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About Steve

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  1. Steve

    Creative Encore 6x DVD Decoder??

    UPDATE: My decoder card (creative PC-DVD encore), SCSI card (Tekram DC-315U) adn USB controller are ALL sharing the same IRQ (10)!! Is this bad? I have plenty of other IRQs available, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to set the IRQ manually. HELP!
  2. Steve

    Win2k Profile Problems...

    OK, I just installed win2k professional (rc2, build 2128), and everything is working fine in the administrator account. The problem is my other accounts. I have an account setup for myself (lots of rights, just not enough to screw anyhting up should a friend get a little too nosey ) and one for my roommate (standard user rights). My roommate's account was added to the "Users" group by default, but my account isn't added to ANY group. Everytime I try to add myself to an account, I get an error message saying "The specified account name is already a member of the local group" and it doesn't change anything. It does this wether I try to change it in the "User" folder or the "Groups" folder. Any ideas on how I might get this working? Also, neither account has access to the internet. My roommate has standard user rights, but it says that he doesn't have sufficeient privelage to access the internet. What privelages do you ahve to have to access the net? Thanks!
  3. I have installed the beta Hollywood+ Win2k drivers like recommended on NTGamePalace and the installations appears to have worked. But now the problem is that when I try to install the software that comes with it, I get a an error saying that the setup util "cannot find the board." Is anyone succesfully running this setup in RC2? Any advice? Thanks! BTW -- I don't have any hardware conflicts or anything like that, so I don't think that that is the problem. [This message has been edited by Steve (edited 18 December 1999).]