspi32.exe and it will install them
  17. ThC 129


    Foxman you just made my day that much better with that CompUSA comment. I can guess we will be getting more posts in the following weeks once people start getting Win2K machines. Most people will be asking very easy to answer questions like how come when I press control alt delete I can close a program. I think we will also be hearing how come my system runs slower in Win2K than in 98. Oh great I wont even need to study for the MCSE test if I decide to take it after answering half the newbies' posts on here
  18. ThC 129

    creative dvd PLEASE HELP

    Yah most people try using the realmagic drivers, but I havent heard of installing NT4 drivers over those. I guess Im lucky because I bought a realmagic decoder card. I think that drivers will be coming out earlier than expected because of the earlier release of Windows 2K on PCs
  19. ThC 129

    ACPI under Win2k

    I dont recommend trying to enable ACPI manually because you can greatly screwup your computer
  20. ThC 129

    MS IntelliMouse Explorer Software

    Well know what is so cool about this forum...is the ability to search. This way you dont go and post a topic that was answered a long time ago. Your lucky Im in a good mood because I will tell you how. you goto the setup directory on the CD then type in setup -win2000
  21. ThC 129

    ** AGP enabled in 3.69 ** (Yeehah)

    I installed the driver and it still says PCI not agp when it lists the driver in device manager.
  22. ThC 129

    Anthony Toste ! You little @#!@!

    Some people say that the instructions from chameleons site are better. win2kbox.cjb.net
  23. Yah I think at least 96 or 128 megs is the amount you should use. If we all went by the specs MS has posted we wouldnt even be able to get the s**t to boot up.
  24. ThC 129

    #NTCompatible off to a good start

    Your channel sux..I dont know why anyone would go there. Hehe just kidding, it is a great resource for anyone using Win2K and we have been able to help users of this board and people that are on IRC alike. Even if you dont have a problem just stop in and say hi. Please dont ask us if we have build 2195.3 since it doesnt exist we wont have it.
  25. ThC 129

    install norton systemworks2000 in win2k

    Yah systemworks 2K is made for 9x. Plus the only utilities are better in Win2K for defragging and disk scanning.