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About ironman666

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  1. ironman666

    Starcraft crashing in XP

    I was thinking about that too. I have on board audio (AC'97), but its disabled (BIOS). Device Manager doesn't show any errors in the IRQ settings (i.e. no conflicts). I'll check some more settings.
  2. ironman666

    Starcraft crashing in XP

    Another thing, the error at the top of the BSOD says something like: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL hope that helps...
  3. ironman666

    Starcraft crashing in XP

    I have DX 9a and i think i have patch 1.07
  4. ironman666

    Starcraft crashing in XP

    Hey everyone. Whenever I play Starcraft online the game crashes during intense battles. The BSOD I get says that the file that crashes is QSoftAudio.sys. So that seems to be audio related. I have a Philips SonicEdge 605 sound card. I have the latest drivers installed. I've tried moving the card to various PCI slots and that didn't help. The only way I can play the game w/o crashing is by disabling the soundcard (from Device Manager of course). Does anyone know what else I could try? I have AC'97 audio integrated in the motherboard (it's disabled, btw), should I try that sound card instead? Any help will be appreciated.
  5. ironman666

    XP Pro versus 2003 Server

    I know that 2003 Server is obviously designed to be a server and XP Pro is obviously supposed to be a workstation. I just brought it up because of the guides that are out on the web, which made me think about the whole process. i wouldn't install DNS Server, DHCP Server, or any other "server-specific service" so those services wouldn't run (either they'd be disabled or not installed), so i know i can possibly have less services running by default (which is nice). The only other issue besides programs and games that may not work would be hardware (not sure if my soundcard is even supported by 2003). Anyways, I don't think i'd consider using Windows 2003 Server as a workstation...Thanks for the feedback.
  6. Hey everyone. don't know if this has been asked of (i'm guessing it has) but what would you guys consider to be better as a workstation: XP Pro or 2003 Server. I've read the guide to turn 2003 Server into a workstation and it seems easy enough understand. I like the fact it is somewhat tight and locked down (despite the changes that are required). another argument, which is semi-convincing for me, is that its the "latest & greatest" in terms of fixes and stability. but of course, with XP Pro i don't have to worry about what appz to get or which gamez would work (though the only game i've been playing is Starcraft). plus it has been working just fine for me, so its not like i NEED the alternative. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
  7. ironman666

    Blocking Popups...

    Kill Ad is that phattest popup killer. Its really tiny, free, and has a mode called "Terminator Mode" which kills every instance of IE. It is, of course, customizable too so you can have a "safe list". worth a look.
  8. ironman666

    Madden 2003 not starting up completely

    Hey everyone. Just bought Madden 2003. I installed the typical setup and tried to start the game. but after the EA Sports splash screen goes away and when RIGHT when the music begins i get kicked back into my desktop. anyone else go through this with Madden 2003? I have a GeForce 2 GTS so i don't think its my hardware. any suggestions would be great.
  9. ironman666

    Windows .Net Server ICF

    I didn't like ZoneAlarm. I didn't like the way it worked with my Win2k Server box. That's what prompted me to try ISA Server. It isn't bad, but in general I thought it was way to bloated for my use.
  10. ironman666

    Windows .Net Server ICF

    right now I am running an OpenBSD box as my gateway so if it turns out that .Net Server has crappy packet filtering then I won't fret because of my OpenBSD box. XP/.Net seems to have great support for PPPoE (which is what Verizon DSL uses unfortunately) and I was hoping that ICF would be improved too. If it is anything like XP's version then I would not consider that to be suitable even for my small LAN at home. But like I said before, if its good then I'd be up for trying it out, at the least.
  11. ironman666

    Windows .Net Server ICF

    Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone who has been testing the .Net server betas has noticed how well the built-in ICS/ICF work in .Net Server. I tried using Windows 2000 Server with ISA Server but that didn't work too well and IMO ISA Server is way too bloated. Have there been any improvements in ICF? Is it worth running just ICF or would a 3rd party program still be required with .Net Server? If it turns out that ICF is good under .Net Server than I wouldn't mind trying it on my LAN.
  12. ironman666

    Dynamic Disks

    that is true, but i only have 1 hard disk so i couldn't setup any sort of RAID configuration. but i'm definitely gonna keep my current config the way it is because dynamic disks seem much better than basic disks.
  13. ironman666

    Dynamic Disks

    hey guys. i installed windowsxp and i decided to turn my hard disk from basic to dynamic. i like the ability to mount/unmount stuff but i can't see an advantage of using dynamic disks. the fact that i can manage dynamic disks on the fly and don't have to worry about 3rd party progs like partition magic is nice but i don't see myself mounting/unmounting often. does anyone know of an advantage that dynamic disks have over basic that would prove its worth? based on what i've read dynamic disks are better suited for large storage and server environments.
  14. Hey guys, I have a weird problem that I hope to fix. I have a Sidewinder Game Pad (the basic model). Whenever I play Madden 2002 using the SGP the controller begins to act up. Basically what happens is the controller stops responding. Then when I hit ESC to quit the game the main menu keeps scrolling up as if I were pressing Up on the D-Pad. Whenever I check the controller in Control Panel it's Status is OK and then when I go to the properties of the Game Pad all the buttons/D-pad respond perfectly. I don't have this problem with ANY USB gamepad that i've tried (i have tested madden with a Game Pad Pro and a Gravis Pad, both were USB). This is the only game that I play using the Game Pad, so I'm not sure whether or not its Madden, WinXP Pro, or the Game Pad itself. If anyone has any ideas or can shed some light into this situation then that'd be great. Thanks in advance.
  15. ironman666

    watercolor theme

    hey everyone. i've read that some ppl were able to use the watercolor theme that was in place before LUNA. i'd like to know where to get the theme and how to install it. i have read that there is a way to install the watercolor theme using TGT Soft's Styles XP, but is there a way to set up that theme (or any other theme) w/o it? i've already tried windowblinds 3 and it wasn't as good as i thought it would be (IMHO). any advise would be great, thanks in advance.