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Everything posted by MousePad

  1. It can't happen, yet. We still have to develop truly adaptive software routines. hmm. That's a scary thought. A Windows that evolves. - MousePad. [This message has been edited by MousePad (edited 17 December 1999).]
  2. MousePad

    2195 and 2195 retail

    Anyone stopped to consider that the build 2195 circulating around could legally be called piracy, as it is no longer a beta product? .. Just a random thought.. - Mousepad
  3. MousePad

    Let's face it

    Igor, Igor, you don't get it. No matter how idiot-proof any software is, there will ALWAYS be people calling TS with stupid questions. Besides, Win Millenium, while faster, will be just as crash-prone as good ol' 95, and 98. And it's not coming out for 6 months after Win2k, right? (can't remember..)I'll just stick to win2000. It has yet to actually crash on me. And everything I love to play runs and runs well.. - MousePad ------------------ Just once, I'd like to see an elementary particle physicist use *ZOT* when referring to accelerator operations. Is that too much to ask?
  4. Allright, Tribes may not have SMP support. I read somewhere that StarSiege does, and since Tribes uses the same engine, I figured it did, too. *shrug* Sorry. - Mousepad ------------------ Just once, I'd like to see an elementary particle physicist use *ZOT* when referring to accelerator operations. Is that too much to ask?
  5. Games that take full advantage of SMP.. Mmmm. Sweet. Probably appear on Linux before they appear on Win2k, tho.. :| I thought that Quake3 already had full SMP support.. I know starsiege and tribes have it.. Oooh. Dual Athlon 1Ghz chips and a GeForce DDR.. Running Quake3 or whatever is next, in full SMP mode. Now that the OS has come out of beta, does anyone know if the big companies are actually going to start releasing drivers for us to use? - Mousepad ------------------ Violence. If it bleeds, you can kill it.
  6. One, you can't always trust reviews. Two, they admitted they were using RC2, and the highest drivers you get for that are 3.56. 3.64 run really well for me, faster than 98. You just have to give it time. Like the man said, we just left beta for the OS, and non-beta optimized drivers have yet to be seen. And just think when SMP-capable drivers come out. - MousePad Violence. If it bleeds, you can kill it.
  7. But I rather need to know the answers.. I just got build 2194, I was running build 2128, and while 2194 is great, I still have one, overbearing, annoying problem. The DUN (dial-up networking) is screwed. Now, it dials in fine, runs fine, it all works, my modem is configured properly (it's a USR Courier V. Everything). The problem is with the MTU and all those settings. My ISP is set up to use the Windows defaults, and the tweaked numbers, which are what seem to be used, provide less than adequate functionality. Software which is supposed to be able to change that can't, and if someone could tell me where in the registry I put these changes, I would be most appreciative. Thanx..
  8. Yah, I have a triple-boot machine, 98/NT4/Win2k 2194, and I've noticed that Win98 was a little faster in a few d3d games than Win2k. I attributed it to immature drivers for Win2k.. Other games, though, in Glide and OpenGL, outstrip Win98 by a long shot. Most of the time win2k runs faster than NT, too, which is A Good Thing. So I'm betting that it's mostly the drivers need to be optimized for the new OS. Once that happens, we'll probably see Win2k running everything faster. Just gotta wait.. - MousePad You can run, but you'll just die tired.
  9. MousePad

    Not a hardware question, but..

    Is there something like NT's Disk Manager in Win2k RC2? I'm trying to examine/change my disk layout, don't feel like installing Partition Magic, and was wondering if MS bothered to keep the disk manager. Thanks..
  10. MousePad

    Not a hardware question, but..

    Ah, most excellent! My thanks.