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About rmeek

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  1. rmeek

    Need to know the very best....

    Just wait till games optimized for it and DX8 come out! The differences will be spectacular.
  2. rmeek

    Need to know the very best....

    Actually, your comparisons between performance with the Pent III and IV are not exactly correct. The latest benchmarks, on systems configured properly for each, which includes proper bus type and speed, shows quite a perfromance boost with the Pent IV, especially of course when apps are optimized for it and with Direct X 8. PC Labs, Intel, and Win 200 mag tests have confirmed this. Now the Xenon and Itaniums are a different story...being optimized for server use. What about the new Elsa Gladiac 920 3d card? I hear it's outperforming everybody, again especially under Direct X 8.
  3. rmeek

    Need to know the very best....

    I am building a new system for programming and game playing. It is an IBM Intellistation PIV at 1.7 Ghz with 512 mb ram running Windows 2000 Pro sp/2, but will be upgraded to Windows XP Pro as soon as it is offically released. The sytem comes with a Matrox Milleniun 2D board w/16 mb onboard memory. I want to add the very best and fastes 3d gaming card with the most onboard memory I can afford! TV in/out is not important, but I'll take it if that's the way the best comes. Please give me suggestions for the very best board compatible with my new system so that I can play the best games with the best 3d efects and speed! It can be PCI or AGP, whichever is best! Note: Cost is NOT a factor!
  4. rmeek

    new 3dfx drivers for Voodoo 3000

    I can't make heads or tails out of the new drivers listing here or on the 3dfx pages. Is there a new driver set for this card or is the original retail version still the newest. If there is a new one, can you tell me a filename so i can find the proper one? Thanx in advance!
  5. rmeek

    DVD on Win2000 final

    I have a Gateway GP7-500 that came with a CD-ROM that also plays DVD disks. Having never tried a DVD on it even under Win 98, I'm not sure how they work. Should it play DVD's automatically or does it require special software and/or drivers? Does it require anything special under Win2000?
  6. rmeek

    Can't find CD

    Under some games like Ubi-Soft's Grand Prix 2 I had it running fine under the Win2000 candidate releases because it was installed originally under Win98, but after a meltdown and having to re-install Win2000 I now get a can't find CD when I attempt to run it! I'm told there are some generic patches available to address this kind of problem but I know not where to get them for testing?
  7. rmeek

    Nascar 3

    It's been reported here that Nascar 3 works under Win2000, and it seems to except it will not recognize my Microsoft Precision Pro JoyStick. Although calibrated properly under the OS, it will not do so under the game?
  8. rmeek

    StarFleet Command on Win 2000

    The site says it's supposed to work, but all my keyboard does is beep at me when I click it!! Using RC2 with a Voodoo 3000 card.
  9. rmeek

    RTM code

    As a CPP member I ordered by phone the RTM Cd which is supposed to start shipping on the fourth. I was told Microsoft had changed it's mind and was now NOT charging for this code and they would not take my CC number! I haven't seen anything about this anywhere else so i'm a bit worried, and since my newsreader still won't work I haven't access to the groups where I can find out more. Also, I heard via NT mag that the RTM code will NOT load as an upgrade over 2128. Is this true? Hope not!
  10. rmeek

    Win2000 RC2 2128 sudden problem

    I'm not sure what I should rename...the directory "OutLook Express" ? I tried renameing it to "OutLook Express12" but that did no good. BTW, the only place I found the entire structure as you wrote it was under my user name. Under Administrator, which I always log on as, it only goes down as far as the directory with the long number. It contains no further directories or files. Under my user name however it listed all my usual haunts. Did I screw up somewhere? Thanx so much for your hwelp!
  11. rmeek

    OutLook Express

    I did a full reinstallation of Win 2000 but still the same old problem! And I tried to re-install from Office 2000 but it wouldn't allow me because it's an older version!!! Man am I getting mad! Also, in RC1 you could pull up the repair by booting from the CD, but now it doesn't seem to be available! Any other ideas?
  12. rmeek

    OutLook Express

    Does anyone know how to re-install OutLook Express under Win 2000 RC2? Suddenly it won't show up and I can't get to my newsgroups.
  13. rmeek

    Falcon IV with RC2

    Falcon IV is running great using the Direct setting except whenever I try to exit a game, not the app, I get a black screen. Going to Taskman, two things are running...Direct and Exclusive mode, both not responding. Turn them off and I get an error message that Set Exclusive Mode Failed. Does anyone know what this is and/or how to fix?
  14. rmeek

    Win2000 RC2 2128 sudden problem

    That dll is where it's supposed to be. Something I just found out is that though it doesn't show in taskman, it does show as a running process using 100% cpu. Stopping the process gets rid of splash scrren abd cpu down to 1%. I re-installed Win2000 with no luck and cannot find anyway to re-install outlook express or repair. There must be some way to fix this! If not is there a good/free 3rd party replacement?
  15. rmeek

    New Voodoo 3 drivers???

    I just downloaded a new driver set from Saldzer's site and what I extracted from the zip are three V3win2k files with the extensions: .roo, .ro1, and .rar. What are these and how do I use them? Also there is a zip package that will supposedly make a game think it's Win95 when installing to get past that error. 2 files, Imagecfg.exe and SetWin95.cmd are included, but no instructions on how to use them. Any help?