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ThC 129

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Everything posted by ThC 129

  1. ThC 129

    MP3 Editing Question

    EAC can't create cue sheets when an image is already processed. You need to find a cue sheet for your album. What genre of music is it?? If it is dance you can find a good site here You might be able to make a sheet at that site too, as well as search the FreeDB to make one. Pretty much if you need a cue sheet that is the best place to go.
  2. ThC 129

    AGP Texture accleration broken again

    i think it has something to due with DX9, both times i put that program on my box it has crashed my AGP Texture accel. So it seems that DX9 or drivers still have a ways to come. LONG LIVE OPENGL!!!
  3. I have a FTP server installed with IIS, but for some reason the Site Administrators box is greyed out. Anyone know why i can't enable this??
  4. ThC 129

    How to slim down WinXP Pro?

    yes linux would be the best thing in your case. It is very easy to make a linux box that has a very slim install. The only thing is trying to find a DVD player for Linux that can do all that stuff. Im not very up to date on what kind of Players are out there for that operating system.
  5. ThC 129

    XP Restarting/Rebooting

    This is a tip for everyone Go to My Computer ---> Advanced ---> Start up and Recovery ---> In that tab uncheck the box that says Reboot Automatically Now that your computer wont reboot automatically when it crashes you can see what the cause of the problem is.
  6. ThC 129

    Splinter Cell PC Demo Released

    I was expecting this game to be another one of those "Hey its been hyped to hell and it sucks" Ala UT2k3 which is good but not great. But this game is THE BEST single player game i have ever played, everything down to the people and the sounds and environments are wonderful.
  7. ThC 129

    007 Nightfire won't start in XP

    could very well be =/. I had the wierdest problem, my system would not accept any drivers but the 42.01 WDM drivers i think they were in order to get AGP acceleration and have D3d work. So i got sick of the crap and formatted. My vid card is a GeForce 4 Ti4200 and as you said you have a ATI. Nightfire is built on the decrepit Half-Life engine as well so that is a problem in and of itself trying to run new hardware on an old engine. Why EA chose gearbox and that engine beats the hell out of me 8)
  8. ThC 129

    Game probs please help

    if it runs in ME then just run the game in compatability mode. Right click on the shortcut hit properties then select 95/98 compatability from the comptabiltiy tab.
  9. this seems to be a lose-lose situation. Most sites require the use of flash in some way, but at the same time leaving it enabled causes the said security hole.
  10. ThC 129

    Services in XP

    Follow this link, it is the Deviant PC - Ultimate guide to services. Pretty useful, though before you disable any service a system restore should be done. Quote: Also most of the default services don't pose a security risk as long as common sense is applied. That is not true, i would not call UPnP, and remote registry non-security risks. I know that I would love to have my registry remotely accessed by default. Most users don't even have a clue what services are let alone which ones do what. So performance might be an issue but security is more important to me than 5 extra FPS in Quake 3.
  11. ThC 129

    007 Nightfire won't start in XP

    sounds like your direct X installation or something along those lines are broken. I had something like this happen to me, the only way to fix it was to format.
  12. ThC 129

    Wierd Drive Image problem

    Ok... here is the deal. I extract files from Drive Image then they don't show up?!! I tried extracting to both my hard drives and they don't show up. Im not understanding this. It goes through the long ass process but nothing shows up?!??!? Anyone else have this problem or know what to do?
  13. i got some a few weeks ago made by IBM. They work fine on my retail card though. I don't remeber where i got them from.
  14. ThC 129

    Nvidia tweaking program of choice?

    riva tuner is my weapon of choice.
  15. ThC 129

    Disallowing Users from Installing Application

    1. it is not wise to let everyone use the admin account, because of the fact that they can change system settings and there isnt much you can do about it. 2. Make a limited account so that they can use the computer but cant install anything. That is the best way, im sure you can fool with policy settings and stuff but its easier to make a limited account.
  16. ThC 129

    Is SP3 for Win2k a must have? If so why?

    it is wise to install any service pack. Well most of the time, at least for an OS it is. Service packs are known to fix vunerabilities and bugs in the OS thus making it safer and more efficient.
  17. ThC 129

    odd IE problem

    I installed some programs lately and then uninstalled them. Now everytime i start IE, the process starts then it takes about 30-40 seconds for the window to come up. Anyone else experienced this or know how to fix this?? I had it happen before and had to reformat.
  18. ThC 129

    odd IE problem

    i dont know how but for some reason the problem fixed itself. I was in the process of moving files to format and then i opened up IE and it was fine. Anyway im happy i don't have to format.
  19. I got my hands on a beta of this a while back and now that the final is here i was wondering if anyone was using it and what they thought of it. I like the program very much it is a nice improvement on trillian, some of the plugins are useless, but others are very nice. I like the weather plugin very much. It elminiated the need for another program on my computer (weatherbug), all the regular trillian features are there as well. So I give the program 4/5 stars.
  20. the reason that AIM, and ICQ and MSN don't charge is because they are operated by conglomerates such as AOL and M$. ICQ was starting to go under but instead of charging for it AOL bought the company out. The reason it can't save contact lists to the server is because they don't own the servers that store contact lists, so its really a non-issue. I dont know what your talking about with AIM connectivity, ever since i started using 1.0 beta 1 or .73 for that matter no more AIM problems. The program does everything i need and more so i like it. One of the best.
  21. ThC 129

    Help: windows messenger removal

    edit your sysoc.inf it will be in c:\windows\inf\ anything that says HIDE change to nothing. Then you can go to add/remove programs and axe it out. Or you can kill the program folder in safe mode.
  22. ThC 129

    XP SP#1 Available now, how's it treating you?

    I love XP SP1. One of the best rollouts of a Service pack yet. No install problems at all. I have had a few problems with a few apps not working but that is the fault of the vendors not M$. Vendors need to test their apps on RC versions before people get all mad that their OS doesnt work anymore because of API problems. Otherwise good SP rollout smooth as silk.
  23. When i try to press the add/remove window components the following message comes up: Setup Library Desk.cpl or function DisplayOcSetupProc could not be found, contact your system administrator the specific error code is 0x3e6
  24. ThC 129

    Archivers: Which are your favorites, & why...

    Im in the same boat as Dosfreak. I like WinRAR but orignally started using Pkzip 2.04r and DOS rar. Now i will only use WinRAR it is the best program hands down.
  25. ThC 129

    All these WWII games??

    Ok, call me retarded but personally I don't like half of these WWII FPS games and what not. I mean they are good, but do we really need the massive assault of WWII games and mods that have been coming out. I like FPS games and strat games but Im more of a futuristic type of person, give me a game like Jedi Knight II, or Tribes 2 or UT, and hopefully some UT 2003. I think that many companies have seen the sucess of MOHAA and now think that they can come out with and WWII game and it will be an instant hit.